Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Happy to help again,n instead of focusing on people who want high elves maybe focus on asking Blizzard for thing you want.

This is a game, people are free to keep asking for things they want.


I want elves to stop asking for stupid things like high elves. That’s what I truly want. I’m here to say my piece which I already did.

Mission accomplished.

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Hater gotta hate I guess.


No. What’s the point? The reason to have high elves was to have a less feral elf on alliance side, since we lost belves for whatever reason.

We have void elves, negating that need.

Also high elves exist in the game again. They’re the blood elves, who aren’t blood elves anymore since the sun well is restored to being light powered. So they are essentially at a pre wc3 state in their history besides half their city being destroyed and the whisperwind sisters scattering to the wind.


Where does this nonsense come from?


I’m sure if you keep repeating that long enough some day you might actually believe it.


Hey man don’t rope me in with Emet: I’ve been a strident opponent of adding high elves for years.


I laughed irl lolll. I won’t rope you in!

no i demand high elves.

I bet you demand draenei.

Just a quick correction here. The Kirin Tor did not create, nor does it have any authority over the Silver Covenant.

When Kirin Tor proclaimed themselves neutral, the Silver Covenant was formed by Vereesa and other elven citizens of Dalaran as a precaution against possible treachery due to their political divide with the elven citizens who embraced the Blood Elf philosophy and formed the Sunreavers.

Members of the Silver Covenant joined the Alliance’s 7th Legion which wouldn’t have been allowed if the Kirin Tor had any say over them due to wanting to remain neutral.

The Silver Covenant works with the Kirin Tor, not for them. Vereesa could tell the Kirin Tor to go pound salt at any time and take the Silver Covenant elsewhere were she so inclined, and the Kirin Tor couldn’t do or say anything about it.


I would believe you.

If it wasn’t because the Silver Covenant haven’t done anything to support the Alliance in any matters, unless it was somehow greenlit by the Kirin’tor - up until Jaina decided she was the leader of the Kirin’tor.

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The Kirin Tor don’t “green light” anything for the Silver Covenant because the Silver Covenant doesn’t answer to them. You don’t have to take my word for it. Just actually go through all the lore/novels/wikis and they’ll confirm it. Do they work together much of the time? Yes. Dalaran is the base of operations for the Silver Covenant, but they are not an arm of Dalaran’s military. They are an autonomous organization that has close ties to the Kirin Tor due to their residency but they are not beholden to their commands. Their relationship is cooperative not compulsory.


I see what some people have written on the wiki, yes.
Many people see the Silver Covenant supporting the Alliance in a neutral act in WOTLK, as them being ‘Alliance’ which is stupid. The Silver Covenant was a branch of the Kirin’tor, much like the Sunreavers was a branch of the Kirin’tor.

They lived in the city of the Kirin’tor, they answered to the Kirin’tor, that much was obvious from what we see in game, opposed to what some randos claim here on the forums and on the wiki.

The novels I would like a source on though, because I remember nothing about that.


Neither organization is a branch of the Kirin Tor. The game even shows you that’s the case if you look at Wrath’s reps on your character sheet. The Silver Covenant are clearly an Alliance faction, and the Sunreavers are clearly a Horde faction. Each of them shows up under an arm of an Alliance or Horde faction while the Kirin Tor faction is listed with the neutral factions. The game can’t make it any clearer.

If the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers were arms of the Kirin Tor, they’d be listed under the Kirin Tor and they wouldn’tbe at each others throats because the Kirin Tor would reign them both in or outright disband them. But because they aren’t under the Kirin Tor’s authority beyond adhering to Dalaran’s laws while based in their city, the Kirin Tor can’t tell either organization what to do. Both factions are allies of the Kirin Tor but neither of them serves the Kirin Tor.


Except we know that neither takes orders from any of the respective faction leaders.

The Silver Covenant was even in Suramar as a branch of the Kirin’tor, the Silver Covenant also first acted with Jaina Proudmoore in Mists of Pandaria AFTER Jaina made the Kirin’tor Alliance-aligned.

I call it for what it is shown as in game, and not just its game systems.

Aethas even goes on a whole tirade about his dislike for Garrosh and the Horde, and we know his ultimate plan was to pull Blood Elves from the Horde and into the Sunreavers, so that more Blood Elves would no longer be a part of the Horde but instead be under the branch of the Kirin’tor.


are there any silver covenant left? cause they no longer guard alliance dalaran. been replaced by worgen as of legion. i think ion successfully genocided most of them. he made sure they didnt survive any skirmishes they were in, such as thunder king and elisande.

The silver covenant are part of the kirin tor.
They are alliance leaning but still have to follow the rules.

But as they are a self formed sub faction of it, they could always pack their bags and leave dalaran should they wish. But they have yet to do so.


where are they?

They would still be chilling in dalaran.
They’ve made a few cameos in the last few expansions but nothing in dragonflight.
Seems the last time we saw them was the shadowlands prepatch event.