Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

…such as what?

You’re just flat out wrong there, they’re the same damn thing as each other other than disagreements on what they want to do (and even then the ones still going by high elf don’t even have a unifying factor between their little factions)

I mean, what do you think the greater difference between Lordaeron and Theramore is? (and I presume lots of the settlers came from there, but with Jaina and Daelin, I always feels like they tie it more with Kul Tiras)


They had their own flag/their own culture/their own system of government that was based on Lordaeron but unique to them.

The survivors were lordaeron survivors more so then Kul Tiran ones. I would also state they were effectively a mini Alliance what with their forces coming from various human kingdoms/Quel’thalas and Ironforge.


Not an argument, just came to mind


Ok and?

Such as what?

RPG isnt canon, by all intents and purpose the leadership imposed in WoW is Jaina with a group of advisors. By that, its the same almost as any other monarchy or leadership within the WoW world.


Such as being a more militant and sea fearing oriented nation. Not to mention less fervent light worshipers then Lordaeron. And as mentioned, effectively more of a mini Alliance akin to what Stormwind is right now.

For one, its not a monarchy(she isn’t Queen Jaina afterall), it actually would be closer to Kul tiras’ whole noble house system but also abit more like Dalaran’s magocracy because most of Jaina’s advisors were mages!

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Theramore? Since when was Theramore militant before Cata?


Since forever? Cata confirmed that Theramore was the most powerful Alliance center in all of Kalimdor.


So its pseudo-Kul’Tiras? I dont know how thats unique when we have seen other militant or port cities in WoW. Especially with Kul’Tiras now in existence.

Then whats the unique part or “its own” culture if its just a smaller copy of KT?

I wasnt saying it was a monarchy. The point being is that she was the sole leader with a group of advisors - its as typical of a leadership structure as anything else in WoW.

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Because it was pseudo-kul Tiras/pseudo Lordaeron, effectively merging some of the two. And then as I mentioned, because it was an Alliance bastion, it has elements of being more like modern day Stormwind with races from every Alliance member state.

And I’m saying that like Kul Tiras, it is not a monarchy and by that definition alone makes fairly unique to every nation in the Eastern KINGdoms.


But what you are describing is Stormwind with an anchor flag. Thats it.

But…Theramore isnt in Eastern Kingdoms - its in Kalimdor, so I am not understanding your point here. I dont understand how having a military state thats not run by a king is not the same as having a military state thats run by a king.

The difference would be the title of who is ruling, not the structure.


Which is different enough. Because I was initially comparing Lordaeron/Theramore. That Theramore/Lordaeron are different in the same vein that high elves/blood elves are now different.

Because again the comparison was initially about Theramore being unique/distinct enough to be its own thing that is not simply Lordaeron.


I will respectfully disagree. I do not believe a flag is enough of a difference between two different cities - to say they are two different cultures.

The problem is mostly that Theramore has no writing regarding it that shows its differences where we have to pivot on government structure as prime cultural differences instead of actual culture.


Then that is that. Because as I have they have their own national identity/their own symbols and had their own way of life that had similarities but not exactly the same as the ones they had when they lived in Lordaeron.

And as I have said, while it did not have much in writing it had it based on what was shown. That Theramore was effectively an Alliance town that was a hub of various races. That it was effectively the Stormwind of Kalimdor.


Sure - but if we incorporate this back into the high elf vs. blood elf ‘culture split’ - I dont think that one wearing red and one wearing blue is different enough to justify it. It would require more in-depth writing outside of what we have received.


Would be nice if Void Elves had anything other than a teenage-joke played on them.
“You touched the thing that makes you go blind if you touch it, get out!”
(Sits in a rift turning blue)

More class options
A City
NPcs in a City
A Chest Piece option for Heritage Armor
Customization Options (jewelry, hair, not tentacles)
Purple/Voidie : Flowers, Trees, Stained Glass Architecture, Blood Elf type stuff/night elf stuff/nightborne stuff but with Void Touch as their city theme. (Look up more void flowers from League of Legs)
Void Pets
Void Druid Forms
Void Elementals
Void Form option for all Void Elves (Summon the Void/Shift into the Void/Call the Void/Embrace the Void) - Each one does something different depending on the class.
Void Elf, Void Undead, Void Tauren, Void etc : Void touches all the classes/races, not just Blood Elf

Same with Undead, not just undead humans, but undead anything, as a race option when you pick undead.
Dractthyr Visage : Any form, not just human


just a reminder we still have high elves on both sides. disgruntled void elves are unhappy they are blue people and have a crappy backstory of how they came to be velfs. thats literally all this is. the void elves visit the boogeyman bc the idiot side guy said to come with him to see, now u got tentacles and lost most of your belf customization lol.
youre still a high elf, just the blood elves are far better. dont drink the weird koolaid with the glowly tentacles next time lol

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Sir how dare you, that koolaid with tentacles is our holy juice. All hail the tentacle touched kool aid!

:blueberries: :blue_heart: :people_hugging:

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Says the one who cannot fathom that High Elves still exist and are on the Alliance in WoW.


That argument has no weight. There’s a strong story between them already that has been built up over multiple expansions, books, and comics.

Not to mention that we literally have MechaGnomes and Lightforged Draenei who could have just been customization options for Gnomes and Draenei.