Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Yes, the Blood Elf backstory.


I favor void elves myself, amd would rather have an onteresting race choice.

I can agree with all of this!

More hairstyles would be most welcome for Void Elves (and every other race to be honest). I expect that down the road we’ll see a few new hairstyles added to every race, and a lot of cross-pollination of existing hairstyles across the races.

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You have them. You took enough identity from the real high elves on the horde side.


u alrdy have high elves

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YES THEY ARE!! :grin:

That is canonically – 100% fact.

Also ‘Some’ of the High Elves? Lmao – It was the grand MAJORITY of their population.

High Elves ARE Blood Elves. They’re not a biological, or cosmically different race whatsoever. Their namesake change is merely political only. Those who chose to not rename themselves for political purposes, are an extreme minority out of the entirety of their people.

— And before we get into this discussion — Yes, contrary to the belief – Them being renamed ‘Blood Elves’ has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the fel … ZILCH. NADA. SQUAT. They renamed themselves Blood Elves to honour the fallen against the devastation & destruction upon their people and kingdom wrought by Arthas and the Scourge armies.

So Bluebèll is correct:

Blood Elves ARE WoW’s High Elves.


“Troll”, “Dwarf” and “Human” are very broad terms that could refer to any group belonging to a race.

This isn’t the same case for elves. Blood Elf and Void Elf are distinctive names referring to their specific groups. It’s like having Dark Iron Dwarves since vanilla, and then when they’re about to give us regular Ironforge Dwarves, they got added as customization options instead for the already playable DID

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It doesn’t matter what the race is called in the game files.

Blizzard is on record saying that they intend players to find their niche fantasies (Alliance High Elf, Wildhammer, Farraki, etc) via customization additions to existing races. I believe the specific quote was in regards to playing a Wildhammer Dwarf via customization, but the point still stands even for Void Elves using High Elf customization or Blood Elves using Dark Ranger customization.

If the fact that the racial tooltip says something other than what the player is portraying bugs them, then requesting an option to change that is of course well within their right. But make no mistake, while I don’t think racial tag customization is likely to be implemented, it has a far better chance of happening than Blizzard adding yet another Blood Elf copy/pasta on the Alliance called “High Elf”.

Other way around, Blood Elves ARE High Elves. Every Blood Elf is a High Elf, but not every High Elf is a Blood Elf, even if Blood Elves constitute the majority of High Elves on Azeroth. And according to Ion Hazzikostas Void Elves are also High Elves.


Yes. That is correct.

Again, the merit of the title is merely political.

Yep, their origins came from High Elves since as per the quest they were Blood Elves before transformation - However unlike the contrast between the political title of either ‘High Elf’ and ‘Blood Elf’ — with the ‘Void Elves’ they were cosmically changed, by being literally altered by the void.

Best case scenario I could see would be them putting a defensive or buffed cap on the Sunwell making it resistant or empowered by all magical sources – Giving an NPC or two @ Isle of Quel’Danas (accessed via portal / different phase from BC one) that allow them to change between racials, and simply merging the races into one (and having the faction differ between your selection like Pandaren) – Then having the mouse-over title differentiate between High Elf, Void Elf or Blood Elf depending on your selection.

I am not certain if Blizzard is willing to put in that much effort to be honest. Personally I think they just handed out the customizations and left it up to us to decide our character’s backstory. I expect something similar to happen if/when Void Elves get access to the Paladin class. Either they are just going to do/say nothing about Void Elf Paladins using the Light and let the player decide how to explain it, or they might recolor Paladin spells to match the blue/black NPC void spells and just say Void Elf Paladins use the Void instead. If they do anything more robust than that I will be truly and pleasantly surprised.


go play warcraft iii the undead campaign and get back to me and the expansion. you obviously have zero clue what you are talking about.

Okay, you’re the only one looking like a clown here. :clown_face:
Lmao, I have 100% knowledge of what I’m on about.

To quite literally quote Kael’Thas Sunstrider:

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!

Stings doesn’t it? When the clown make up melts into your eyes, obscuring the truth. There there, Aussielight is here to educate you. :slight_smile:


this is why i hate elves

so much struggle and irritation for something that already exists in wow.

Nah we have enough elves imo.

I mean if high elves were added I wouldn’t care, but right now you can easily rp as a high elf through the void elf “new” skins and hair colors.

Kinda like how I’m RPing as a dark ranger even though I’m obviously not undead hehe

this is why I feel bad for devs. imagine being this hateful towards a dude you don’t even know for a decision that he probably never actually made on his own, jesus christ some people need a reality check.

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No, we don’t.

The Alliance needs its most loyal ally.

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I’m an elf fan and you asked a question. I answered.
I didn’t realize you just wanted to be contradictory.

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Alliance gets High Elves and The Horde gets Ogres I will make that trade. I always wanted to have a Big ugly dope double headed Ogre Warrior!


You’re not correct. We don’t have the High Elves. We have the offshoots.

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Pretty sure that one is playing some other game and thinks it’s wow.

And hello since I haven’t seen you around too much :dracthyr_yay_animated: