Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

the only problem here is, the players know they arent playing the alliance high elves. they are playing former blood elves who are now void elves chased out of blood elf lands to protect the sunwell. while an interesting angle, it literally is the flip of what we asked for lol


Trust me, i understand. But i think any sort of allied race prospects are very low -especially when we have seen Blizzard put focus on a new races and customization overall.

Id like them to prove me wrong on that, but the lack of update speaks volumes.

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they’re having multiple employee problems now as they are beset on every side.


They have previously stated no allied races in DF prior to any employee retention issue with RTO. Weve kicked the can down the road again a second time.


back in shadowlands they said earliest allied race would be 10.1 or later. wonder whats going on


Its in the same room as archaeology.



Emet is trying to argue that lore simultaneously does and does not matter as it suits their position. Assuming they aren’t a complete hypocrite then they need to clarify their position.


Just here to complete my weekly
YES I still want High Elves


because thats how the game is developed. lore matters till it doesnt. when it doesnt, its replaced with the new paradigm and the new lore matters till it doesnt. hehe


Why would I apologize to someone that’s in the wrong?


this is news to me and quite comical. they send us crap dragons that look like pea headed lizards cartoon style and just the other day said they wont recieve more transmogs until further notice. lol they can barely give us a new race that is suppose to be the star of this expansion but they’re side casts instead. so yea idk who said that lie lol allied races can barely give us real dragons that can FLY.

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Nearly all weapons clip through their wings too. You’re forced to wear the tuskarr backpack in visage to hide the weapon. The fact that hide weapon still isn’t an option is pathetic.


if there are high elves are there low elves too?

Those are the Blood Elves.


There are former high elves among the void elves though, right? Just not among the original group of void elves. They extra put a few high elves into the Rift and have them come from Stormwind.

I understand that playing a void elf isn’t the same as a high elf, but you can play your void elf at least as a former high elf. If you go with a more high elven void elf look, it would make more sense, because then it’s likely you are a void elf who joined later (after Alleria tought them how to better control the process) and not one of the original blood elves.


All playable Void Elves were a part of the same research team as Umbric. Only Blood Elves made up that team.

We have no effective, safe means to make more Void Elves as it was a freak accident that hasn’t been replicated. Blizzard never showed how new Void Elves are made nor explained it , all they said is more elves went to the rift as they shared the same views. Only our faction leader became a Void Elf on her own and it required a lot of work and time. She’s a special case.


I don’t think so. We see void elf rangers and scouts etc., later onwards, which if you want to take everything literally couldn’t exist, as the original group was made up of only warlocks and mages. The new cosmetic options also wouldn’t make any sense. At least it’s not clear cut until Blizzard states somewhere directly that they are still only the original group.


The original group were researchers. Being magically inclined wasn’t a requirement. They were made in an accident.

We have no idea how more are made as Blizzard never told us or showed us as the two cases we saw are unique. Our faction leader got it from that one dungeon run and Umbric and co were a complete accident.


What I mean is - in game you only see warlocks and mages. There are no other classes shown. So if you only accept what they show in game, it means there were no others involved. It’s very easy to interpret from what they say and show in game - namely that it’s Magister Umbric with his followers that this was only a group mages and warlocks. Otherwise Rommath also wouldn’t have the power to banish them, I imagine.

At least you also have to make some assumptions which aren’t shown in the game if you want to go down the road that these were more than a bunch of former mages and warlocks from the start. Or that it is impossible that others - including High Elves - have found a way to join the original group.

I hope they will touch this in the future, because you are right of course, we don’t know how more are made (or even if more are made, I just think it’s fair to assume). On the other hand, having less defined lore can also be an advantage in Wow :slight_smile: