Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I really like most of the female void elf hair styles.

The males have hair that im less keen on, but i really like the one im using and 2 others.
On the blood elf side there are only 2 i like. (I dislike long hair on males)
Although i admit that the prince hair is pretty killer and i am a touch jealous of that one.


The Horde is icky. I don’t see how you Blood Elves can stand such an ugly faction.

I am Ren’dorei. Which means I’m one of the Super Elves whose Void powers could devastate an inferior Blood Elven army, just like in BFA.


Aren’t high elves just

Void elves without the purple skin w/ blue eyes now


Eh. I hate how most of the female hair has severe clipping with gear, like hats and shoulders. Gotta build around that as even minor clipping gets me.

The ponytail look was almost perfect, but the back clips through Bows and big 2 handed weapons.

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No. Void Elves are former Blood Elves. We just got a massive power upgrade and can turn purple/blue.

Ignore the voices and tentacles.

I have always wished that they shared our hairstyles with Void Elves above anything else because at least our hairstyles look nice and in the case of males they aren’t all balding or widows peaking.


The Vegeta peak at that. It’s so weird.


I only play males so i dont know how the hair clipping is in the game or compared to how other races work.
But i had noticed clipping on the character creation screen. I assumed it would have been a universal problem with long hair

It is a problem with all races that have a long hair option. They all clip.

Hear me out …

Elves get a lot of customization , and there’s a lot of us
Maybe we can update like
Pandas old models first
Or give worgens tails idk

Then return to high elves , other races might need some lovin :dracthyr_nervous_animated:
they’re suffering in silence :dracthyr_cry_animated:

With the way blizzard has been handling void elves this is always a possibility.

At this point i say void and blood elves are so close to each other that they should just share everything apart from the void stuff. And then give blood elves some fel or light stuff in equal measure. (Or a mix of both)

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Just give the Alliance the Saberon and bam, Worgen with tails.

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Tbh, would be nice for the sake of semi diversity

Elves get the most as they’re the most popular.

It’s why Blood Elves keep getting exclusive stuff and the red carpet treatment.


Saberon should be Horde, as they’re from AU Draenor and the ones that arrived here came with the Mag’har Orc recruitment quest.


They’re definitely going to be the most popular when there’s 4 variations of them :dracthyr_cry_animated:

5 if we add high elves :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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Yeah I do, Void Elves don’t cut it although I like the male void elf voice actor. Just the devs weird fascination and perverse obsession with the ‘void.’ They don’t want High Elves because they don’t want to take the higher ground themselves, they want to be dark and edgy and void-like instead of High. Being a High Elf requires you to take the higher ground and not sexually harass your own employees or give into your inner perv like a creep. High Elves as a cultural would pride themselves on how they can overcome their own IDs for a noble goal. People can’t really hold you responsible for thinking and feeling naughty things, but they can and definitely will if you act out on them.

To be dark and edgy Blizzard might create High Elves just to destroy them and sexually abuse them, because lost limousine liberals from California can be mentally sick and unhealthy like that.

If you do one of the Void Elf /sillies you will see they poke fun of people wanting High Elves but getting Void Elves instead because the developers wanted Void Elves instead and they are rubbing it in how you are playing a Void Elf anyway even though you are pretending it’s a High Elf, because their own brains go Void when somebody tries to teach them what consent means. Ba-dum-tssssh.

I like to make my own RPGs, if worse comes to worse we can be the change we see in the world and make indie RPGs where High Elves exist. Shoot me a message if you like fooling around in RPG Makers!


Well, it says a lot that the most request Allied race for WoW is still High Elves even after all this time and that the most request/popular customization are for Blood Elves. Like those Vampire Elves.

Most People love making their main character an Elf.

Which makes sense. As Alliance was DESTROYING the Horde in Population in Classic due to Night Elves. Then the Horde took over when they got Blood Elves.


I have a High Elf who isn’t a High Elf but looks like one. Lol :sweat_smile:

Hey that’s a great idea. Cat People just like I wanted.