Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Years after the Third War, the high elves were in a state of diaspora. Most resided in human cities like Stormwind City and Dalaran. Others live in seclusion in the wild forests, often in hunting lodges such as Farstrider Lodge. Several high elves have also integrated into Theramore under the leadership of Lady Jaina Proudmoore.


They should have been. They were bad allied races - but bad allied races shouldnt give leeway to more of them either, which is not a good argument either in support of high elves.

Allied Races, as mentioned before, should have been customization option-unlocks for current races.

but since they are what they are, atleast unlock them and more class options, i’ve spent almost two months on and off unlocking void elves and now nightborne and im already beyond exhausted with Legion and I still don’t have an elf shaman.



No, Allied Races were never meant to be super extensive or take massive amounts of time.

The Kul’Tiran are the Allied Race with the most work put into them and they’re the least played Allied Race next to MechaGnomes.

Meanwhile Vulpera and Void Elves are absurdly popular for way less effort.

Blizzard has their answer on what fans want.


They were supposed to be new races and not reskins via Blizzard’s own stating - which was a lie for about all but one of them.

Most of them could just be customization - and it wouldnt matter.

Has nothing to do with work - thats a false correlation. No one wants to play fat humans.

In comparsion, Zandalari have near similar amounts of work put into their model (as they rebuilt it) and Zandalari are one of the more popular ones.

First, I wouldnt say vulpera have way less effort compared to more than half of the allied races.

Second, thats another false correlation - as void elves were getting played because they were elves. Like how Nightborne were going to get played regardless their model complaints.

Yea, elves and furry races. But then again, based on what they have given - there really is nothing that separates a void elf from a high elf customization wise.

So xanax copying an already popular allied race with half of its customization is kind of pointless no matter how you frame it. The only thing the race is missing is Paladin, which cannot be given due to lore reasons (unless Blizzard walks it back).

No, they weren’t. Allied Races as a concept aren’t supposed to be extensive. That’s why they’re Allied Races and not just a Race like Pandaren.

Zandalari were in the game with a model since Panda time. I think even as far back as Cataclysm. Kul’Tiran were built from the group up and needed entirely new lore made from scratch. Even then, Blizzard knows that Fat Kul’Tiran are a bust hence why 99% of important Kul’Tiran aren’t fat.

Vulpera just use the Goblin model with furry added.

False correlation? How so? Void Elves literally had the least work needed to put them in-game and were added at the last minute and have the least story/lore out of any allied race. Yet are the most played Allied Race by a massive amount. That tells Blizzard everything they need to know. If they added in High Elves in the future they would end up as one of the most played Races as well and for extremely low effort. All the High Elf Lore and the such has already been engrained into the game since WC2, WC3, and all the past expansions that has them on the Alliance.

That’s completely untrue. Have you not listened to a single voiceline of a Void Elf, their limited customization, their Heritage Armor, or even their Lore or the fact that they are Exiled Blood Elves and not even Alliance High Elves at all? Nothing about them is High Elf other than similar looks.

Pointless? That’s quite ignorant of you to say. High Elves would be absurdly popular. Ergo it wouldn’t be pointless.


Based on what? You literally can play a High Elf right now on both factions just minus the name. I agree that void elves are popular for the allied races, but you would see more of them if this was the case.

Really what holds them back is one class and an unlock requirement (however heavily gone it is).

Which is really all that most players care about at the end of the day - which is why certain races are not popular over others.

Because the amount of work on them is irrelevant to why they are played lol. By that logic, AU Orcs should be one of the most played races - yet arent.


Void elves have like 6 customization options…it’s been years. Can we please remember how to put our jewelry back on and be purple paladins or something?


Blizzard has to rescind the lore that light and void cannot mix or else boom. But hey, Blizzard has given justification to previous choices for gameplay (Forsaken priests having all specs). Forsaken priests were all supposed to be Shadow priests because they couldnt channel the Light without damaging themselves - which cannot replicate into gameplay or else the class is screwed over for a race.


Are you serious? You can’t be serious or this hard-headed. I already addressed all these arguments already. Why are you repeating the same debunked arguments?


That whole “void elves can’t be paladins” lore is old and outdated, if Shadowflame exists, which it does, if Undead Priests exist, which they do, if priests can use void, which they do, and if a priest, can swap to a paladin , which they do (delas moonfang in legion)

Then wth is the problem with a Void Paladin other than bias?


The lore against Void Knights is irrelevant. If Blizzard wants it then they can just write new lore. Like how Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves came out of nowhere at the last part of Legion with 0 build up.


I just disagree based on what I see as a player.

Thats my point - they can just write the lore to get rid of that issue.

And they still suck. Doesnt make it any better to do that.


There are no phenotypic differences between blood and high elves.

The myth started due to the table top rpg game that lost its canon status before it even released because the writers of it veered too far for the wow devs and blizzard to be cool with it, but I do agree that Blizzards limited npc options definitely contribute.

Far as I’ve been able to tell thats a Mandela effect issue.

Can’t find any actual quest for that and I also started a blood elf back then. (that blood elf just hit 70 this last week woot!)

There is the quest to drain mana from the manawryms around those crystals though.

It’s not a thing at all.

There are no differences between a high and blood elf physically.

Eye glow is only representative of magic, not of an actual change to them.


They’re already in game under Blood Elf and have been for like 16 years. So… I’m not sure what the purpose of this thread is.


You must have not played WoW before Dragonflight


Literally in the game that Blood Elves simply changed the “high” to “blood” to remember the fallen. You can’t get more high than that.


I see. You skipped classic and all previous expansions.


Oooh. It’s a troll post. Okay carry on :slight_smile:


Area Void Elf passionate defender of what they imagine the lore to be.