Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Again, we’re assuming “death” means the same thing for the avatar’s of planets as it would for us.

Alleria was in agony while she was doing that for a brief period of time while handling far less light then a paladin would. The best analogy for what would happen would be this:

Now, If you wanted to have a whole new void oriented melee class? I’d be all about that as long as it wasn’t just “paladin but purple”.

Kid you had your chance to clarify your position and refused. You don’t get to pull the “Nuh uh” card.

I like how you keep trotting out this straw man.

Adding high elves to the alliance is a waste of time and resources because once you step back and look at them for what they are you see that they don’t actually add anything; they’re the most generic version of elves possible and they provide no new perspective or depth to the alliance beyond being elves (and you already have two other flavors of elf who have more depth and creativity then the ones that could easily fit into the general description of them from the AD&D players handbook released back in 1977).

The alliance deserves better then that.


The Alliance wants High Elves.

Who are you, a Blood Elf, to tell us what we deserve or should want? Or what we want is a waste of time? How so?

High Elves would be extremely popular and one of the most played Alliance races if they were added. It’s a fact. See Void Elves - most played Allied race by far and more played than multiple base game races despite requiring doing all of Argus.

We want High Elves. The real High Elves.

No matter what you say or think, that desire for High Elves hasn’t changed since Beta nor will it ever change. High Elves still, to this day, are the most desired and requested race to be added as playable despite Blood Elves and Void Elves being playable. Only Ogres come close and Blizzard knows far fewer would play Ogre over High Elf.

Void Elves are like asking for McDonalds (High Elves) and your parents give you Burger King (Void Elves).

We want the real deal. Not the disgusting, cheaper alternative.


They never used the term “death”. It was their spirit was “gone”. That their last hope was Azeroth and effectively putting their powers into the keeper(think Sargeras avatar) but failed.

There was never anything about how much light she handled/that light was less then a paladin handling.

Except that is what we will get. Actual paladins. All of the class/race will be this way.


Hello, we’re here from the institute of Void Technology to introduce you to a new Concept.

The Void.
You see Ladies and Gentlemen, the Void, much akin to the Light, are two sides of the same coin, with the center, being the dividing aspect that creates, Fire, SPirit, Water, Earth, Air, out of the INFORMATION provided by The Light that is absorbed into the Void and transmuted into something else.
Similar to, 1+1=X
Light brings 1
Void Takes 1
Void Turns that 1 into 4-5 other things.

Information = Light
Void = Transmutation of that Information into new information previously unshaped/unformed by the light in such a fashion.

Therefor, the Void, is not an enemy, it is a Cosmic, Aspectral, Primal, Force of Existance that has been around since before the Light was, hence “when a big dragon said” “let there be light” because first, it was dark and information was needed.

So, to say that the Light cannot touch the Void, is about as absurd as saying, your hand, cannot touch, your skin.

All aspects of creation flow and are connected, to argue their disconnectedness is a sign of a mind that is Ill and cannot process common sense.

Thank you for visiting my VoidTalk, snacks would be in the back but the void ate them. Sosrry.


That was actually my stance, if you follow the whole talk between Emet and me : ) (same account as Berthold).

I skipped most of the convo tbh. Everytime I see someone saying “Paladins do not work with the Void” it’s like a toddler not comprehending anything. Just pat it and walk by.

And with the forums not showing who/what accounts are posting with what alts to be trolls. I Kinda just, scroll to the bottom and leave a snarky comment so they can snap out of the mind-tumble of arguing why the light and the void are so mean to each other.

faceplanet palm


Yea I mean so far it’s just the Lodges, Stormwind, Dalaran, Honor Hold Faction on Outlands, and Silver Covenant making it the remenants of silvermoon while these who stayed behind or were kael’thas’s high elves named blood elves up in Quel’thalas still. Remain still to this very day.

So I don’t see the dangers of all these alliance and neutral factions I named being on the alliance. Since Void Elves are added wouldn’t the race itself finally topped off with making the faction and ren’dorei itself bigger now? That’s my question to folks on here.


The Horde want’s Naaru.

I have this thing called a brain…

If this was going to happen, it would have been back in BC.

We want Naaru. The real Naaru.

No matter what you think or say, it isn’t going to change the fact that this is a settled matter.

So effectively the same thing?

Nah, you’re fine with it. For all of this theater you’ve put forward emet the truth is that if you were actually this butthurt you wouldn’t be posting on a Void elf at all and would have cancelled your sub when they were first announced. But here you are, whining away. Just like you have for years and will continue to do so.

This isn’t inconsistent with the events of legion, their souls were “gone”, but you will note that Sargeras had a Demon who’s job it was to specifically hunt them down. Thus they were “found”.

You’re splitting hairs. A velf with the effect would be in a state of perpetual agony and either die or go completely insane from the contradictory forces ripping through them.

This is pure conjecture.


You really know nothing. Typical of a Blood Elf so seeped in jealousy of the real Elves whom are actually desired by their faction. While Horde still hates Blood Elves.


Wow. You really are like the Erevien of high elves.


The Horde don’t make it a secret that they hate Blood Elves and wish they were never added. I don’t blame them when over half the Horde is still plagued by their presence.


Weird… I coulda sworn everyone was saying how Blood Elves saved the Horde…
Not sure where this “The Horde hate stinky Blood Elves” is coming from. :thinking:

They saved the Horde population at the cost of the Horde losing its identity and becoming the Blood Elves + the outnumbered ugly races.


I couldn’t begin to fathom the depths of your head canon so true enough I suppose.

Nah, just someone’s who’s able to see the reality of the game and state what it is as opposed to what they wish it was.

Not as much as the alliance hates high elves :slight_smile:


Emet is the personifcation of the phrase “every accusation an admission”.


FROM back in the day. many horde players did not want fancy fussy elves on their gritty grim faction. it wasnt blood elves, specifically, but any race of pretty/handsome elves would’ve been equally despised, provided they had the same westernized theme as alliance races. the alignment was askew, also.


Oh please, again lore will likely be changed so void elves will be able to wield the light without causing them agony in the same vein forsaken paladins will do the same thing.

Blizzard will make the lore revolved around what we consider the established classes(with maybe a twist or two) and not the other way around.

Of the most recent class combo that would be somewhat controversial(orc priests) had their lore tied to the light/Naaru:

I watched that hero and learned what they discovered. After they had gone, I sought the spirit of Mother Kashur. She spoke of a song that only the spirits could hear. It troubled them at first, but with that champion’s aid, they were able to finally rest.

For years, I tried to hear that song. The day I first heard it was a day of awakening. I listen to that song even now – it speaks of healing and renewal.

The same will most likely happen to all the remain “controversial” class/race combo.


You Blood Elves just don’t get it.

We don’t care what you think about High Elves. We, the Alliance, have wanted the real High Elves since Beta. Void Elves aren’t what we asked for. We will never stop wanting the #1 most requested allied race until we get what we asked for.


I want corrupted night elf warlocks! And red eredar!


I want one of two things regarding high elves. I want either a full on allied high elf race…or i would like the entropic embrace effect to be able to be hidden, plus give VE the BE hairstyles so we can look like true high elves and not emo kids who hate their dads. Either scenario is all it would take to make me happy