Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

nah, we’ve already got enough races

Some people really enjoy eating glue paste. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re eating glue paste.


I am a high elf :slight_smile:

Not sure I see this as an actual thing since Blood Elves fit the mold exclusively; arrogant, callow, pretentious and usually presenting as a Ret/Pal with ego issues
I think that covers it, next week the Passive-Aggressive Hunter spec

Sounds like a Belf to me

They are more relevant than the radio silence we are getting here. Both literally and figuratively

After a certain point, you have to realize you got your answer with void elves and their options, and that it’s not ignoring you, it’s that what you want isn’t going to happen because they already gave you what they’re going to.


Your prob spot on

But mainly, private servers just don’t seem like a good thing to point to. I mean, there’s a lot of other options that Blizz won’t let on WoW that people put on private servers and that’s not really something most of us probably want in the game.


By their very nature private servers are a moot point.

They are not the actual game or its lore or its story. Its just a bunch of fanfiction.

Fun in most cases though, I hear. lol


i liked the one that had playable alliance high elves and playable horde goblins in vanilla timeframe that use the tbc high elf model and the vanilla goblin model. you could get a home in the woods and grow a little garden. use rowboats. raise campsites and earn rested xp there. race cars at shimmering flats. cute fan version of vanilla wow.


Aye, they can be quite fun.

Just ain’t blizzard so it’s not really super useful for anything relating to WoW itself.


I don’t understand why we wouldn’t want that stuff. Like new classic dungeons, raids, races, vanilla intended zones, small qol like crusader strike at level 6. And the biggest one NO RMT and NO bidding on gear.

My whole fundamental frustration lies around the radio silence from blizzard. If they are deciding that’s perfectly fine. Just say so lol

That might be what Blizzard has chosen to go with, but it still doesn’t make the situation right. It’s like giving someone that asked for a ham sandwich something else and being told to shut up and like it, despite having ham sandwiches on the display and visibly giving them to other customers. The person wanting a ham sandwich is in their rights to be upset and continue asking for one because they’re clearly on the menu.

I get the analogy breaks down because you can just go to another food shop/stand, but my point is that a it’s terrible way to deal with customers, which is the part of this entire mess that bothers me the most.

I disagree. It shows that the demand is still there and that fulfilling it is not a world-breaking endeavor. You could argue that they are using High Elves to generate interest, which would be a fair point.

I’d treat them with the same approach to addons. Certain addon features became part of the WoW UI, and likewise ideas and things some private servers have done could be poached (for lack of a better word). Ideas can come from anywhere, so I wouldn’t outright dismiss private servers in discussions.


I suppose it does depend a little on how you’re apply it in in that case. Mostly though what a private server does or has done isn’t generally pertinent.

I do like some of the general concepts of the additions to say WoW Classic private servers have enacted. Like giving more end game raid progression and such despite that never having been in the original.

You are more than welcome to have the same ham sandwiches that the other customers are having.

Yeah, but how many people is that demand actually still covering. A private server can cater to one audience above others. It doesn’t have to worry about the massive population of the actual game, it just has to please enough people to be able to stay afloat (and frankly, not enough to draw the attention of the IP owner to their illegal enterprise) They’re two entirely different beasts with one just leeching off of the work of the other with a little fan work on the side.


Black forest ham and buttery baby swiss cheese is where it’s at. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Also your updated character look is fine. :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:

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sounds good

Ooo, it did finally update, yay for transmog based around a chest piece I found on some random skeleton in a tower


Funny thing is that if they hosted that poll today High Elves and Ogres would win again. By a landslide.


It doesn’t make it wrong either.

  1. WoW isn’t a resteraunt.
  2. They weren’t on offer. That people thought they were is self delusion.

There are private servers with poorly animated graphic sex and sexuality, should blizzard implement them? What about servers that present extreme political views?