Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Ranger general isn’t even a rank based on merit. It’s an inherited title passed along a family line.

Technically since she made a whole new organization and stylized it after the Farstriders and their Ranger-General hers doesn’t need to be an inherited title.

Still gave it to herself though… Its got nothing to do with Silvermoon and she is still only in charge of the Silver Covenant… Folk like the Highvale may see her in high regard but they’re unlikely to consider her their leader.

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Yes. I know.

I’m just pointing out the title is not as impressive as one might think it is because it’s originally not based on merit, it’s inherited.

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Important enough given its provenance… Certainly no different than a king or queen then which is also inherited…

Pretty sure Halduron Brightwing would agree its got merit…

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Atleast he was chosen to be the Ranger-General, and not just inherited the title.

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Actually that’s false.

Vereesa is self-appointed. She never earned the title of Ranger-General, because she never was one. She even left Quel’thalas as a ranger back when they were known as Highelves, in order to pursue her (badly written) romance love for a random human she met.

The last in succession until today were:

Alleria Windrunner (was the next to be after her mother but resigned the title as she did not want it)
Sylvanas Windrunner,
(Lor’themar Theron then took up command upon Sylvanas’ death, as he was second in command),
Halduron Brightwing,

Vereesa is also not the leader of the High elves because that makes no sense in High elven/blood elven culture and heritage. She specifically leads the Silver Covenant, which was a militarised rebel high elf group allowed to exist in Dalaran at the time because Vereesa was married to the then leader of Dalaran and said please.

She named herself Ranger General of the rebel group because it’s a historical title that references leaders of an armed high elf/blood elf military squads. Is it disrespectful to the legacy though? Probably, but that’s up for debate, she still wants the pretty title though.


Sorry no, that’s not true.

It’s not a title based on inheritance through a family legacy. The title is strictly associated with being the leader of the Farstriders of Quel’thalas and military. In times of war the Ranger General is the one marshalling the forces.

Has the title originally been only with windrunners? Yes.

Is it a family legacy of theirs? Yes

Is the title and responsibilities itself an inheritance and association only to windrunners? Definitely not.

It’s for Quel’thalas and based on defending Quel’thalas. It’s why Alleria did not want it because she didn’t want to be tied and stuck to Quel’thalas, but rather wanted to go out into the entire world.

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Again it’s your jealousy not mine, stop projecting just because Blizzard decided to give you and people like you void corrupted Blood Elves, not even void corrupted High Elves on Alliance side.

Actually lets further this point, Blizzard has had multiple chances to give Alliance actual High Elves like the Horde and they didn’t, they gave Alliance Draenei, Void Elves and other races it’s kind of like they don’t want Alliance to have them so maybe take the hint.


I get it. You’re still angry that the Horde doesn’t include your race and is happy that half your city burns. Meanwhile the Alliance includes the High Elves at the table for every major conflict and makes them feel welcome and wanted.


No, we still want more Alliance representation, just because we have gone silent after 18+ years of still wanting High Elves doesn’t mean we don’t care or want them.

We still want them. They definitely should be playable for Alliance.


Yes yes, silent majority and whatnot


hey pep. your drac looks awesome

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Thanks, took me forever to find a mog that suits both forms :blush:.

Vereesa is still the defacto Leader of all the remaining High Elves and the highest ranked one. She doesn’t just command the Silver Covenant. In Legion and BFA her High Elves weren’t only Silver Covenant members. The Alliance treats her as the High Elven Faction Leader and the game reflects this. Every Alliance High Elf falls under her command and orders.

Vereesa isn’t self appointed. The Sin’dorei needed a Ranger-General, so Vereesa stepped up to save her homeland by taking the role after they begged for her aid in secret. After saving her homeland she dropped the role and returned to exile due to her identifying as Quel’dorei and hating Sin’dorei leadership.

Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei aren’t the same.

If we can get Mag’har Orc and Lightforged Draenei then why not High Elves? They are actually different and have a different faction.


The true leader of the high elves


Yea you look freaking awesome. God it’s been a while since I played Dracthyr forgot how cool they are.

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I thought they were bananas. Lol

Lol, this is real talk. :100: :100: :100:


Yea ok real talk.

And it helps spread the pain of a song I on occassion have gotten stuck in my head over the last 30 years or so