Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I just assumed that Blood Elves were High Elves at this point since they are the one true elf.

I dont think the silver covenant side would really add anything to the game, theyre just a third version of the same elves, and theyre a part of dalaran who is neutral. So they would have to split off from that. Id just leave them out tbh

Going more feral with lodge high elves could work. Im not sure it would appease all that many people but it could work.
It would lend itself more naturally to a new model as well.

I would fear it might stand too close to what a night elf is. But that still works for me as night elf males are super ugly haha

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It would by exploring the most high profile High Elven group players know and their rivalry and hatred of the blood elves. When High Elves get added in it has to include them as that’s the main high elven force that has been aiding the Alliance. It’s also the largest concentration of the remaining High Elves. Fans would expect them too.


Let’s just wait for Paladin Void Elves before everyone just bashes their heads into each other for no real reason.

If you do it that way round, it feels more like the lodge stuff is being thrown on to justify a difference and not as a natural inclusion. The two do not really work together.

They are two pretty different groups of people after all.
And only 1 is what brings something new to the table.

the greek theme or the asian theme?
my guess is the highborne preferred the grecian style, whereas the night elves prefer the asian style (and the nightborne seem to like middle eastern themes with grecian influences)

I really hope in a void patch, the silver covenant joins the ranks of the void elves.
Add a void paladin that way.

2 birds one stone.

Void elves are now the race high elf fans want and paladins are included.

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Why couldn’t Void Elves and High Elves have a starting zone that start from level 1 to level 5 and get ported to goldshire like other private server did with them.


If we get a Starting Zone with them I’ll be happy. Hell I wish Allied Races would have a better starting zone than a cheaper ones we got now.

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You mean Turkish Nightborne or Byzantine theme Nightborne?

hmm. let me see byzantine. one moment.

turkish. yeah turkish

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Hmm I mean it’s kind of odd since Dalaran has Turkish like Buildings with the Domes and stuff.

Alliance still wants and deserves the real High Elves.


That reminds me: there’s quite literally a book in Dalaran that classifies High Elves as an Alliance race and Blood Elves as a Horde race.


Blood Elves are not part of the guard rotations of Dalaran.

This is a personal headcannon, but based on my obervations on how the city operates as a living hub for all people

A : The founder races, Humans and High Elves

B: “The traditional Alliance”, dwarves, gnomes, (blood, dalarani, civilian) elves + the Silver Covenant

C: Alliance + Sunreavers

D: Horde + Player Character


It’s clear not all of the wow dev team agrees with Ion.

Alliance should have gotten High Elves in bfa at least. Wrath would have been ideal.


They already have them… they are already playable by both sides.


They aren’t.


Just because they added void to themselves, doesn’t make them any less high elves, same goes for blood elves.


Void Elves are exiled Blood Elves. They aren’t the Alliance High Elves.

Blood Elves are Fel tainted abominations and traitors.