Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

So It’s funny that you bring up necromancers because they’re actually a good reference for why high elves shouldn’t be implemented.

See, way back when they were laying the groundwork for Wrath, the devs decided to implement a new class and they immediately went for the necromancer becasue they saw how it would jive with an undead centric expansion and maybe bring in some of those Diablo 2 players. The problem though, was that they realized that they were just remaking the warlock over and over again no matter how they approached it and that releasing this as the game’s first new class (and a hero class at that) would piss off most of the player base and the warlocks in particular.

So they took a step back, looked at what they wanted to do (an undead themed class) and began development of the DK which was met with great enthusiasm by the majority of the players due to it’s distinct characteristics and theme.

Do you see how this is going?


Blood elves are actually high elves. High elves will most likely never be added it would be lame. There’s already 4 elf races.


ignored the spec idea, you did. so demonology is pillaged by dhs, remove it from lock, make it a spec like necro but have it be san’layn themed, maybe call it vampiric. you have a shapeshift that makes you look like a wotlk san’layn, make your pets morph into vampire themed pets in the spec, make your spells look blood related. you still have life tap and drain life, they are just vamp themed. etc

I think this thread is starting to fall apart at this point.


Demonology had one part of it yoinked by Demonhunters, the Necromancer would be basically the whole damn thing.

I’m still puzzled at why either horde or alliance would tolerate the few remaining sanlayn as well.


Honestly if we are talking about Necromancers then honestly I think that Spec should be both on Warlocks and Death Knights honestly.

It really is just weird that it hasn’t come up yet.

I do think a big issue with High Elves in general being underutilized as a historical concept of Blood Elves. IMO I do think that was caused by the enforcing of the faction dichotomy leading to less focus on the time the now Blood Elves shared more affinity with the alliance. Not even part of the alliance by then, just closer politically. It’s odd. We could be having so much more call backs with BE to War3 if things were a bit different.

I’m of two minds about it. i like that BE’s were given a unique mount that just wasn’t a horse, but after they gave the SC unicorns, and how they have made them retractively fit the lore, I’d like if BE also had some unicorn steeds still. It’s like only the Blood Knights have access to them hehe -makes me wonder how the High Elves have managed to keep enough outside QT-

You can get a lot of unicorns on SL! There’s a dark purple as a rare drop, a more white and arcane Shimmermist Runner, the white and yellow Sundancer that feels very Silver Covenant IMO, and the white and light blue from summoning a group of rares!


This one is my fave for all thalassians, as it feels the most Arcane one and has a saddle.

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Unholy DK’s: “am I a joke to you?”


With the coming of Lightforged Warlocks, there is no longer any justification for Blizzard to deny playable High Elves.


They’re essentially locks already. especially forsaken locks, with drain life and cannabalize.and belfs with their og mana tap and drain life. also venthyr.

they are too gruesome for me. heck my lock is bordering on too gruesome. but i see the …high fantasy potential for horde belfs having a vamp race/class/spec. dark, yes, but so are dks and demon hunters, who have their eyes plucked out and spawn giant demon wings or spawn maggots for gosh sakes. vamps seem almost gentle by comparison lol


I mean all they need is a Staff Weapon really. There we go. Through I would love to see Necromancers be a Spec for Warlocks through if they are not going to be a new class.

For people who want to cosplay as vampires theres already an option. I’m literally using it right now.


i noticed that. looks dramatic.

what about a rare Low2 Elf

So, what you’re saying is that you’re a faker.

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what if she wants to be your gf???

No, I’m saying that we don’t need more permutations of elves. They already exist in game for people who want to RP.


well its like realllly close to being helf without actually being helf. if it was helf, it could be a paladin, like yesterday. if it was helf, it would only have the same barriers belfs have to being druid (which is almost non existent). if it was helf, it would have more hairstyles that look elven instead of medusa head or drenched alley cat. if it was helf, it’d stop turning purple and have different racials. if it was helf, it’d have more lore to back it up than velfs. and finally, if it was helf, you’d never have to see another thread asking for helfs.


Where would I find the dark ranger armor set by the way?