Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Other than the “Convince the devs to add this thing to the game a third time” challenge?

Why do any of these but Broken need to be an AR and not just cosmetic options?


Correct because I got over it as I’m entitled to do so.

Just like I’m still within my right of opinion to say blood elves still received the short end of the stick for losing visual uniqueness. But so long as that is made up in the future it is what it is.


Aren’t high elves a Bethesda owned concept? Why not steal wood and dark elves, too?

I thought the only concept Bethesda owned was brainwashing your fanbase to do most of the polishing work on your games and to think it’s a plus?


If you’re referring to Skyrim and the mods, to be fair that game has been around for about 11 years now, so yeah, it’s got a lot of mods. Some of the best modders have even been hired by Bethesda.

If we’re doing a company comparison, Bethesda is far superior to ActiBlizz, imo.

I’m talking about every damn game they’ve made themselves for decades.

I mean take Morrowind, the high res graphic update mod actual improved game performance because the people who made that optimized it, as opposed to the base game which didn’t bother with it. Their games have been buggy as hell, but because mods exist (and frankly most of the bugs exist because of the engine they use because it’s easy to mod) some people think that’s a positive thing that they just leave tons of mess in their games for the inevitable user made patches that are practically must haves.


I’m not too proud to mod a game, but expecting players to fix all the wreckage left in is a big ask.


Yeah, there’s a difference between the what feels like necessary Cliffracer extinction mods, and then there’s stuff like why do they still need script extenders and some of the bigger stuff handled by unofficial patches.

It’s why I figured 76 would be a mess at least at first because with a multiplayer game like that people can’t just fix the bugs for themselves.



What do humans have to do with this?

with what? just thought the concepts for game play were interesting. looks fun and creative.

Possibly, are they still keeping the late 90s/early 00s style obnoxious weapon degradation system that breath of the wild has?

just based on what i saw, i dunno if degradation would mean anything since you can just pick up literally anything and turn it into a weapon. lol its not something that would work in a mmo tho

BotW had that too, and it’s the first Zelda I haven’t gone through all the way (ok, other than maybe Spirit tracks and a few of the gameboy/DS ones I might not have picked up). Because you can pick everything up, everything breaks after fighting just a few enemies. Even the Master Sword has a mechanic that needs to recharge apparently, just got annoying to deal with

Elves. Elves? Elves! Elves, elves elves, “ELVES” elves elves. Elves elves, elves, elves.


well we have former human forsaken, thicc human kul’tiran, steroid human stormwindians, worgen humans and people are expressing an interest in human pirates or ravencrest as an allied race for horde and scarlet crusade or defias for alliance. you dont see people freakin’ out that there miight be more humans.


We literally have void elves. This whole theory is bunk. At this point we are only half a step away from full blown high elves.


None of the examples you have listed (especially the nebulous hypothetical ones that I have never even heard of before?) have anywhere near the presence that the vast population of elves has. Also, conflating forsaken with humans is just cheating.

lordaeron was a human kingdom. the majority of the forsaken there are humans who were raised. you dont say human dks are not human and they are raised.