Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

And tons of people don’t want to have the corpse of Blood Elf distinction picked completely bare when you’ve already gotten everything you have spammed for. But it’s never enough.

And tons more people wish y’all would stop spamming already and be satisfied with getting far more than anyone else.


Obviously, there will not be any statistically credible sources to prove this one way or the other, but just looking at the forums on a regular basis, what races do you see most commonly requested? I see High Elves, Ogres, Furbolgs, and Sethrak. On occassion, I’ll also see a mention of Broken, Arokkoa, and Saberon, but those latter two have mostly died out over the last few years.

High Elves are by far the most talked about, even despite the efforts of an organized discord group to derail the threads on the topic.

Certainly! It’s definitely not as popular as it once was. A number of us quit when Void Elves were added, because it came off as such a big middle finger to High Elf fans. I only started playing again when the High Elf skin tones were added.

Others actual like Void Elves and think they’re good enough.

But there’s still a substantial group that wants true High Elves. High Elves remain one of (if not the most) requested races to this day.


High elves are talked about so much because there’s so much arguing about it.

Also, as for the big scary discord, if I hadn’t been posting memes there I think the last post would have been a few weeks ago. I’d say the main reason there’s so much is the obnoxious troll pro voices that are making up wildly wrong lore to get bites.


If we already received everything we’ve asked for, we wouldn’t still be asking for the same thing we’ve been asking for for a decade and a half.

Also, you’re acting like High Elves aren’t already in the game. This “Blood Elf” distinction concept that people keep bringing up isn’t affected by High Elves. They are distinct, and they’ve always been in the game. The only thing that has hurt “Blood Elf” distinction was when they added literal Blood Elves to the Alliance instead of High Elves.

“Far more than anyone else”, yet we’re still here asking for the same thing we’ve always been asking for. These requests haven’t changed.


You have pale skin.
You have blue eyes.
You have blond hair.

Nothing more is needed.

Literally a vast majority of the forum goers don’t care either way and want the spam to stop.

PS: Blood Elves ARE the High Elves. They have been playable since Burning Crusade.


Discord is quite now in days. It’s sometimes rarely. If you were on the Allied Race Discords. But for the most part it’s pretty quite now then.

I mean there’s more besides Blue Eyes, Pale Skin, and Blonde Hair for High Elves? Half Elves Human maybe?


This is your opinion- the opinion of someone who is against the idea. We still don’t have true Alliance High Elves.

“The spam” is very well contained to threads dedicated to the topic. If the majority of forum goers are that bothered by the existence of a thread they don’t need to click on, I think they need to reevaluate some things.

Blood Elves are a group of High Elves that have become their own thing. We don’t need to go through this AGAIN. You know that’s not what people are talking about.


High Elves are like the MOnarcy in English Society. They are/were a group of elves that were good at doing Magic thats why for Vanilla, TBC and Wrath there was the one group of elves that were in exile due to them practicing Magic. All the High Elves were, were the Elves that practiced magic.

If we were going by popularity well… let me put it this way:

If the devs made a one month event wherein all high elves were targettable by either faction and any of their deaths would lead to permanent deletion from the game and if they were completely and utterly erradicated players would be able to roll up merlocs I suspect they’d be extinct in a week.

As to why I think I have any right to weigh in on this matter: I’ve been playing warcraft for a long time. Like, 1996 wherein I got the battlechest that contained the original game, the sequel and the expansion. I read some of the novels and have played a fair amount of the MMO’s content (though there is a bit of a gap in the middle.

I’ve also been an avid roleplayer across a plethora of different systems; at some time or another since 1988 I’ve played or run every iteration of D&D, Various Paladium books products, Worlds of Darkness, Shadowrun and an extended time with freeform PBP when Gaming Guardians was still a thing.

Beyond that I’ve studied and graduated from film school where I got a crash course in everything from shot composition to editing to use of color to script writing.

I am ~in short~ someone who has actually took the time to know the setting and who has put time and effort into learning the finer points of storytelling along with the do’s and Don’ts that go along with it.

It’s why (in my humble, imperfect oppinion) I’m able to look at the high elves and see them for what they are in the game; a bland race of mary sue’s that don’t really have any depth or originality, and that the time when it would have made sense to add them was back in BC.


