Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

It’s pretty heavily implied in game, and stated through interviews, that the Void Elves are growing in number. You just don’t see any going through the ritual, which isn’t necessarily required for it to be canon.

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Lore does evolve and change, but it doesn’t simply get thrown out when it isn’t convenient to the game. This is called “depth”.

I’d try and explain the concepts of “integrity” and “ideological consistency” to you but it would clearly be a waste of time. Afterall, you keep upvoting yourself with a sockpuppet that you haven’t posted on.

Or to put it another way: If lore doesn’t matter then the association between Queldorei and the alliance is completely irrelevent and given that their history is about the only reason to have them then this whole affair is moot; there is about as much reason for the Naaru to join the horde.


Apparantly it is for a bunch of folks who think there are only thirty some odd nerds comprising the entire race.

Also apparently some of them were warriors and rogues. Because those folks are so important to experimenting with mystical matters.

It’s a good thing Blizzard added High Elf options for Void Elves as well as Blood Elves then, huh?


These people won’t be satisfied until Blood elves are on the Alliance. They’ll argue otherwise but that’s what this boils down to.

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I don’t need an explanation in either.

I’m correct on this.

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You must be out of the loop.

Blood Elves are already on the Alliance. Void Elves are former Blood Elves.

High Elves are on the Alliance since Classic. They still aren’t playable despite high demand.

Not a hard concept.


You do, but I have neither the patience nor desire to explain it to someone who is a complete ideologue.

The Rendorei were never really Blood elves; the experiments occured at a time before they’d fully joined with the horde and left them in a weird time warped state.

They were also “on the horde” at that time. Almost like the developers weren’t sure what to do with them.

Naaru also aren’t playable despite high demand.


No, High Elves weren’t ever on the Horde. Horde even had quests to kill Lodge High Elves despite them just wanting to be left alone. The Dalaran and Stormwind High Elves are the ones that stayed Alliance. They ignored the call to return and join the Horde as Blood Elves. Since in TBC they had to become Blood Elves or were exiled.

Theramore hosted High Elves too but the Blood Elves helped nuke that.


i think ppl just want the title “high elf” to be seen instead of void or blood lol notice the most ppl crying abt high elves are void elves. a lot of us blood elves understand we are high elves and so are you. sorry they made them sucky but what can you its blizz. you can easily do this yourself by usin a rp addon and saying youre a high elf lol


They were indeed sir, their are multiple quest givers that are Queldorei in Kalimdor and this would have been from before BC went live and they objectively wanted us to help them in direct opposition to alliance interests.

Heck Scholomance had a whole bunch of them too so I guess the Scourge gets to claim ownership of them too!

None of which actually matters because you don’t believe that the lore is important.


Pretty much this; You can also change your race to “dommy mommy” and “Space goat” if you so please.

Oh please, lore is not this immutable thing that has to remain stagnant. The fact is, lore is literally being written now to make every race/class combo available(something a few expansions ago would have been though as near heretical by lore fans). So if anything, high elves are as much a possible as anything else.

Have you been paying attention? Chronicles, the suppose “lore bible” gets retconned whenever the devs feel like it. for example, as per Chronicles all the titans were dead-dead. But a patch later in Legion has that retconned.


Also if I remember if the Horde Players are still keen on Blood Elves being High Elves then as a Blood Elf Player you wouldn’t even go to a Lodge in Classic since they were hostile to all horde players and horde alike. Same thing is still happenining in retail too. People may say that oh what about Dalaran with their mages and the silver convenant. Good luck getting into the Silver Convenant since much like the Horde One they kick you out.

Only Neutral High Elves are the Pirates, and Dalaran Mages. Which Surprisely even during Mists almost all of the High Elves that were in the Kirin Tor were under the leadership of Jaina at the time while very extremely tiny few helped the horde during Pandaria Campaign.


Strictly speaking they were dead, it’s just that death has a different meaning for a titan then it does for us, particularly when one of them is engaging in hinky shenanigans to keep them from transitioning to the afterlife.

So strictly speaking it wasn’t thrown out but like a rather smart person said earlier:

Further, this whole tangent spun out because Emet was screaching about the lore for the longest time and then when someone pointed out that Void paladins would directly contradict the lore and lead to the rendorei in question expieriencing a horrible, painful death as their contradictory nature literally burnt them out from the inside.

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No, they were dead as in “the last remnant of their power slammed into the keepers” and their souls were suppose to be gone.

It actually doesnt. In the sense that Alleria herself was once able to bend BOTH void and light at the same time(albeit temporarily) to find Turalyon. So theoretically you can mix them both and actually get the “truth”(you know something paladins care about)

Effectively, a void elf paladin could be a “super paladin”.


We are not looking at the void elves.

Nah, that would be you who spits on the lore. You cannot even get the facts right.

I’ve always been consistent and no matter how much you blood elves wish it (as the #1 most frequent posters against High Elves are almost universally, and predictably, Blood Elf mains) the fact remains that High Elves still exist and didn’t abandon the Alliance after WC3.

Adding High Elves, whom have their own faction and leadership, is a threat to you Blood Elves as you know a lot of Blood Elves are only on the Horde because the Alliance lacks High Elves. Heck, Blizzard locked Void Elves behind a massive unlock grind via Argus to dissaude Blood Elves from transferring over to the Alliance. As the Horde population is dead if enough Blood Elves leave for the Alliance.


I seriously doubt that blood elves would be in any danger of going extinct were high elves added to the Alliance.


That’s how they think.

No one hates the thought of playable High Elves more than a Blood Elf.

Note that the average High Elf erasure believer (they believe High Elves are extinct or all went Blood Elf) are almost always a player that mains a Blood Elf.