Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I drop by a bit. Hope you’re doing well.


You asked if Elf fans still want High Elves.
I answered for myself.

It’s not a matter of being correct or not on whether we have high elves or not because it’s more a matter of debate.

I’m sorry you feel that way.

I hope Goblin working out for you though. They have the best totems.

Not my fault Taurens can’t be Warlocks, yet at least. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

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You would think they could as the Grimtotem are in the Horde.

Like, right there… you’re own quote. ‘we are no longer high elves’. They stopped being high elves at that moment, and walked a different path, a path that led to them all being exposed to fel magic and perminantly changed, a path that let to a change of culture where they drain magic from living creatures, or torture naaru and summon demons.

The Bloodelves are an offshoot of the high elves who stopped being high elves a long, LONG time ago. They are not high elves, as directly stated in your own quote. we are our own thing now and the high elves are a seperate thing.

And while we are all part of the ‘elf’ race, the symbolic ‘high’ part has been replaced by the symbolic ‘blood’ part.

again to quite your own post

Sin’dorei, not Quel’dorei, not Kal’dorei, not Ren’dorei, not Shal’dorei… and while we are all part of the ‘dorei’ (elf) race , Sin’dorei are not Quel’dorei and more than we are Kal’dorei.


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He’s right though.

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Few things are more fun to me than old Mortal Kombat movie Shang Tsung memes.

You got one for “Your soul is mine!”?

Too bad the latest one was so bad.

That new character is garbage. I hope he gets Fatality’d in the next movie.

This is why I purposefully referenced the old movie from my youth. only Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa was fit to bring that character to life.

As for elves

we have enough flavors of them. I’d rather see entirely different races becoming playable if any.

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Eh, it was better than Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, but worse than the first movie, but the first movie was mostly just carried by it’s amazing cast more than story or action scenes.

The new MK movie was passable… but they messed up the story and the viewer insert character was jsut really bland and unlikeable and ate up screen time of far more deserveing characters… like, any other characters. Can’t deny that movie had some fantastic action scenes though, mostly the subzero/scorpion stufff but allround good action scenes. Also I did like Kano, he was entertaining to watch even if no where near as memorable as Trevor Goddard was.

According to the devs themselves, they did not change. No player blood elf nor the majority of the blood elves had any changes from any of TBC beyond green eyes which were said, again by devs, to fade over time after the Sunwell was restored.

Now the Felblood ones did. They served Kael’thas and were not a part of the Horde.

Did they have a culture change, yes, as did those who remained High Elves. It kinda has to happen when 90% of your population dies in one event.

The Blood Elves were willing to do whatever needed to survive, and the high elves had to learn new ways to survive in their situations. Neither is untouched by that and neither is the old culture. They both diverged.

And they don’t suck magic from anything anymore particularly… The Sunwell is restored. They no longer need to.


I mean, the Dev’s contradict themselves all the time… this isn’t new. But if you play the bloodelf starting area the narrator outrifght says “Now, the Blood Elf regent Lor’themar Theron sees a new hope on the horizon for his people, over time the sunwells light could cure the blood elves of their cursed state.

Cursed state… as in, they were infact changed by the Fel, and he ‘hopes’ one day they can be cured of that, but as of yet it hasn’t happened.

Now, are you arguing that Blood Elves and High elves are part of the same race? Then yes, the answer is yes. Just like Stormwind humans, Kul’tirans and Gilnean’s are all part of the same race. Humans.

But Blood elves are not High elves, I am a Blood elf, and Vereesa Windrunner is a High elf. But we are both Elves.

Just like A Stormwind human is not a Kul’tiran Human. Mathias Shaw is a Stormwind Human, and Cyrus Crestfall is a Kul’tiran. But both are Human.

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Or y’know, it’s a reference to their addiction to magic. Even in the level 1-5 area you meet mana addicts.


We have blood elves and void elves. We don’t need a race named high elf.


“Then, perhaps, they are moving to that stage of cured. Blizz could be trying to show that change over time. That could be why they feel they are ready to take this next step, and reintroduce High Elves. It’s a thought.”

We already do. They are called Blood Elves.

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True Blood Elves mourn the great dilution-ing that was the introduction of the Void Elves.