Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

No one is stopping them from playing in those other settings, though. This is Warcraft. ( Uh. Pitkick or something. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) I wish people would accept burning crusade happening and embrace lore instead of trying to turn wow into LOTRO. If I wanted to play LOTRO I would do so.

I’ve been playing dress up on Second Life for rp stuff. You should see some of the elves I’ve made, including demon hunters and felblood elves. I’ve been tempted to make a thread for suggestions for blood elf customizations based on SL stuff but I’m lazy.


what about the rare elf known as smurfs

Yep. I want the exact same elves as with blood or void. Just more grandiose.

well lets examine that chain of events:

end of vanilla

alliance is the dominate pve faction.
horde is the dominate pvp faction.
the faction balance is in alliance favor. 60/40.
new players join the game as alliance and if they prefer pvp, they quickly learn horde is where its at. otherwise, most new players start as alliance.

end of tbc

horde is the dominate pve faction.
horde is the dominate pvp faction.
the faction balance is in horde favor. 55/45
most new players start as horde.

this repeats expac after expac with the faction imbalance getting worse and worse, till its 70/30 horde favor. and all it took to kick start the problem was the introduction of the first non-caricature race (blood elves). literally everybody else was stuck with exaggerated, misshapen and malformed bodies.

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That’s not right. It was way down the line that the faction balance rolled over, BC with pallies kept it from being dead since it was still unfinished compared to the alliance.


what’s a high elf? i’ve only known one elf race.

it is right with only a slight variance, depending on source. some had it 52/48. alliance lost a bunch of helf fans/pally fans to the horde and new players started selecting blood elves at char select because it was the only race that had a normal model. everyone else was either a monster race or grotesquely mishappen. gnomes heads and feet were huge. night elves had impossibly exaggerated waist-to-shoulder ratios and hands the size of dinner plates. human males were just one big muscle. human females had no wrists and oddly shaped hands. dwarves were fairly normal for dwarves but the males had the same problem human males had, just shorter. and nobody’s armor fit properly till blood elves.

No. from all I’ve heard it was something like WoD where the faction balance actually tipped over in the NA realms as a whole towards horde.

I mean, there were always some realms that were horde heavy, but on average in NA, Alliance had the lead for a long time in players.


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You know what. Let me stop what I’m doing here and go at this logically.

Show me your numbers if you’re so sure.

Show me proof that there was a massive massive population swing with BC if you’re so sure that happened.


I always been heavily conflicted.

My answer however, yes, they should be a playable core race for the Alliance.


you never accept it. you claim you dont trust the collection methods. this same argument was used by others when i started reporting how bad the imbalance was getting.

example of armor not fitting models other than blood elves, properly

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Back in BC, you could get good numbers then because they hadn’t cut off that reporting yet. The stuff I have problems with is the ones you’ve shown lately has been let’s see, one hadn’t been updated in years and didn’t show all the current options, and when it was still updating it was reliant on people running an add on and I’ve seen some really suspicious numbers from it, like servers that are known to be alliance heavy reading as something like 75-25 horde-alliance.


heres another

same shoulders


i cant find it. search is full of classic tbc. i tried adding 2008, but didnt help.

Nightborne kinda seem high elfy

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The Nightborne yawn at you young ones

more shoulder anomalies. fine on belf, weird on nelf


same hat

Please, their existence is enough for the blood elves to arrest them on the spot. Despite the Blood Elves unjustly exiling them and nuking their home in Theramore.

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It’s not on Tarrok to find proof of your statements.