I mean… you could say this about any race in game. The NPC to player ratio really isn’t that high and most die with one shot. We could easily eradicate all life on Azeroth, Draenor, Argus, and the Shadowlands in under a week if they didn’t respawn.

You have the same right to weigh in on this as anyone else. Many of us have also played for a very long time. I’ve played since 2002.

That’s cool that you’re dedicated to the game and you have a film degree, but many others of us also have degrees and have spent ungodly amounts of time invested in these games. Far more than I care to admit. We’re all Warcraft fans to some degree, which is why we’re here and why we care in the first place.

Perhaps my degrees influence my opinion on the matter as well, but that really doesn’t matter, as these are still all just opinions. I disagree. I think they’re very cool and interesting. They’re no more a race of Mary Sues than several of the other races already in game.


THE GROUP, the MAJORITY of their species that rebuilt their ANCESTRAL HOMELAND.

You already have the Blood Elf model on Alliance side.

That model has blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

That is literally what a high elf is.

No. That’s what a high elf is.


The presence of a majority does not negate the existence of a minority.

Nope, that is a Void Elf. These are all politically distinct and modified versions of the same biological group. They are still different groups, and the thing that Alliance players have always been asking for is High Elves.

Not Blood Elves, not Void Elves, not Santa’s Elves- High Elves!


Let me put it another way so that you can understand what depth and distinction looks like with a race you referenced earlier.

The Vulpera.

The most fascinating thing about the vulpera to me isn’t that they’re adorable or that they’re foxes or meera’s song or even the truly disturbing eating habits of Dot and dolly but rather how the Vulpera are as a people Tabula Rasa, blank slates.

This isn’t immediately obvious until you start going over their quests and the zones that they inhabit and you see a complete durth of history with them; no signs of permanent habitation, no sacred sites or inference of greater religious ideology, no legendry about past heroes or civilizations, just an absolute focus on what is happening now.

The inference from this is that unlike every other race in the game, they appear to have no real attatchment to the past beyond it’s ability to benefit them in the present (IE where to find food, who they can trade with or where they can find useful salvage) and there isn’t really an expressed interest in the grander affairs of the world (IE we have to fight BBEG because REASONS!"); Their reason for joining the horde was very much a case of them seeing a greater opportunity to explore.

Nothing here suggest that they are perfect or sublime or powerful and in point of fact we spend extended periods of time helping them wit comparatively mundane tasks in voldun and rescuing them from other hostile forces in the region (including sethrakk and alliance operatives).

By comparison, the high elves are a people who’s greatest flaw seems to be that they are too perfect for the world that they exist in.


But you already have the ability to play the boring basic pure perfect pale blond hair blue eyed eelf of your dreams. Why are you still on about this?

But a high elf literally is a blond haired blue eyed pale elf. By definition that’s a high elf. It’s already there waiting for you to roll one and indulge in your pure elf alliance fantasy.

Sure Jan.

Blood Elves ARE the OG high elves.

Void elves check all the boxes of high elves.

:white_check_mark: Blond hair
:white_check_mark: Blue eyes
:white_check_mark: Pale skin

You’re literally clutching your pearls and crying a river over literally nothing.


I never said Vulperas don’t have depth, I said they were prone some Mary-Sue-ism. Perfection does not actually exist, and what one person interprets as perfection can be seen as heavily flawed by another. In other words, different people have different values and opinions. You thinking something is lame does not mean it is objectively lame and others may like it.

  1. You’re comparing an analysis of the Vulpera’s lack of in game history to a reductive criticism of High Elves. By the way, your thoughts on the Vulpera’s history are interesting. While they’re ultimately just headcanon, it would be cool if Blizzard could play off of this and develop it as a confirmed part of their story.

Players’ thoughts based off of inferences is a lot of what gives these races depth. Not every story point needs to be verbalized, but in the WoW universe, we can’t assume anything is canon unless confirmed. This is why we can argue back and forth about which race has depth and which doesn’t. In reality, all races have FAR less confirmed depth than we think. It’s largely up to the implications of the story and the imaginings of the players.

  1. High Elves are not perfect. In my mind, they are superficially perfect. Yet, they struggle with magic addiction, bitterness from their tragic history, they face the question of vengeance verses justice verses forgiveness, they have to deal with the perceived betrayal of their kin all while being accused of being traitors themselves, they question what philosophical path is best for their people going forward (nature, holy, arcane, void), and the only real home they have left is the memory of their loved ones. They are a deeply injured people, yet still have the physical appearance of perfection and all the potential in the world. As someone who values beauty and has struggled with grief, I love them.

