Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

you’d get a bloid elf.

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Respectfully, both factions have high elves as it currently stands. Everything else is semantics.


I think I do believe that most of the members of the Silver Covenant actually did help out the Farstriders during Legion besides given the boot by Lor’themar and rommath during the Mists of Pandaria War.

I don’t know maybe years have past. That or Emet is making up crazy corner points about not having the actually race.

I never wanted high elves to begin with.


what about a christmas elf

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Halloween Elves or riot. :jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:


I like my Christmas elves to be male Blood Elves clad in nothing but red ribbons tied up in bows for the holidays. (I pranced around just like that in Second Life for the holidays. It was great.)

I’m holding out for the cookie elves.


“Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves. In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today.”
“90% of the high elf population was slaughtered in the third war. the rest called themselves blood elves minus a few who didn’t adopt the new name” paraphrasing ofc.

no, I wouldn’t want them made a playable race because suddenly millions of high elves are born out of thin air negating any lore that might be left in this game.


It’s kind of funny, that because the current blood elves are more stereotypical high elven than the original high elves ever were (having shining knights as their main defining feature), making them less interesting for people who liked the original blood elves more (like myself), but also uninteresting for fans of the original high elves, because they are on the “wrong side”.

Because so much was changed during the WoW’s existence (severity of arcane addictiveness for elves, BE in Azeroth (not) feeding on fel energy, somewhat high population as a factor for being considered as a playable race etc.), the whole BE/HE/VE story is pretty weird.

HE making a big fuss about not killing animals for magical sustenance (even leaving their spouse because of that in some cases), although most of them at least are fine with eating animals.

A group like the VE (maybe 50 people, even if seen generously like a few 100?) becoming a playable faction, but HE being off limits because “low numbers”, the Horde vs Alliance still being a major hindrance or factor (a lot of people having to behave in a weird way to keep that one going) for BE/HE not joining forces.

VE being kicked out of Silvermoon (they could just have prevented them from getting to the Sunwell… .). At least the VE studied the void openly (apparently), so it would be much easier to control them if they’d kept them in the Ghostlands or whatever. And so on.

With all of that, I wonder why they haven’t given a full HE option for people who really want that. Basically none of the things, like faction identity, population numbers etc. would be a hindrance, because Blizzard doesn’t take these lore reasons seriously anyway. It’s not like it would take a lot of effort (BE customizations plus some tattoos maybe) , and once done, they wouldn’t have to touch the HE anyway anymore, like most of the allied races, so it seems like a quick easy win for them.

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There’s already full HE options. There has been for quite a while now.


Yes but they’re not bland enough Zandrae; we need that flat sugar free decaffeinated cola version of elves.


It boils down to wanting to pick the corpse of Blood Elven distinction clean. It’s never enough until they have a complete clone.


It’s not even that.

It’s people who are mad about a decision that was finalized 5,949 days ago. That’s when BC came out and basically old yeller’d the possibility of high elves being an alliance race, and they have been crying about it ever since.


Even if High Elves were playable much like almost every other alliance race atleast in terms of allied races they won’t even get a starting zone, capital, nor faction rep like other races before them. I remember the days when you do get excited to see new playable races with their own starting zones ether as 1 through 5 or something big like Draenei and Blood Elves with their own two zones, faction rep, and capital. It’s shame that Pandaren, Goblins, Worgens, and Dracthyr don’t even have their own capitals but they do have faction reps. As for Allied Races pretty much almost all of them get their faction reps right except for dark irons and void elves given the fact the Void Elves could have gotten ether new faction or one that wasn’t related to broken draenei on argus.

But here we are.

Jaina’s fixed on live now. 87% less murder.

For whatever that’s worth.

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TBH, this is where I’m at.

I’d like more story (obviously), and I’ve made my opinions on customization known far and wide. I’m in favor.

I’m tickled pink that I’ll have new choices for Nightborne and Dark Iron. I love that they’ve kept adding things to Nightborne pretty consistently. I hope that applies to other races, because customization is forever and evergreen content. Someday I even hope they match dwarf eyebrows to hair color instead of skin color and I’m not just saying this because Gurda went back to her black hair and now I’m trying to find mogs that cover her BRIGHT RED eyebrows and still look good. But also because seeing how people tweak their characters to tell stories brings me joy.


The issue here andrew, is that you aren’t really presenting a case for them having any real distinction and when I pointed out that they were mary-sues, you’re response is “this is fine”.

Like, if you’re goal here is to argue for their inclusion over a plethora of other races that would bring more to the table then you aren’t exactly doing a good job.


What’s happening is that tons of people continue to want them; they are still the most requested race. You’re creating arbitrary requirements that most current allied races don’t meet. You’re acting like you’re an authority that’s facilitating a screening procedure, when in reality, your opinion holds no more weight than any others here. That sounds harsh, but I don’t mean it maliciously. It’s just that your dismissals are not consistent with what has already been added and it’s all just opinion-based anyway.

What you and I think are cool or interesting are clearly at odds, and that’s ok. I don’t think it gives either of us the right to declare that the other’s viewpoint is objectively wrong. If you want something else, I would love for that to also be added to the game. Options are good and everyone should have to ability to play things they like. What I don’t love is when people are so determined to stop other people from getting what they want.

Just so you know- I also am not of the opinion that we NEED a separate High Elf allied race. Personally, I think we need some racial tag customizations [for all races], and the ability to turn off EE visuals. I have several void elves that I play regularly, and I would LOVE to not have to pay for race changes for all of them.

My top picks for new Alliance races are Furbolgs and Broken. Still, I think it’s ridiculous that in 2023, we don’t have a way to play as genuine High Elves on the Alliance. So many people still want them so much, and it’s not an unreasonable request. That’s why we’re here vocalizing our desires.


Can you prove that?

?Because frankly, having been in this argument for years, most of the regulars who argued for them aren’t showing up anymore, a few even have come out to say they’re happy with it. There’s two options to play that kind of elf now, I really don’t think there’s a massive number of people who are that upset about the same cosmetics not having the right name. Now, as always they’re massively loud, but I really doubt that it is still as popular as it was before the void elves were released, especially now that they have the non-void options.

ETA: Also, with CFGs almost here, that’s gonna open things up even more.