The Blood Elves betrayed everything they stood for, resorted to Fel magic and trapping a Naaru, and have compromised on everything that made them High Elves. They got the short end of the stick but had plenty of times to change course but always choose the worst option.
Their Leader also knew what Garrosh was up to yet lied about it to save their own hides as Jaina wasn’t supposed to survive.
We didn’t stand for anything but survival. And if power helped that along, it was welcome. And it always had to do with the well.
Just like hiding the bell was to survive Garrosh until the rebellion that Vol’jin started rose up. Both times our Horde leader betrayed us, we were the ones to force them out or kill them off.
Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves
So word of god says Void Elves are High Elves.
Given the High Elf customization that Void Elves now possess, I already have my playable Alliance High Elves. Other players may not feel that way, but I do. People can make comments about Entropic Embrace and what not, but that’s easily fixed with a /cancelaura macro so you never see it, and using EE as a taunt just incites some players to keep asking for ways to customize or hide it. I don’t look at it any different than I would a trinket proc visual so it’s no big deal to me (and I think it looks cool so I wouldn’t hide it even if I could).
Yeah… We want the real High Elves. Not another halfway mark. That would be spiteful.
Ion clearly doesn’t play the game as the Silver Covenant are NOT Blood Elves or Void Elves and they hate the Blood Elves. It’s literally reinforced numerous times in every expansion the two races are in that they HATE each other. Void Elves also don’t call themselves High Elves and are always talking about the Voices and tentacle jokes. Not High Elven at all.
So no. That’s just Ion being spiteful as he never wanted High Elves on the Alliance because of his “vision”. Yet he caved and allowed Void Elves which was him being spiteful by giving the Alliance technically what they asked for but at the same time NOT what they asked for.
That’s why people still want High Elves as Void Elves were rushed in, with no lore or build up at the last second, and were Ion’s way of being petty towards the playerbase for wanting High Elves since Beta and never letting up.
I’m pretty confident that Blood Elves and Void Elves (with High Elf customization) is it for playable High Elf representation in WoW at this point.
Just like Bronzebeard Dwarves using Wildhammer customization is it for Wildhammer Dwarf representation. (much to the chagrin of some players I am sure)
Just like Darkspear Trolls using the Farraki (Sand Troll) customization is it for Farraki Troll representation.
Just like Blood Elves/Night Elves/Void Elves using the Dark Ranger customization is it Darkfallen/San’layn representation. (again much to the chagrin of some players)
There’s a cost/benefit to everything in game development. It may not be “perfect” but I am pretty sure that Void Elves with High Elf customization is “good enough” as far as the devs and the bean counters holding the purse strings are concerned.
Most High Elf topics died after the hair colors were added. There’s a few that pop up once in a while like yours, that I personally believe are more intended to stir the pot rather than be a genuine request. But the fact remains, however, that the High Elf topics did see a significant reduction once the hair colors and tentacle toggle were added in addition to the skin tones. That tells me that more people than not are satisfied (myself included) with Void Elves being their Alliance High Elves.
If you’re genuinely looking for a playable race named “High Elf” in WoW, I regret to inform you that it’s incredibly unlikely to happen at this point. The dev direction seems to have moved away from using allied races for simple derivative races and instead adding customization to existing races where possible for more representation. It’s cheaper and faster than even allied races are so it’s the more likely way to go. Proliferating all the classes to all the races (assuming Blizzard actually follows through with that), just reinforces that idea.
I’m never going to tell someone not to ask for what they want and not to keep asking until they get it, but I am going to tell them when the likelihood of their request is next to nil, just so they are aware and go into their request knowing that it’s almost a certainty not to be answered.
It’s not spiteful. It’s knowing what blood is, and that changing a name is not changing a race. There is no evolution between the groups. There are people who are Belves that were literally Helves. And Helves literally related to them still.
They all are Helves and yes, people within different groups can and do hate each other. That applies even in real life. People within families hate each other.
They never said never so there is always hope. Especially when they know their popularity and how much easier to will be to implement them compared to other Allied Race options.
No. Ion does but he’s wrong, as he has been in the past - remember when he thought players wanted no Flying and backed off due to extreme backlash?, as the game literally contradicts him in every expansion that has High Elves and Blood Elves present.
Blizzard as an entity has never once said High Elves are all Blood Elves or Void Elves and that High Elves no longer exist.
They don’t really have to when their lead dev already said it. I don’t get the push back from it either. It’s got no bearing on whether or not you get High Elves of the Alliance that served the Silver Hand.
There’s more to things that just counting beans because one of the things businesses need is good will, which is something Blizzard has squandered between their past attitude towards players (be it their mocking of paladin players, “you think you do but you don’t”, or “the Horde is waiting for you”) and their other problems.
And it would be to their benefit to unify customizations and allied races into one system. For one because it’d make the character creator UI less crowded, and for two because you show more diversity when more options are apparent within each race. This goes back to the mock up that one guy did of Elf => High/Blood/Void options, which could be extended to other races (humans, dwarves, orcs, tauren and trolls come to mind). Lightforged can be blended into Draenei, and mechagnomes can be blended into regular gnomes.
Also bear in mind that this is the bed Blizzard made for themselves and is the culmination of almost a decade of tugging on peoples’ chains. Anyone with half a brain knows that when people ask for something, you either give them what they want, say “no” and avoid creating any additional demand, or come up with an alternative that’s so good that it overwrites the original request. Blizzard failed on all three counts.
I do, but I’ve accepted that VEs with HE customization options is the closest we’ll ever get. If they just give us some of the BE hair styles I’ll be happy.