Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

That they look like very old cartoony torchlight buildings now.

I mean seriously I think the Dwarf Buildings could use a update by now.


It’s stuff like this that I blame Blizzard for not thinking ahead of how certain intense fans would respond and twist any information like this to suit their narrative….

Okay so firstly…it even states it was created back when the Kirin Tor were Alliance only in order to have info of alliance races…this would mean when the Elves of Quel’thalas were part of the Alliance. Secondly, it further goes on to state that since the Kirin Tor is now neutral and has connections to the Horde, then it has added the Horde’s recent information and it’s members “from the last few years” into the book.

But hey, let’s see what it says about High elves:

High Elf:
The magic of the high elves is extremely powerful. High elves possess a magical acumen that rivals that of any - even the humans. Some of the greatest heroes in the Battle of Mount Hyjal were the High Elf Priests.

The Battle of Mount Hyjal, when all the high elves still called themselves by that name before the vast majority took up the name Blood Elf in memory and respect for the fallen. The very battle where some current bloodelves were part of. It’s clearly referencing the last remnants of the Lordaeron Alliance and it’s connection to the people of Quel’thalas.

For Bloodelves:
A history of prolonged exposure to magical energy has left an indelible mark on the Blood Elves. These lithe, magic-addicted creatures seem to fare well in any magical school they study…”

It’s referencing the most recent history. As it stated previously “the last few years”. All High elven, no matter affiliation, were linked to the Sunwell and addicted. It was part of their very nature. The book is referencing the race’s recent history of being associated with the addiction and now part of the Horde as Blood elf.

You’re choosing to purposely omit information. You’re trying to use theories to fit your facts rather than facts to fit your theories.

I get you want this badly (it’s obvious by the now very few of you left on the forums still arguing for it), I get that you’re probably reading this and shaking your head frantically refusing to accept it, but the High elf story has and always will be based around the idea of a supplement to the Blood elf story in the form of a lite antagonist. It has always been and will be about rebelling. The Silver Covenant by definition was created specifically to be against their own race in Quel’thalas and their actions, and frankly they’ve all but vanished since the last small mention of them in Legion.

They are of the past because they represented the past and a rebellion against the future their people became. They don’t have a future, the blood elves and now void elves are the future. They are just a supplement to their story and no more. sorry :person_shrugging:


When one person is actually right and the other is actively trying to spread incorrect information to razz folk, its worth playing the game. Emet is wrong and actively tries to be wrong to annoy folk.

Oh yeah that is a common issue in WoW but they have regularly and clearly put the blame for the bombing of Theramore on Garrosh. Most of his commanders didn’t know about the bomb at all.

Welcome back to the Alliance.

Mostly yeah…

Kinda wish that they’d just update all the buildings…


I meant this more in general, not what you wrote (which I think is correct). I’ve argued for years (especially during the Garrosh and Dalaran purge times), but it just leads to headaches and bad sleep (at least for me).

Thank you, game feels fresh being on the other side : )


Ah I see what you mean and that is so very valid.

The book was most certainty canonically written shortly before WotLK.
It refers to the Draenei as members of the Alliance, the Blood Knights as a recent invention, and mentions “recent rumors” about the blue flight being aggressive to magi for unknown reasons.
In fact, it likely was written after WotLK began, considering it lists Taunka as members of the Horde.

High Elves have always been of the Alliance, whereas the Blood Elves have always been of the Horde.

It doesn’t “state it was created back when the Kirin Tor were Alliance”.
It’s simply briefly mentioning that the city has been “historically Alliance-friendly”.

No information was omitted, and I even provided a link for anyone to read it themselves. You’re the one adding in information where there is none to support it.

No. Where is your fact of this certainty? It’s reference is literally to when the Kirin Tor specifically were of the Alliance, the last being the one of Lordaeron. It mentions the Kirin Tor, even as part of the alliance, strangely still had this book to categorise the races within it and of it. It also makes mention of that very Alliance in the battle of Mount Hyjal. The book was added to it as time went by (as also mentioned “in most recent years”) but it was not originally written during wotlk.

