Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Cursed state as in their addiction to magic and suffering as a result. Their people can finally begin to heal…

They’re not talking about fel.

I think I’m more arguing against the notion that people like to pretend that there is any difference beyond Ideology. It’s two political factions of the same group. They’re both high elves. One of them merely changed their name to honor the fallen.

I think it’s intended to be more of a long term take hundreds of years kind of thing, atleast that’s how it comes across to me, you don’t call it a ‘cursed state’ if it’s going to be over and done in a week.

Blizzard howver did allready re-introduce the highelves in a round about way by giving highelf customisations to both Blood elves and Void elves, so anyone who wants to play a High elf effectivly can. They even had story progression of some high elves returning to Silvermoon to be near the sunwell and some high elves Travelling to the Void rift to learn with the void elves as an excuse for why High elves would be part of either side.

They did the same thing with Darkranger, but the wierd thing is people accept the Dark Ranger cosmetics as playable Dark rangers, but for some reason don’t accept the High Elf cosmetics as playable High elves…

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I have the answer. Let’s start punting Elves instead of us Gnomes and the Elves that get punted the highest we call High Elves. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Night elves were the highest until Teldrassil burned.

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You mean the little minor eye tint thing that’s already worn off on many elves?

The problem there is that they’re too long and lanky. Gnomes have a nice compacted body type without long limbs so the punt is transferred more effectively. Take an elf and try and punt it and it’ll fold over and wrap around your foot and go nowhere. Elves would be more of a track thing, something like a hammer throw, grab 'em by the ankles and work up some momentum and see how far you go


Point me to a High elf with fel-green eyes like mine. OR are you going to admit that’s a Blood Elf exclusive thing? There are physical differences caused by Fel magic

Which was the begining to the divide and means Blood elves are not High elves.

The ‘Blood’ part is symbolic of the fallen during the 3rd war, and the ‘High’ part is symbolic of the Highborne being exiled by the Nightelves (who are also part of the same race. Elves).

It hasn’t, lore wise the blue eye customisations is to reprisent the High elves who came home to silvermoon. And the yellow eyes are meant for paladins who were abusing the Naaru.

Source on this?



That’s what I’m expecting given that devs have contradicted his statement.


Oh boy, haven’t done this for a while

Clears throat

High elves already exist, they’re called blood elves. If you think you’re gonna get alliance helves after bullying blizzard to dilute and destroy the velves identity by giving them pure skins then you got another thing coming.


I can’t post links but the Ask CDev Q&A

Why do blood elves still have green eyes?

Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It’s why most orcs are still green even though Mannoroth is dead.

Theres loads more stuff about it all but again I can’t post a link here so just search for WoW Ask CDev Q&A. Basically fel eyes arn’t fading quickly.

I like how you leave out the stuff around that that makes it clear how minor the fel effect was on the elves. And deny the fact that the new customizations are showing that the green eyes are wearing off (since you know, it wasn’t exactly yesterday that the sunwell was cleansed) and the eevee elf effects are showing up in eye colors showing the sorts of powers that elves are using (thus why the devs pointed out that gold eyes in lore would be a sign of light users))


“I wonder if there is any way of finding out just how long ago the Sunwell was restored, in game time.”

That’s a good point. Then the ones that are thrown the farthest are the High Elves.


I’m sure there’s a timeline out there somewhere with all the in universe dates, but my google fu is getting blocked by results about when the raid was beaten and then just lists of the order things happened without dates


Lolololol this is amazing.

I love the rollercoaster helfers put themselves on.

Blizz introduces velves

Omg woohoo we finally get our elves weeeeee

SpongeBob French narrator: 2 months later

We dont feel like velves fully express what we want as high elves please give us blind hair and fair ski.

Shadowlands grants velves pure options

Omg omg finally we can play true elves

SpongeBob French narrator: 2 years later

Watching my fake high elf randomly turn purple in combat has finally gotten to me. I’m going to make a GD thread asking for ACtuAL helves.

Too kek man, I swear

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How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan

The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

To repeate that part…
Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off.

“I feel for you.”

“It really would help, to know how long the Bloodelfs have had to work on purifying their blood of the fel.”

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What’s so silly is if they really dislike it so much they can macro it off completely so it doesn’t even proc, lol.


wouldn’t that mean it still procs you just dispell it instantly…?