Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

She had forsaken forces to help take Helya. Maybe the entire fleet was not suppose to be used for that quest but enough of them were.

Maybe not. But he turned out to be in the right by virtue of helping to stop one of the Jailer’s plans. He was effectively retroactive correct in his actions.

You know, I almost wish we would get to see what Pelagos decides if/once Genn dies. Considering, he is now effectively the arbiter of people’s afterlives.


I have to say… Zerde and Tarrok have a seemingly undying passion for this topic.

Something I don’t think blizz is overall concerned with…

I stopped caring a long time ago. Implement them… yay. If not… who cares. The apathy is real.


Never happened.

He did a stupid and destructive thing for petty revenge.

Later on he did a good thing that was entirely separate from the stupid thing.

See, what I wish we could see is what Legion was setting up without the interference of some petty vindictive abuser smearing his grudges all over the story.


He did a thing for revenge but also because he didn’t trust Sylvanas/though she was up to something evil. He was right.

Genn of all people was willing to set aside his difference to deal with the Legion. Sylvanas abandoned him and the rest of the Alliance to save their own skin.


No he wasn’t. Because he didn’t think anything specific, he just wanted to kill Sylvanas and made up an excuse.

No he wasn’t. We’re arguing because he quite literally put his differences WAY above fighting the legion.


His excuse was Sylvanas was up to something evil. He was right.

He was there fighting with the Alliance along with the Horde in the Broken Shore. It was Sylvanas choosing to save her own skin that ultimately cause Genn to go on a warpath.


No, his excuse was that he wanted to, as he said in the Alliance intro scene.

OH NO! Sylvanas saved his butt and he must take revenge for her warning about the trap the alliance led them all into!


Sky Admiral Rogers says: Three days ago, the Forsaken fleet set sail from Durotar, heading straight for the Broken Isles. We think Sylvanas Windrunner herself may be among them.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: We are to track them from a safe distance. We may engage, but only if the situation demands.

They were literally told they could engage if the situation demanded it. And Genn decided it demanded it.

It was not a “warning” she just left the Alliance to fend for themselves when they were suppose to be fighting together.

Regardless, at least Sylvanas gets to be punish for who knows how long doing Maw dailies over and over again.


What was the VERY NEXT LINE?

She sounded a retreat. If that’s not a warning nothing else is.


Genn Greymane says: It had better.

Genn Greymane says: I am not in the habit of tracking prey unless I intend on killing it.

That implied he expect it/wanted it but even that hints it might not happen considering “not in the habit” means it can still happen, just not something he does often.

She sounded a retreat for her people. It was not for the benefit of the Alliance.


That they were going to attack no matter what. I mean, it’s not like the fleet did anything suspicious before they attacked it.

And yet they heard it at the same time as the Horde. You know, that’s the reason why armies use very simple and very loud signals to announce big things like that in battle. It’s not like she was using something only the horde could hear.


Except the entire point is there was not suppose to be a retreat. That this was an all in gambit.

Depends, again, the original storyline had Aszuna as the first zone and that did have a questline that warned the Alliance Sylvanas was doing something in Stormhiem.


No…just no.

I have had enough of Elves. I mean seriously, you could walk from Moonglade to Tanaris without touching the ground due to all the Elf ruins scattered about the land.


Indeed, that was what the Legion wanted to happen, so they could destroy them all in one fel swoop. But a well placed blast on a horn saved enough of both armies to keep that from happening.

Doesn’t matter. Firstly, it is unknown which version of that quest is canon as both sides retrieve that journal in questing.

Secondly, Stormheim proves it wasn’t in play. Genn never comments on the idea that there’s intel on it, and he’s still wondering what she is up to right before the quests send you towards the village where the lantern scene plays out. Not anything referencing the fragments of text from the diary, just straight up, what is she up to.

Thirdly, it doesn’t matter what iterations of the story looked like before it was finalized, it’s the story that went live that matters.


Or had Sylvanas tried to hold off the legion for just abit longer(even if the Horde would have died) might have resulted in Gul’dan’s death and ultimately the Legion being forced to retreat/losing their access to Azeroth.

It means the Alliance knew something was up and that is the reason why they wanted to observe Sylvanas.

And the story that did go live tells us Sylvanas was trying to do something evil and Genn stopped her. That should have made him a hero.


Or most likely, once the horde was dead, they’d stop toying with the alliance (seriously, the two fights are quite different in severity) and pull out all the stuff the Alliance didn’t face before they were able to withdraw.

There’s no sign that they did. In fact, as I said, Genn’s dialogue in Stormheim shows that they DID NOT have any idea there was something happening.


Gul’dan literally summoned some of the most powerful Legion minions and the Skyfire was mowing them down.

Again, they were literally send to spy on Sylvanas by Anduin of all people. They suspected she was planning something, what exactly it was they did not know but it did turn out to be something evil and something Genn luckily stopped.


Again, Genn and Sky Admiral Warcriminal ALWAYS think she’s up to something.

And again, that is something completely separate from the attack on the Horde fleet that wasted so many resources of both factions.

Like the Reaver?

And how well would it do once the Legion spaceships entered the fray, there were a ton of them right there.


s’okay, illidan solved it.


This is the part that bugs me about that scene. Any type of joint operation has communication lines or runners to share information. With gnomish and goblin tech present, you’re gonna tell me that the Alliance and Horde don’t have a way to communicate if something happens? Likewise, you’re gonna tell me Sylvannas couldn’t send a runner to reach Varyan & Co. to let him know that Vol’jin was dead and the Horde was getting overwhelmed?

It makes everyone involved look like unprepared idiots because the conflict started in Legion was based on a freaking misunderstanding.