Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

All of this hullabaloo just to get even more elves in the game. There are already so many flavors of elf to choose from! Why go further? Why more elves? Why more blonde, blue-eyed elves? Why more green-eyed, red color palette-wearing elves? Why didn’t the elves stop? When will the elves stop?!


Not to put too fine a point on it, but why do we need any more blonde, blue-eyed anything?


we’re already here. can you not tell i’m a high elf with a void elf label tacked on? are blood elves high elves with the blood elf label tacked on? yep. and void elves are blood elves, which means they are high elves, too. we arent asking for something that doesnt exist already. we’re simply asking for the title, high elf, and for the removal of the ee proc. already a void elf priest has all the same spells as a blood elf priest.


well i tend to have white hair on my chars. but i’m nearly 70 irl. also depending on mog, i might have purple eyes or aqua eyes. do you have a problem with eye and hair color?


High elves and blood elves are the same race

correct. and void elves are blood elves, which means void elves are high elves. i dont really mind not being called high elf, but i’m not a fan of trying to pretend i’m not void corrupted then turning purple (which is a cool fx if you wanna be void) and having npcs yelling at you or trying to evict you from a church bldg lol


I’m old and grey m’self, but I do have a problem with a systemic caucasian fantasy where everyone pretends that blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin is something to aspire to and be achieved as a mark of pride and desireability.


I think you’re overthinking it.

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Well, when a fairly sizeable contingent of players is clamoring for even more ability to be a Legolas or Galadriel, it’s easy to do. Especially considering that any deviation from the “Arian” elf archetype tends to be met with resistance or outright vitriol.

in my case, i am extremely fair skinned but as i was growing up, it was extremely popular to get a suntan–the darker , the better. i appreciate all spectrums of skin color, though i had to personally avoid tanning salons…i mean i’m so naturally pale, people told me i needed to get more sun lol i once fell asleep under a sunlamp and fried the surface of my eyes. had to walk around, blind for 3 days, with my eyes glued shut.

anyway, its not systemic, its just how i look. i’m very pale, and have dark blue eyes. thankfully, in wow, i can have light blue, light purple, light green, eyes. and i can be thin and graceful. which i’m not irl. its a fantasy game.


It is systemic, and pointing that out is not calling you out. I’m glad we have the options for you to have the character that you want! You seem like a reasonable person. But when we have people clamoring for what is basically a Nordic white-power fantasy, it raises red flags and fans of that ideal don’t like it being pointed out.

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i think death knights fit that role. afterall, wasnt arthas like the wow version of that infamous ww2 criminal. that guy was into the whole viking theme and held parades akin to druid meets barbarian. pretty much all the classes and most of the iconography in wow is european, with spatterings of ancient egyptian, chinese and native american rolled in for flavor and mass appeal.

oh and hindi and islam too. they got all the bases covered it would seem

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Cute conspiracy theory.


I would suggest dropping this nonsense as an American. It’s offensive towards European. Unlike you, I have visited the Auschwitz Museum as part of a cultural class exchange and I can tell you right now, that Germany has done far more to overcome their dark past than you can imagine.

This nonsense has no place in this petty topic.


Or players just want to play the cool, Alliance-allied Elves from all the way back from WC2. Right now they cannot do that despite Blizzard dangling the Alliance High Elves in nearly every expansion as Alliance allies.


I actually rolled this toon last night because I was tired of my main Void Elf hunter (themed as a high elf) turning blue randomly in combat. Can’t stand it. I WANT REAL HIGH ELVES!


You’re making some bold assumptions there. I have visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, and yes, Germany has made large strides in addressing its past. I fail to see what this has to do with any point I have made.

Sorry if you think accepted sociology is a conspiracy theory?


Miss me with your ideological poison.


I’m sure you toss around “woke” unironically as well.


I only toss around the football, bruh. Go Gophers!