Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

in oribor, near the quest giver area, npc standing by door, gives quest. oh thats for red eyes/pale skin.

um hunter lodge in legion. belf npc sells dark ranger toy. you gotta be a hunter

Thanks for that :smiley:

gotta be a hunter or they wont let you near the bldg

All I see are lies.

I also don’t approve of my race being belittled.

I am Ren’dorei. All Void Elves are Ren’dorei. Not Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei.


In order to get the Dark Ranger Set you need to be a hunter and to go to Oribos by the time you finish up that long campaign questing.


Which is why I am so glad they added them in 2007 and they are not planning on taking them away any time soon


A real shame the set is an ugly green, the shoulders have massive clipping on male characters for some reason, and the Hood is just plain bad due to the green void it has around the player head. It doesn’t even look good on the Female Elves which it’s based around for. Yet the NPC Undead Elf wearing it doesn’t have that green void. So that tells me that the outfit is a part of her model while ours isn’t so it looks horrid.

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Quel’Dorei are still unplayable.


No It isn’t. Looks freaking awesome. But if you wanna talk about how the Dark Ranger Set could have been like the Warcraft 3 Version we can.

It looks bad on Male Elves.

Due to the male stance it’s constantly clipping into their body and has a massive green, ugly bright void. It’s impossible to ignore with the breathing and stance.

It’s hard to find a Bow/Quiver to match the color as well. Cannot even use the Legion Bows as they’re too different a color from the Green.


Every accusation an admission.

Oh Please. If you had any actual pride in being a void elf you wouldn’t be mewling for high elves with an appearance that is about as close to Queldorei as you can get.

The point that I was making (and which you so completely failed to grasp) was that If people want to RP as a sanlayn or a high elf then there are options for that right now. Heck if you want to be a Farraki or wildhammer blizzard gave people options for that so that they could play as them right now.


I share the looks of my faction leader. It’s extremely close minded to say that all Void Elves, there are dozens of us, are all Blueberries.


The least you can do is be honest about this kid.


I’m always honest.

My race is named Void Elf - the Ren’dorei.

No High Elf or Blood Elf would share our Void obsession, our tentacle fetish, or be caught dead in our starter zone or wear our Heritage armor.

Which is an oddity that we have one when we’re the youngest race on Azeroth.


And yet you’ve crusaded tirelessly accross multiple threads to lament the abscence of high elves while using appearances that weren’t even part of the original batch.

Like, you’re not fooling anyone Emet. Just admit that you are playing this because it’s the closest you can get to playing a high elf. I’ll actually respect you more.


Canonically, Void Elves looked like me from day 1. As our faction leader isn’t a blueberry.


Canonically, Alleria isn’t a void elf in the same way as the player options were.

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Lol, what makes this funnier is Blizzard went on the record saying that the Blood Elf/High Elf customizations were added to Void Elves as RPing options so they can pretend to be something they aren’t, it’s why they still glow blue, bleed blue, sound weird and have super bad hair as a females and just horrid hair as males.


I like their hair :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Yuck, on females all except one hairstyle looks bad and on the males it’s so bad they are like balding on all of them except like two, lol.

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