Again, no. You can’t take a splinter group as the defining factor of an entire race. That isn’t how it works. You’re trying to reinvent an entire history to fit your narrative.

The concept of the High elves since wc1 was majority and always associated with Quel’thalas, their ancestral land and home. Those very high elves left the Alliance. Yes “some” remained, but some is not the majority, some is some, and even in definitions and descriptions of these some, it is always based on the idea of being in the minority and against the actions of what the majority of the actual High Elves chose to do.

Again, you’re trying to use theories to support your facts rather than facts to support theories. That isn’t how logic works and by default makes your argument invalid.

In almost every single iteration of high elves in the Alliance story, it has been as an antagonist and rebel to the Blood elves, simply expanding on the blood elf story. Any creative writer can point this out to you as clear as day. There’s a reason they have no unique qualities or much substance…because it is all based on the 1 dimensional aspect of “I’m anti the other high elves who call themselves blood elves now”. That’s all it was and all it will ever be.

“A remnant of a remnant” and they do it well. :person_shrugging:


i think i know what the communication breakdown is here:

when helfers say high elf, they are referring to npcs who are identified as high elves, exclusively, and who are either on friendly terms with the alliance, in cahoots with the alliance or are at the very least, neutral. there’s isolated cases of high elves who are horde aligned, but they are super rare. this does not mean that blood elves arent high elves, of course they are high elves, but they do not consider that title as relevant to them, due to the scourge event and subsequent renaming.


There’s also the valid request of story given Lanesh’s significance as a Blood Elf NPC that would suggest some High Elves did return home as well to their kin and homeland.


Ooh, yeah. And, dead horse, here, Blood Elf Druids.

but also gimme High Elves

and Furbolgs

No, he just wanted power. There’s no sugarcoating it. Things just aligned where he could come out at top. All it costed him was betraying all the remaining High Elves and supporting the Horde/Alliance in tracking down and killing his rightful Prince and King.

I don’t fault him for playing his hand well.

Still, as a High Elf fan I support them more as they aren’t allowed to go home without casting aside the Alliance loyalty they have. The Alliance that took them in after the Blood Elves kicked them out.

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Lorthemar wanted his people to survive, and that meant that he needed them unified to deal with the problems that they were facing and that meant he had toboot the people who couldn’t get in line. If he didn’t the alternatives were kill them or watch as internal division allowed their enemies to finish them off.

And we know that lorthemar mourned the passing of the sunstriders because after they fell he refused to be crowned king and declared there would never again be a royal family ruling their people.


EDIT: Too tangential to the point lmao.

(Also changing alts cause I’m deleting this one!)

I’m pretty much sure many still do and it won’t happen cause we literally have the option to be high elf through customization of void elf. Do I need to say more?

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The racial tags are more than just words. They’re part of how the game presents your character. This is why I don’t take the “just pretend you’re a high elf” argument seriously, as it pits the game and your imagination against each other (in a conflict that the game will always win). If you want to be a high elf, you need your own racials.

Looking at Void Elf racials:

  • Spatial Rift: Needs to go. A non-void elf wouldn’t have this ability.
  • Entropic Embrace: Needs to go. A non-void elf wouldn’t have this ability.
  • Ethereal Connection: This can be renamed to Spatial Artificer or be removed.
  • Chill of Night: This can be renamed to Shadow Resistance.
  • Preternatural Calm: Can be kept as is or be renamed to something like Battle Caster. Would definitely need a new icon.

So assuming you want to be a high elf and use void elf as a sort of starting point/template, you have two racials that definitely need to go, one sits on the fence, and the remaining two need new names and icons.


Sad to see Turokan go. Who you coming back as?

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I’m content with void elves. Just give them some more hairstyles or something. More tentacles, too. After other races get some new customization, ideally.


Lmao maybe as Turokan, but on another server hahah! I ended up moving some alts I don’t play much as with the cross faction servers :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay this one shall be (weirdly Firefox isn’t me letting change alts, Chrome does tho)


Oh I think I’ll be coming on Sel because finally I found him a mog I like :smiley:


Oh, a very nice mog indeed!

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