Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

  1. You really should play through the Nightborne recruitment quest; they very clearly state that all thalassians are welcome to return, even those who aren’t blood elves provided they don’t pose a threat:
    To be very clear: Alleria was a legendary alliance officer and veteran of the second war and no friend of the second horde, but Lorthemar had no problems letting her travel to the single most important location in Thalassian society. It stands to reason that high elves that came to visit would be accorded the same respect as long as they presented themselves as peaceful.
  2. Lorthemar didn’t really have a choice; the Sindorei were sitting on a whole lot of territory that they were struggling to defend while staring down the Amani and the Scourge with the potential for conflict down the road with the horde while the alliance was about as far away as you could possibly get. As such he couldn’t afford to have political division if he wanted to save his people.

A lie.

They kicked Vereesa out after they snuck her in to save them. She wasn’t given an option.

Blood Elves are known for backstabbing, being ungrateful, and spitting on the helping hand.


Truth. You may not want to accept it, but the reality is that Lorthermar made the right decision and saved as many people as he could and unfortunately that meant that the prissy people who couldn’t do the right thing had to go.

Also I’m backing my position up with video from in game so unless you are able to do likewise from a more recent event then the Nightborne recruitment and show that this isn’t the case we’re about done here.


didnt ask him to. i did, however take the time to look it up, even going as far as trying the wayback machine.

Garrosh bombed theramore.

Also the SC has nothing to do with Theramore… Which wasn’t even a high elven town…

The SC also wasn’t Exiled… They chose to be a militant force opposed to the Sunreavers…


according to the lore i read, some high elves went to theramore to be under the leadership of jaina. alas, they died in the destruction of the city.


You do realize we have void elves(a group that by all accounts should be SMALLER then high elves). Also, if population at all matter in WoW every playable race should be on the brink of extinction right now.

True, I think there were also High Elf models in the original Theramore (still with the night elf model).

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actual classic vanilla high elf found in the sw mage tower

what the horde got.

(same npc)

current in retail

(same npc)


There was a small population of high elves in theramore yes, but they are not the SC by any means.

Emet is indicating they were somehow related to the SC, they were not.

Also there weren’t that many…

And the bombing was not the fault of the Blood Elves… That still falls entirely on Garrosh, and honestly everything Emet said there was just wrong.


Yeah that’s the one I remembered. At that time, I still thought we get high elves on the Alliance side, and was so happy to see any kind of HE (although I preferred the BE in the end, I found their story more interesting). I haven’t seen the updated model! Thank you, didn’t know she is still around (in history mode).

I just went down memory lane, I have done my share of “you are wrong” “no you” for many years as a BE stan (still remember Zerde from that time, and there was a human mage player, not sure if he is still around), not getting into that anymore. : )

sadly, the same blanket guilt has been applied to the entire alliance because of what happened to kael’thas and crew, in wc3. this seems to be a problem people have and the tbc writers knew it and used it to create the pretext needed to have the blood elves leave the alliance, entirely. in garrosh’s case, there was already war between the factions


yes she is teaching a bunch of students in the mage tower now.


Nice, now that I’m on the Alliance side again since over 10 years I have to have a look. That was one reason why I made a Void Elf, haven’t seen the story from the Alliance side since TBC.

And then of course … the devs had to actually make the horde hubs blood elf flavored for once, while I have to run around looking at dwarf structures : ).

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I mean, that seems to be a constant.


Which are things shared with pretty much every other WoW Elf, so, not unique to High Elves.

But do you really think that’s an apt appreciation of WoW’s High Elves?

For one, the Silver Covenant, perhaps the most flawed -and interesting- group, is the most notorious one. In terms of screentime, the SC story is the main High Elf narrative in game, so it’s dissonant to transpose all these virtues on high elves as a whole when their most notable group doesn’t align with them.

And for all the other smaller groups, such as the Allerian, Highvale and living on human cities, they are all either partially assimilated into human culture, thus becoming as different culturally and ideologically from Pre-Third War High Elves than BE’s are, or so isolated they are best a sectarian representation of what HE’s used to be.

You’re superimposing on WoW’s High Elves an noble ideology that doesn’t exist, and that perhaps never did exist. Do not forget that High Elves are at they core, a group that was unwilling to let go of their mastery over the arcane, even coming to harm their own kin over it. They are a flawed, arrogant people that nonetheless has grown, like pretty much every race in Azeroth.

But I can’t help but feel the High Elves you want just aren’t WoW’s High Elves, and never were. And while you’re free to have your own headcanons, you have to be self aware to realize there seems to be a lot of outside influence in your perception of High Elves.

While I don’t agree on your perception on High Elves ideologically, I do agree that they are an admirable group that tries to hold on to their ideals and the identity they have forged for themselves, in terms of loyalty and beliefs, despite it barring them from returning to their Homeland, and that is what makes them interesting indeed.


True, but the High Elves under Jaina were basically Survivors from the Scourge of Lordaeron that went with her to Kalimdor, the Silver Covenant was a later group, of Dalarani High Elves that banded together to oppose the Blood Elven Sunreaver’s and their admission to Dalaran during WotLK.

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ahh k. learn something new everyday. hehe

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Who decided that?!?