Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

And his action was even more detrimental then helpful.

Better to make sure a weapon is secured with someone who has no intention of using it rather then not monitor/not put wards to make sure it can’t be stolen by someone else.

Who says it was an assumption? It was Varian’s word. He and Tyrande both reject sha based weaponry.

The demons literally replaced people. The Sunreavers made a CHOICE to betray Dalaran.

Lother’mar and Rommath blamed them from it regardless.


Then so was the rest of the council that voted to do so.

Yes. The Night elves have no history of blowing up the world at all.

Nope. Garrosh loyalists who were working in the Sunreavers did that. But again, you excuse the alliance organization for being infiltrated while damning the horde for it.

And you blame Aethas despite there being more evidence of him not being involved and the fact that he’s the biggest suck up to Dalaran ever.


The rest of the council literally did their best to help Jaina. It was just the Sunreavers who betrayed her.

These night elves were the ones who fought those who blew up the world.

Sunreaver loyalist to Garrosh made a choice in the matter. Shaw was captured. That is not the same thing.

I blame Aethas for being incompetent.



Indeed, the alliance wasn’t even allowed to feel embarrassed for the fact that their whole intelligence agency was compromised by demons who led the combined forces of the horde into a trap that the alliance then blamed the horde for. Aethas gets betrayed by a small number of spies in his group and he gets all the blame for Garrosh’s plan.

Oh just be honest, he’s marginally horde so he has to be to blame for you.


No, you are wrong.

Again demon infiltration denotes that it was something done forcefully. What happened with the Sunreavers is they WILLINGLY joined Garrosh.

Pour que no los dos?


Id like High Worgen please

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Your headcanon doesn’t matter. It has been made abundantly clear that the Sunreaver organization was not involved in this.

Nope. They were infiltrated/impersonated and had some members turned by Garrosh to do his bidding while using the Sunreavers as a cover identity to both get his goals met but to also further diplomatically isolate the Blood Elves from rest of Dalaran or Alliance.


They were not infiltrade/impersonated. They were Sunreavers who also happen to be loyal to Garrosh.

You are right the Sunreavers as an organization had nothing to do with it. But element in said organization did and Aethas did nothing to stop or root it out.

As a side note, the entire Alliance gets blamed by the blood elves for what Garithos did. Turn about is fair play.


You have to know that it exists to root it out. Again, similar to the SI:7 problem.


After what happened in Theramore it should have been plain as day to anyone. And yet he did nothing, hence why we ended up with the Purge.


At which point Aethas had been threatened with retribution by Garrosh. So by the standard you set for the council of Dalaran with Garithos, he’s excused by being in a position where he’s unable to act.

Nah, that was just the bigoted murderers of the SC using a bare excuse to settle their scores.

Speaking of not doing anything after a betrayal, what happened to Genn and Sky Admiral War-criminal after they betrayed the horde and ambushed them?


He could have acted. He could have told Jaina. It not like he was is any physical danger at the time, he was in Dalaran proper.

People tend to get angsty when you banish from their own home because of politics.

The Alliance/Horde wasn’t even on speaking terms because the Alliance consider the Horde as betraying them in the Broken Shore. Not that it matters, Genn was right all along and stopped one of Sylvanas’ many schemes.


No. But there was a promise of collective retribution against his people if he did. So maybe he was safe, but he’d be putting who knows how many other elf lives in danger.

At that point in the story the only confirmed banished elves had already screwed up and ate a bad artifact that made them withered. And the Dalaran elves most definitely weren’t banished.

And they were completely wrong and buying into the very trap their compromised intelligence agency led them right into. Destroying the cooperation to make things easier for the legion.

Nope. He effed up big time during a demon invasion and wasted huge numbers of troops and materiel on his stupid grudge over Sylvanas not rolling over and letting him kill her before. Later on he caught her doing somethhing shady that was 100% unrelated to their boneheaded attack.


We have done this song and dance before. As per Quest of Pandaria there were more people banish aside from that lodge.

Regardless, these Dalaran elves could not return home even if they wanted to because of said decree that unless you sucked magic you would be banished.

And so he decided to put the lives of the Alliance in danger and more importantly the security of Dalaran instead?

And it made it harder for the Jailer to do whatever he wanted. I think Genn has been vindicated for his actions.

He suspected Sylvanas was up to no good. He was proven right and ultimately might have saved even more lives because he helped stop the Jailer’s plans.


No, that’s as per you putting in a character’s mouth something he didn’t say. The phrase was that they sold them out, not that they banished them.

So to fix the story we go back to the burnt husk of teldrassil and gasp, the tree had hollowed out, and while the wood had been pure, an old god was still dwelling within the hollow of the tree and now perished in the flames. The horde is vindicated and we should throw a parade for them.

He always does that.

Maybe you can get that from him breaking the lantern, but he didn’t need to get all the soldiers killed on both sides and ships and airship that could have come in useful in the Legion fight destroyed to do that.


And what exactly did “sold your own people out” meant?

Regardless sound pretty horrible on the part of the blood elves.

We already know Teldrassil was free of old god corruption. To fix this story the Horde actually have to acknowledge and atone for the horrible past and not blame it on demon blood, Garrosh or Sylvanas.

Because it was always true.

And the Horde probably shouldn’t have spent their energy helping Sylvanas make dark deals with Helya.


A ton of things. I mean, it’s roughly saying that they betrayed them, and not very specific, so it could be a ton of issues, could even just be generic bad feelings.

Eh, could be. I mean, it’s also used in media for stuff like someone upset that a co-conspirator informed the authorities of joint misdeeds. And again, it’s being used by someone already predisposed to a bad opinion of the horde races.

Again, a hollow in the tree, so nothing of the tree is actually infested, but it surrounded the old god to get past that. Or just decide that it wasn’t as successful as wanted.

And nope, by this standard, if the burning of Teldrassil led to a good outcome, then it doesn’t matter what happened before, it vindicates the group that did it.

Well it’s a good thing that they explicitly weren’t doing that then. Seriously, it’s in the quest text that Sylvanas has her own mission she will be doing which is why she’s accompanying the fleet but that everyone there was for the Legion mission not her mission.


And yet she has the Horde player character help her get the Soulcage.

The hero returns, and with the barrier disables. I will see that you are commended for this.

But first we must claim this vault!

And yet this is not the lore. And Sylvanas did not burn down Teldrassil for some noble cause, or more precisely she did burn it down because she though her cause of helping the Jailer was just but utimately she turned out wrong.

So even her whole “end justify the means” was flawed and she had to turn on the Jailer herself.


Void Elves should receive a unique customization to make them more void and less elves.


Irrelevant as the horde player runs into her coincidentally. And still, she is there on her own to do what she is doing, the fleet has nothing to do with that.

And Genn did not betray and ambush the horde for any noble cause.