Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

How dare you.

She is the first Ren’dorei and our Faction Leader.


Our hair options blow, yes.

The only good female option is the ponytail.

I blame that tentacle option that almost no one uses.


Per the lore she’s something very different; she’s similar to the rendorei but due to the nature of her creation and powers she isn’t the same.

Sort of like how Calia Menethil is a fundamentally different kind of undead from the forsaken.


She’s the prefected Void Elf. The blueberries were accidents.

As I am perfection as well, it’s only right that I look like my faction leader and not an accident


Except you’re not. The circumstances that created Alleria were unique to her and per the lore have never been replicated.

You know this, you just don’t want to admit it.


Nah, I know what I’m about. I’m a perfected Void Elf. That’s why I’m not a Blueberry.


Nah, you’re just someone that’s bitter that they can’t be a high elf and this is the closest you will ever be.


Funny that you can headcanon that and not headcanon being a high elf.


Please. I’m a Void Elf. Address me as such, Blood Elf.


you were perfection when you were a blood elf now youre a disaster and trying to copy us lol. now the sunwell is fine and dandy we are more “high elf” than ever before, shame you can’t have fun none bc you went and followed the rommath moron.

you have sullied our name and betrayed us therefore exile was the only option. no one told you to drink the purple koolaid with tentacles popping out. no blood elf is ashamed of their heritage and history, but you are. you’re just a bitter blood elf turned void and thats what you get.
so bye bye have fun on your random rock lol


Not headcanon, it’s canon.

Void Elves are Ren’dorei. Not Quel’dorei.

Not all Elves are the same.

Take me for example. I am Filipino. Address me as Filipino. Not Chinese, Japanese or the such.

Yes, we’re all Asian but that’s where it ends, even if we look similar.


I don’t recall “Perfected” being a customization option at the character creation screen.


oh its there, under the name of blood elf lol

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It simply is.

Our Faction Leader is the ideal Ren’dorei and the first. The Blueberries were the result of an accicent.


It’s almost like Emet is a huge poser.

I just want you to admit the truth: you are doing this because this is the closest you can get to being a high elf.


I suppose you could just roll blood elf. That would technically get you closer to the pure ideal you desire though that would mean having to have a red backdrop as opposed to a blue one.


The blueberries as you so derisively refer to them are the Rendorei and the ones from which all others are descended including you.


As someone who RP’s as a high elf, I can assure you that you can download an addon that allows you to change your race or class to anything of your desire… and if people have the addon they could see what you put there. Highly recommend using that if you want playable high elves. I personally don’t see a reason to add more elves when they gave us customization options for that specific reason but that’s just me. High elves are a cool race overall but nothing we haven’t seen since 2006.


oh original batch? really? i love the tbc belf models!

I just want to put out there that void elves really are the perfect elf.

They give the void fantasy. The high elf fantasy. The undead fantasy.
They have sexy voices, great racials, the best heritage armor set, awesome racial mount.

There is nothing that a high or blood elf has over them tbh. Theyre the same elf but with less to offer. (Okay fine minus demon hunter and paladin)


Hairstyles, most people dislike Void Elf hair myself included it looks gross.

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