You are the one talking about playing as pale blonde hair blue eyed people. I’m talking about making the Alliance High Elves that are already in the game playable.

You know that is not the definition of a High Elf.

Blood Elves are the dominant evolution of High Elves. High Elves are a different political group.

Am I? I didn’t realize I was so upset. Are they at least pretty pearls?


I agree. Just not on the Alliance side, which makes all the difference for some people as you can see. : ) . And maybe missing tattoos I guess.

I personally was always happy with the BE, actually more so when they were culturally less high elfy at the start.

I just think, Blizzard basically threw out all the arguments against implementing high elves by themselves. In addition, with a lot of cross-faction options now, I don’t think some people going over from the Horde to the Alliance to play high elves will affect the Horde negatively. And if you look at how allied races are treated - once they are out, they are pretty much done. So you still would have the option of playing a main race with a Blood Elf, with likely (or at least hopefully) more content, or an allied race which might fit exactly with what you want to play, but won’t really have anything much going besides cosmetic option on the creation screen and the tag you always wanted.

The devs have opted for giving players more option in so many other ways (class choices, customization, new races etc.), which many I personally don’t really like - but probably are overall a plus for the game, because it gives more people the chance to get exactly what they want.

No they don’t. If you knew your lore you’d know this has been false for the last 8 expansions.

Of abandoning their homeland to be one dimensional waifus to humans?

I’d this part of the alliance held fan fiction?

How were they betrayed? Because the elves literally stopped sucking up to the alliance after an alliance prince genocided their homeland and an alliance general tried to finish the job?

They are 100% traitors and cowards. Full stop. Objectively.

Because they’re traitors. If they stopped being waifus and went home like they should have done in the first place they’d have a home.

They’re objectively not victims no matter how hard you try to paint them as such.

I’m talking about playing high elves. High Elves are completely devoid of substance. Shallower than a kiddie pool. Their depth is entirely being pale perfect blondes with blue eyes.

The alliance high elves in game are already playable.

You can already play a blond hair blue eyed pale skinned elf in storm wind.

The definition of high elf is literally a shallow one dimensional blond haired blue eyed pale elf. They are playable on both sides.

It’s not my fault you are devoid of imagination.

No. High elves are the English translation of thalassian elves. Those are the Blood Elves, whom Blizzard subverted the cringe with.

Well you continue to spam demanding who knows what when you can already play a blond haired blue eyed pale elf on the alliance. Clearly you’re upseteros about something.

That’s what made them interesting.

I don’t understand this weird obsession people have.

Well. I do. Talrend said it best.

Void elves got more customization passes than everyone else while Blood Elves, especially male blood elves, got a lackluster customization pass because bliz wasted the time that should have been spent on us catering to the high elf fans. And actual void elf fans got practically nothing too.

We can talk when male blood elves get a customization pass, blood elves get a pass equal in care and passion to what orcs, night elves, and humans got. And we get guaranteed customizations that will never be shared.


I feel the same there, what brought me originally to the setting is that I found the whole “arcane magic is addictive” angle in WC3 really good, and that they got elves right as a “magical race” (which normally just means +1 to int or something : ) ). I also found the original Blood Knights more interesting that the normal pallies we have now. On the other hand, I can see why the devs wanted to go down that road.

That’s also why I made this void elf, because they feel more like the original blood elves. If it was up to me, they’d kept the blood elves as they were, and introduced high elves for the players who want to play traditional high elves, similar to other settings.

As I just came back from a long hiatus, I didn’t know how limited the blond elf customization actually is until I made some other characters. Hopefully they can also come up with some good ideas for them.

the main issue is that the whole void thing sucks and what you really want are the high elves to be untouched, pure blue-eyed, blonde that didn’t change their name to blood elves and be the ones that stayed on the alliance side. none of this boring void crap no one cares about with crappy customization. just be honest already.

admit you want the “high elves” that stayed with the alliance. now i would understand wanting this, because it would be interesting to expand on those elves if they didn’t already. the void elf thing just needs to be expanded but the whole void thing just isn’t doing it for me. they lack in every direction and just made their story really lame.

so yeah, i rather have “high” elves than that crap but since i’m already a high elf, i’m good haha.
come join us over at the horde!