Botter Speaks Out

You think they need to hire an amateur botter rofl? I promise you they have people who understand botting 100x better than this guy. He’s simply a script-kid.

Botting will always be a cat and mouse game, and one Blizzard will probably always lose… But the issue isn’t so much that they haven’t gone after botting technically, it’s their complete refusal to go after the source of their money, IE people buying gold. To the point they’ve now just admitted defeat and decided if you can’t beat em, join em.


It’s what many companies do to stop people who violate the rules. You also have ex jewel thieves who become security consultants. Same concept.

The script kids often have insights that the professionals lack.

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What OP posted.

I would take everything this dude says with a heap of salt. Not sure why everyone instantly buys into his credibility, but a lot of his points make no sense.


I was kinda going the same way. I skimmed his posts and didn’t see anything that looked wrong, but also nothing that made me confident he knew what he was talking about either.

It’s all a bunch of super vague or pretty commonly available “information.” “Yea, I use a VPN” etc…

Best solution is to reduce or eliminate the need of gold.

That’s not how any of this works.

All reducing the scale of gold sinks does is increase inflation. It doesn’t eliminate the need for gold. It’ll just make the cost of everything people DO buy and sell on the AH skyrocket, in addition to the cost of all services/Gkpd’s etc. What it won’t do is impact RMT botting at all.

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You didn’t read the whole thing and fired off a response. No one takes you seriously.

I mean it was like 30 lines… Sorry but I can do that in well under 20 minutes…

None of those are novel idea’s lol. You want to move to personal loot and do away with gold-sinks. They did literally that on retail… and there were still bots. And instead of buying gold, people just bought dungeon runs directly, and raiderio score, and pvp rating.

Then don’t reply. You literally replied w/o reading and look like a complete idiot, but that’s your prerogative.

They don’t need to be new, they need to be timed right. They implemented them when retail was already in motion to mitigate. This needs to be done at the start of a next fresh/som2 when the economy is starting.

Read the QA of the botter on reddit. You’ll see this is all about mitigating the need of gold by the player, not the selling of gold. This is a design philosophy shift that will reduce the behavior drastically. Sure there will always be some that do it by illegal means, that’s baked into every market.

IE… I did read it. Because it takes literate people 15 seconds to read 30 lines of forum ranting. I didn’t think I needed to spell that out but… here we are.

The point is… that’s impossible. Gold is a currency. Currencies are place-holders of value. As long as goods or services are exchanged, there will be a demand for gold.

Pump the brakes, ya narcissist, you straight up didn’t read it because your reply proved that, and then try and defend that you did read it and reply accordingly? hahah ok, I see you, nothing more to see.

So you’re not going to address the part about you not understanding that currencies are actually just a placeholder for value which makes your whole idea silly?

I mean… He could be. No ways to tell.
I’d still believe this guy over a blue post any days though.


You’ve already discredited yourself as a liar within 3 interactions. I’ll talk with other people and you can watch, but I’m not going to waste my time engaging with you.

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IE: You don’t want to engage with the point because you can’t.

About what I expected. Thanks for being predictable at the least.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Since this is a virtual economy, reduce the need for gold, create more of a barter economy, and you’ll have to police even fewer violations of the law.

Instead of buying items with gold, make it gold+quest chains with friends to achieve the same outcome. Gotta do this at the start of fresh/som2, otherwise you’ll be doing a hack job on wotlk and upsetting a lot of players.

Just be cautious of people like Bearhands who will blatantly lie and manipulate information that is accessible within the same thread. They’ll just steal your time and run conversation into the ground.

The statement is an interesting one. On the one hand, it is true that gold is a major motivator for botting and gold buying/selling. Bots are often used to farm gold, which can then be sold to players who do not want to spend the time to farm it themselves. Gold buying/selling can also be used to circumvent the game’s economy, which can give players an unfair advantage.

On the other hand, it is not clear that reducing or eliminating the need for gold would be enough to eliminate botting and gold buying/selling. Bots could still be used to farm other resources, such as materials or gear, which could then be sold to players. Gold buying/selling could also continue to occur through other means, such as through the use of real-world money.

Ultimately, I believe that reducing or eliminating the need for gold would be a good first step in combating botting and gold buying/selling in World of Warcraft is not a silver bullet, and other measures would also need to be taken to address the problem.

Here are some additional measures that could be taken to combat botting and gold buying/selling in World of Warcraft:

  • Improved detection and punishment of botters. Blizzard could improve its ability to detect and punish botters. This could involve using more sophisticated methods of detection, such as machine learning, and increasing the severity of punishments for botting.
  • Making it more difficult to buy and sell gold. Blizzard could make it more difficult to buy and sell gold. This could involve making it more difficult to transfer gold between accounts, and increasing the risk of being caught and punished for gold buying/selling.
  • Educating players about the dangers of botting and gold buying/selling. Blizzard could educate players about the dangers of botting and gold buying/selling. This could involve publishing articles and videos about the issue, and running in-game events to raise awareness.

By taking a comprehensive approach to addressing botting and gold buying/selling, Blizzard can make World of Warcraft a more enjoyable experience for all players.

They did these. The game is massive and the black market of gold is massive, and can’t be stopped.

Unlikely to eliminate it 100%, but change design philosophy of barter economy, and personal loot from raids would put a huge dent in RMT. Only then would you try policing because it would be fewer violations to police.

This would be ideal on a fresh/SOM2 server where there’s no pre-existing system and established botting formula.

It could easily be fake.

A botter doesn’t have some secret prophetic knowledge

This person has 0 credibility as an “expert”