Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I think it must be because of the fact that Blood Elves already have 2 zones, a capital, and reputation faction name. Meanwhile the Void Elves have none which is why there’s envy still within those who wanted to have real Quel’dorei on the Alliance.

True. Vereesa isn’t just the leader of all High Elves. it’s like saying that Lor’themar is the leader of all Blood Elves. Some Blood Elves have more leaders like Lor’themar’s Right wing man Rommath, and Halduron, and etc. Same with remaining High Elves and Void Elves too.

No She isn’t She’s just only for the Silver Covenant. She has lead Highvale, Allerion Forces from Outlands, and etc.

Void Elves got the blonde hair, blue eyes and normal skintones they asked for so they could RP and pretend to be Blood Elves/High Elves on Alliance so honestly I really see no issue anymore.

Just macro off the glow thing and the remaining differences are mostly unnoticeable.

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She lead the entire High Elf forces in bfa and legion. Not just the Silver Covenant. She also performed her duty as Ranger-General only to be told to leave after saving her homeland.


How ignorant.

Says the race with multiple rep factions, a capital, and 2 heritage quests.


Difference between being the actual race vs the pretend one.


I mean we already got that. It’s just for the Void Elves I would like to see them rework to actually have a capital or atleast a better starting zone like other allied races that doesn’t seem rushed or just skipped to level 10. Like with Blood Elves the reason why they start at level 1 is because as a new player you get to start off with the game fresh and such but with allied races they feel kind of cheap and you just got hand hold at level 10 with a not so good introduction. You just pop into the world and your done.

You may not see the issue on the Alliance side but I bet you might have see the issue on the horde side if you had played nightborne. Like for example I would like to atleast play a Nightborne with a better starting experience than just being rushed at level 10 and not have their own starting zone, and capital and etc. It’s pretty much the same thing I have with the Void Elves. We already gotten half and half of the High Elven Options. What I and others who are Pro and Fan of Void Elves would like is to see a better rework of the starting experience for allied races including Void Elves, Much Better Capital that isn’t just a rock, and of course a actually reputation faction that isn’t tied with the Krokul Broken which should have been their own thing.


High Elves are the OG. The Alliance wants them.

The Horde will always hate you Blood Elves.



Wow that’s asking for a lot honestly but I wish you luck with all that, unlikely Blizzard will completely overhaul everything for the Allied Races or Void Elves but good luck.

What exactly am I supposed to be jealous of?

I mean I main the race you keep saying you want to be playing but won’t actually play because it’s not on Alliance side, that’s a you problem not a me problem.

Sure it’s not you that’s jealous that Horde got the High Elf race where Alliance only got void corrupted ones?


Void Elves and Blood Elves are equally High Elves, as stated by the devs/writers. This back and forth is completely irrational.


I know it’ll happen someday but just hoping it’ll be good for all.

Honestly it kind of is. I mean Void Elves are already High Elves as well as seeing the Red High Elves too.

It would be nice for once we could atleast finally see something new for Thalassian Alliance Elves in general.

I get it. You’re stuck in a faction that hates your entire race. Not to mention that every War Chief after Thrall had bullied your race into commiting war crimes.

Orgrimmar doesn’t even have an Elven district or utilise anything from your culture.

Meanwhile, Stormwind represents all its allied races. Especially the High Elves.

I understand your jealousy. You cannot even go home as it’s still broken from TBC and has no flying.


This is debatable, and I’ll attempt to explain why:

humanities teaches that cultures naturally diverge, often referred to as apollonian and dionysian. the apollonians are law and order, whereas the dionysians are chaos and creativity. this is applicable, almost perfectly, to the rift between blood elves and high elves. the blood elves are dionysian but carefully so - like a controlled creative chaos. the high elves, on the other hand are exceedingly apollonian. nothing careful about it. thousands of years of elven tradition is behind it and they mean to maintain it.


Do you still want High Elves?

yes, and also vrykuls on the alliance, thank you


lazerpop, cute name!

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Sick burn. Lmao.


Of the Silver Covenant and nothing else.

She leads only the Silver Covenant.

She kinda just gave herself that title to mimic the Farstriders…

And again… shes only involved with the Silver Covenant. Not all high elves.

I think its more like claiming that Aethas was the leader of the Blood Elves when hes just a leader of the Sunreavers.

The only “high elf” forces in Legion were either Dalarani or Silver Covenant… who are from Dalaran.

Other high elves served other groups like the surprisingly large amount of nameless high elves who existed among the Silver Hand paladins.

BfA only had a scant few high elves at all and nothing to suggest particular participation from the Silver Covenant beyond a single group of Island expeditioners and maybe a ballistae…

Vereesa was never a Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She stylized herself after the Ranger-Generals of Silvermoon when she named herself a Ranger General of the Silver Covenant.