Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

The game doesn’t support that claim. The Silver Covenant were on the Alliance side of things at Suramar just as the Sunreavers were on the Horde side. There is nothing supporting the Silver Covenant or the Sunreavers being subservient to the Kirin Tor beyond the fact that they are both based in Dalaran and have to follow the laws of the city. If you can show me any evidence that they answer to the Kirin Tor, I’d love to see it. And if you’re going to ignore the in game systems that clearly show the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers being aligned with their respective factions that’s your choice. I choose not to ignore evidence and I will accept if you can actually prove that both factions are commanded by the Kirin Tor.


Dalaran is lead by the kirin tor and their council.
The silver covenant is a faction made by members of the kirin tor and still reside within the city governed by the kirin tor.
Theyre part of the kirin tor.

Yes and thats not contradictory. Both the alliance and horde was working together. There is nothing wrong with the group who does not like the horde, chilling with the alliance during the neutral mission.

Which is controlled by the kirin tor.

This is game mechanics nothing more.
The silver covenant do not like the horde. Of course theyre not going to be a horde rep. It doesnt mean anything beyond that.

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This is not true. The Silver Covenant was formed by Vereesa Windrunner and elven citizens of Dalaran which is not the same as the Kirin Tor.

Which is controlled by the kirin tor.

Dalaran may be controlled by the Kirin Tor but that doesn’t mean all inhabitants and organizations that are based there are part of the Kirin Tor.

This is game mechanics nothing more.
The silver covenant do not like the horde. Of course theyre not going to be a horde rep. It doesnt mean anything beyond that.

I disagree. There is no greater indication of faction than the in game mechanics. There is no reason Blizzard couldn’t have listed the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers under the Kirin Tor. Blizzard intentionally listed them under specific Alliance and Horde factions. And unless you can actually prove otherwise, I think we are done here.

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Yeah we are going to have to agree to disagree.
Neither of us have a direct source to back up our claims and clearly neither of us are going to budge on our position.


they no longer guard the alliance side of dalaran. go look at legion dalaran. did they quit or are they all victims of elisande’s time bubble

I mean… I only don’t have a direct source if you ignore the in-game sources such as the Silver Covenant’s description:

The Silver Covenant:
A militant core of High Elves that rejects the admission of Blood Elves into the Kirin Tor. They’ve united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner and joined the Alliance Forces in Northrend.

It flat out says they “united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner” and “Joined the Alliance Forces”. How unclear is that?


Youre missing out the “in northrend” part.
As in, they have met up with the alliance forces in northrend.
They are working together to take down the lich king.

Eh, not really if I’m being honest. I feel it’d be better to just add more customization for Blood Elves and Void Elves instead, seeing that’s essentially what both of them are at their core. Unless there was some significant story development that would benefit them having their own race allocated to them, it just seems a bit excessive.


The important part is that they joined the Alliance forces and continued to support the Alliance as expansions progressed. If the Kirin Tor commanded them, yet also wanted to stay neutral, they sure did a pretty poor job of it over the years if the Silver Covenant is so obviously biased towards the Alliance.


Their leader, Vereesa, is not a member of the Kirin Tor. One can be BOTH members of both organization but the two organizations were separate.

As a side note, all the Wintersgraps Battlemasters were Silver Covenant/Sunreaver. Can you honestly tell me Dalaran was in favor of them joining the factions in the conflict for that zone?


That would be cool. There can be the horde loyalists, and high elf restorationists who have mended ties with the alliance.

Either Silvermoon can become alliance territory, or the restored high elves can make a new capital somewhere else. Perhaps somewhere in/around Lordaeron.


It’s really wild how people keep missing the point that the SC and the Sunreavers are explicitly are the partisan population of Dalaran. Their explicit goals are to give the faction they chose a seat in Dalaran, who while remains neutral as an entity, must allow the factions in order to have more resources.

They literally represent the factions in Dalaran. That’s their point as political entities in Dalaran.

Basically. There feels like there’s little of the High Elves that can’t be addressed/explored through Void Elves (a la Gilnean as part of the Worgen) for the Alliance, and reintegrating to Quel’thalas on the Horde.

Honestly some Farstrider inspired hairstyles with braids and warpaint/tattoos for both VE and BE (with some exclusive colors for each) would be enough to fulfill the playable High Elf fantasy.


what about a rare polkadotted elf