Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

  1. Vereesa gets a participation trophy.
  2. They owe her nothing.
  3. You need to stop attributing the actions of individuals to whole races, otherwise we’re entering into “humanity needs to be exterminated” territory.
  4. The Blood elves respect the windrunners for what they did and mourn what they became.
  5. All of the lore about the high elves consistently states that they’re few and far between so not exactly a big loss for Quelthalas.
  6. They hate us because they ain’t us.

I am ten million percent in favor is adding new hair styles, colors, and eye colors for everyone, it’s such a no-brainer to make people happy.


Uncouple the darkfallen eyes and skin so my void elf can have red (void) eyes and purple (void) skin.


She saved the Blood Elves who were so incompetent that they had to beg her to come even after exiling her.

Yes they do. She saved them. They owe her a lot.

The entire Blood Elven race supports their leadership. Thus they don’t get a pass.

What they became? Please. Vereesa is still true to the High Elven heritage and teachings. She didn’t start eating Fel or imprisoning Naaru to save her own skin. That was all the Blood Elves.

Irrelevant. A single Void Elf was able to decimate an army of Blood Elves in BFA. So population doesn’t matter in comparison with such a sorry showing by the Blood Elves in BFA against a far smaller force.

Why would they want to be the race that had to turn to Fel, torture a Naaru, and got smacked around in BFA while also being bullied into war crimes by Garrosh and Sylvanas? Not to mention that the Blood Elves have no loyalty. They betrayed the Alliance then begged the Alliance to take them back multiple times only to screw that up every time. Thus they betrayed the Horde as well.


ah that makes sense. anything else you’re 99.9% sure of? hehe

and the orcs who followed garrosh betrayed everybody and the horde who sided with sylvanas during her night elf purge, betrayed everybody. one thing is certain, being horde is dangerous as their leaders tend to go off the deep end. makes ya miss thrall.

scripted. fiction. see, the writers thought, hey we better use velfs in something. so they concocted a story where velfs were kicking it, to give alliance a bravery injection. afterall, war mode had been added in bfa but alliance was avoiding it.

100% nope. too many elves as is. too many “variant” races too. Two kinds of cow, two kinds of human, two kinds of troll, two kinds of orc. Too many.
the creativity bucket at Blizz runneth empty.


it isnt creativity, its workload on game servers. here’s a little bit o’ knowledge. during the beta for wod, they had updated playable character models. this included new hairstyles and animations as well. some hairstyles had moving parts that were animated when the player moved their character, such as pony tails. the animation required rigging or bones. one such ponytail was created and rigged for draenei. but the server was like nope, too many bones, and would crash. a draenei pony tail was crashing the servers.

i said all that to say this: allied races being copy/paste was the only way we were gonna get new stuff because the servers have a bone limit. i imagine adding dracthyr and kul’tiran as unique, new bonesets, required deleting something else.

Yea. Like no restrictions on some Character Customization Options would be nice.

yes. yes. more customizations. :smiley:

  1. She helped because the actual ranger general requested it due to his forces being spread out and without the knowledge or consent of the rest of the Blood elven leadership. This is all literally in Vereesa’s entry on the wiki, would you like me to direct quote it for you?
  2. They owe her nothing. She chose to throw in with her husbando over maintaining her people and she is welcome to enjoy exile until such time as she recants.
  3. The Blood elves did what was neccesary to survive as a society; you’ll note that everywhere else the “pure high elves” are found it’s comparatively tiny settlements and enclaves owing to the fact that there simply isn’t enough magic to keep them from withering with the only exception being Dalaran because ~well~ dalaran. Further, the exposure to Fel was limited with the majority of those that kept feeding being effectively a subgroup under Kaelthas that were wholly disconnected from the blood elves of the horde by that point.
  4. Yeah it isn’t like that one elf was an archmage who took a bunch of goblins by surprise or anything.
  5. Why would you want to play a bunch of boring simps whose only signifigant characters are 3 sisters who were archers that fell in love with a human that was a stand in for the author?

its fiction. her choices, fiction. her husbando, fiction. the npc blood elves, fiction.

I mean, I’m honestly not taking this that seriously.


its just the language the two of you are employing in your debate, suggests the npcs in question have autonomy. gosh i hope not lol

for example

she cant recant unless or until the writers write it. all this bickering over belf vs. helf morality is silly cuz its all predetermined by the writers.

remember what they did to sylvannas’ character.

San’layn, Nightfallen, Felborne, or Fal’dorei

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Yes, if High Elf wayfarers are able to retain their appearance when joining the Ren’dorei (assuming they merely identify as void elf, not undergoing any rituas), the Silvermoon scholars should too

Green Eyes (and gold) for Void Elves


White and orange

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Yeah! Part of me feels that would be too long overdue in a way. Like the Heritage Quest would have been a perfect place to put him in there and give him some text that he was a High Elf that returned to Quel’thalas and rejoined the BE.

It feels like such an obvious thing that some previously scattered HE’s have joined the BE after BC, it’s just kinda weird we haven’t seen it in game. Hell, having Lanesh’s appearance in Suramar refer to this would have been a good way to put it in game.

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I’m basically looking at the story and reality checking Emet’s insane contortions of lore.

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