Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

people are sensitive, we are emotional creatures and our emotions are tied to our egos and our personal world views. in my case, being a pretty female elf is an ideal for me. it doesnt have to be your ideal, in fact, i’m fairly certain its not. hehe

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I feel you. Blizzard knows the desire is high for them and could seem them as a rainy day race as it wouldn’t be hard to add them into the Alliance. Maybe it would boost Alliance population numbers up a bit.


conditional, theoretically, if the following criteria are met:

  • high elves get their own high elven city. doesnt have to be as big as sw or silvermoon, but it needs to have thalassian architecture.

  • high elven hair styles and tats.

  • our own heritage armor, tabard and mount.

  • paladin class.

  • have good racials.

then it might, might, entice people to play alliance.

  • oh and be playable from level 1, without a rep grind

Well, the first thing they have to do above everything else is just have them unlocked from the start. That alone would help Alliance numbers. I’ve met plenty of players that were turned off by the Alliance as they couldn’t make a Void Elf - due to the high unlock requirements, so they made a Blood Elf instead as their second option despite not liking the Horde theme all that much. Players love their Elves.


oh yeah, i forgot. that was one of the problems with void elves, no new players could join so automatically, anyone interested in alliance elves had only night elves to choose from. now night elf females look pretty good but they are mostly feral, outdoorsy and athletic, whereas a high elf would be more bookish, slender, cerebral. night elves are wild flowers growing in a field. high elves are cultivated in a greenhouse lol


IMO, they should just unlock all Allied Races at the start and just put a cosmetic if you do their old unlock way. Maybe a mount too. That would entice players to do that old content again.


yes please. i wanna make a mechagnome but i just cant bring myself to trudge thru bfa.

The worst part of this is that the high elves aren’t even that interesting to begin with; they’re the most bog standard generic interpretation of elf you can get, the kind that would have been included in the original D&D material from back in 1975 which was just a copy paste of the ones from tolkien.

It’s why I’m so opposed to adding what is the equivelant of margerine to the alliance.


More interesting than the Blood Elves who knelt to Garrosh and Sylvanas and committed war crimes for them - willingly.

Blood Elves were better when they were still addicted to Fel. Now they’re desperately trying to be separate from the Horde while still being in the Horde.


Not really. Like even if what you were alledging was the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the fact that they went and did those things actually gives them more depth and distinction then the high elves who are just bog standard and generic.


Citation required.


Every day I ask God, “God why can’t I have a high elf? I know I already do but why can’t I?”


how dare you, i’m not margarine, i’m butter, salted butter. drawn salted butter. hehe.

anyway. picture if you will, a bunch of people trying to reenact a medieval fantasy. they dont care if their character has a database filled with historical accounts, as they are, in the glorious words of indiana jones, making it up as they go

You can do that right now without having to have high elves added to the game.

It’s called role playing.


haha so true. just have to stop turning blue and, it would be nice if the greeter in the sw cathedral didnt ask me to leave lol

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till i turn colors and people yell at me for being void infected. lol i mean the devs knew we wanted old goody two shoes elves but gave us new fangled corrupted, tentacle infected creatures from planet negatron lol


Tell them it’s the latest in fashion :stuck_out_tongue:


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With the challenges in adding high elves I think they would have to come in “season 2” of allied races.

I would like feedback to improve my allied race list.

Horde v Alliance

Ogre v Mogu
Man’ari v High Elf
Fel Blood and Undead elf v Broken
Saurok v jinyu and Ankoan
Saberon v Arrakoa(possibly both kinds)
Gnoll v Furbolg

I honestly think this would be a great batch of allied races that covers a lot of bases and make both factions happy.

I left alliance botani out because I couldn’t think of an appropriate match.

I think this is the best way to add in high elves. This addresses people concerned by using more belf assets and using belves again in a faction swap.


As a fan of high elves myself I always pick Blood Elves, the option w the kingdom, the capital city, the Sunwell. Whose heritage quests reflect being high elves even playing as one reliving the fall of Silvermoon.

But I grow bored w horde questing, and wanted a reason to level an alliance character. And I’m role playing a high elf w no affiliation to the playable high elf race on the horde just fine. I’m just doing so by knowing my character follows Alleria.

The role play tools are literally completely there. I supported VEs having non void skin tone options, but I didn’t support non void hair colors, the fact is they still came and that’s fine but now it makes it even more confusing when people still say they can’t utilize Alliance High Elf options they are right there


end yer ur using one

the hypoxrisy lmao

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