Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Sorry, but we are aware what they are asking for.

We understand the specificity of their request, specifics, or rather lack thereof, which I have yet to see put on any other racial idea:

The same race in concept but did not take up the name change applied barely 2 decades ago, nor associates to what the majority of that race’s political affiliation is.

That in itself is a flawed argument for a new race, as their is nothing there in new culture, capability, biological or time taken to differentiate a new concept.

The same could almost be said for Grimtotems and the Tauren, but even they would have a bit more substance of a debate based on Grimtotem’s extensive history. Highly unlikely to see them separate though.

Unfortunately, as much as some Helfers want to argue it; no, a blood elf is not a “transformed” high elf by Fel. That was debunked years ago. If anything the last ideas of Fel association in their kingdom is all but gone except some may still have green glow eyes.

If anything ‘High elves’ returning to Silvermoon to bask in the Sunwell shows they are still connected to the same culture, and in time as the main divide that separated them is gone (the addiction resolution), then they will naturally intermingle back.

There’s just no argument here other than wanting to play a splinter group of the majority of the race…but on the opposite political side. It literally comes down to the idea of wanting the feel of what a High elf once was (and frankly in my opinion very bland and needed the change) while ignoring all the history and writing that has brought them to us and what they are now.


Someone didn’t read any of the old helf threads where people heavily differentiated the helves and belves beyond what color their tabards were

Or someone did and they’re choosing to ignore that because “it’s not canon”, while ignoring that Highmountain tauren used to literally just be another random tribe, not boreal moose tauren who bear an intrinsic blessing from Cenarius until someone at Blizz decided “well this is a good place to put Highmountain. Let’s make the tauren different somehow”

Velves say hello once again. Their connection to the void is a literal non-point past their introduction and 1 world quest, and are basically just treated as Alliance blood elves. Where were they when we dealt with N’Zoth? Where were they against Azshara and her Void critters? Where were they in Kul Tiras when dealing with Void sea priests?

And of course, there’s Nightborne who are just Highborne Night Elves (which were made playable on Alliance in Cata), yet somehow that’s okay that Horde gets those because a bunch of lore was pulled out of thin air to substantiate Suramar (despite it being a sunken ruin in the tropics in WC3).

If those somehow get a pass, I don’t understand why High Elves is a bridge too far.


You have a lot of faith. Sadly, they don’t care what makes High Elves different. They are just against it. No matter what you say or prove, it’ll never be enough.

There’s a reason that most anti-High Elf players play Blood Elves.


To even try and imply Highmountain Tauren and the splinter High elf group are the same…in itself already discredits your entire argument.

Highmountain were secluded for thousands of years. In those thousands of years they built up their own culture and ideas. They have their own distinct story based around a hero who was given the gift that is his moose antlers from one of the greatest beings on Azeroth. This went down through his descendants which are the highmountain.

Are they very visually distinct? No, but they have a history and culture that defines them apart from the history and culture of the Tauren on Kalimdor.

The same cannot be said in any way to High Elves splinter groups. If you can’t see that then that is frankly on you, but it feels you’re purposely trying to grab any strings you can grasp to define an idea that for obvious reasons was never put into play in WoW.

“Once again” you’ve sadly skimmed past any factual point made to try and focus on a nitpick and use it to bolster your argument because it has no base.

Do Velves fit one of the 3 categories? Yes, biological.

They had a massive transformation that created them into something new. The most important aspect of the Void elves is that they are No longer connected to the Sunwell. Focus on this point for a second. The very idea and defining concept of the high elven and then blood elven race was their link to the Sunwell and their ancestral heritage through it. Velves no longer have this…thus now are producing their own cultural idea.

Was void elves still a compromise on how to introduce the pretty slender elf model to alliance players? Of course it was, but any creative writer would have immediately said an entire new arc would need to be developed for them in order for it to exist.

Thus…void elves…and thus why “high elves” splinter group were not introduced as an alliance player race.

See explanation of Highmountain Tauren.

Finally got any Allied race, the idea is there to fit to be of their own story, but the high elf splinter groups for almost every single part of WoW’s story was as an opposite and rebellion of the main group of their race: the Blood elves. They were written purely as antagonists because that’s all they can be. They were to supplement the blood elf story, never to create their own race


Why didn’t they just make up a story on how the High Elves are progressing over in the Alliance or something? The Alliance would be packed to the brim but they coulda done that. Probably woulda been a lot less work but more happy players lol.


It’s because there’s just no substance there, nor the original direction Blizzard chose to go.

In WC3 they sacked the idea of High Elf because they wanted something distinct and unique for blizzard and not another copy from the other fantasy stories. In came the scourge invasion and recreation of a unique story as :drop_of_blood: blood elves.

After in WoW the high elf splinter groups like the silver covenant were made purely as rebellion groups to supplement the blood elf stories in WoW. Almost every time their entire purpose was specifically to showcase being against them, but that’s all. They were still the same race, same culture, same heritage, same everything except politics. Vereesa even says Quel’thalas is her home. Lor’themar even says it’s the right of all Thalassian elves to come to the Sunwell and dwell in its energies (which we see).

From a creative writers perspective, there’s just no way to put a story in that could make the remaining rebel high elves distinct enough as a race without completely reshaping it (see Void elves :vampire: ). You better believe it would have been brought up multiple times in discussion of allied races in blizzard and they would reach the same conclusions. :person_shrugging:


Not according to the initial lore, which was my point that was glossed over so handily. They can add, retract, and redo things as they see fit, and what was proposed in past helf threads was far from lore-bending but enough to substantiate them as a separate group from the Sin’dorei.


I seem to have missed your post but yeah one of the points of story telling for a blood elf character given Lanesh can be a returning High Elf taking on the blood elf name which is story they could and should explore even if just a minor line in a quest or short story

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How can someone be Anti High Elf when we are literally already playing High Elves, I mean honestly that is pretty contradictory.


You’re a Blood Elf. Your leader isn’t the leader of High Elves. That’s Vereesa. Your leader leads the Sin’dorei.


In name only, the lore of WoW literally says that Blood Elves are the High Elves, so again you saying that people that are playing Blood Elves are Anti High Elves is contradictory because we are the High Elves.


No, it’s not in name only. You’re Sin’dorei.


Keep telling yourself that, you don’t write WoW lore the devs do, we are the High Elves it’s why Alliance got shafted with Void Elves, deal with it.


I don’t need to tell myself that. It’s canon lore. You’re Sin’dorei.

Not sure why you hate the race you picked.


Vereesa only leads the Silver Covenant.

Theres several smaller factions of high elf not led by her.


Says the guy that literally can’t accept that Blood Elves are the High Elves and that Void Elves are void corrupted Blood Elves which are also High Elves, I know you don’t like glowing blue, having bad hair, bleeding blue, sounding weird, etc. but you choose to play that race over the real one so that’s all on you.


Vereesa is their leader. No one else stepped up - she did, it’s why she always leads the High Elf forces. She’s also still a Ranger-General and the highest ranked High Elf. Her sister leads the Void Elves.


Whatever you say, self-hating Sin’dorei.

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I’m not self hating, I love High Elves, I’ve played one since 2008 but it’s nice to know and be validated by you hating Void Elves while still playing one since they aren’t a 100% copy/paste of Blood Elves on Alliance, the irony is sweet.


You’re Sin’dorei. Not Quel’dorei.