Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

As much as i hate retcons, id be okay if this was one they did.

Though if they were to do that, it would need a removal of the current questline used to unlock Void Elves. Which i don’t see happening. Unless they just eventually scrapped the requirements for the old/original Legion ARs.

Void Elves wouldn’t be losing anything if they went that unlikely route.

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Well, don’t we fall into the subjectivity of it then? Whether the lore of High Elves as members of the Alliance is enough to warrant a new Allied Race is debatable -personally I don’t think it does- But the fact that they are members of the alliance remains that, a fact.

Indeed, subjectivity.

But the “I care about the lore more than retconning” does nonetheless ring disingenuous because you are simply deeming any HE potential narrative as “retconing”, purposefully harking to the negative connotation of it.

And that’s just the bias talking, is it not? Sure, other races getting focus is just lore progression, but High Elves? on no, making any of the already present groups would just require so much retconing to you.

Subjectivity whether is a worthy investment is fine, but the bias on your end, that is transparent.

Personally I don’t think a retcon is necessary, as much as I dislike VE implementation. The positive side of how bare VE lore is ATM is that can be expanded to add in this nuance, even if post fact.


Because it is negative.

They did something different with Blood Elves, and pretty much skipped out the normal high elf stuff after WC3. Then due to laziness and people whining that there’s not the generic trope available we’ve got to shoehorn in generic elves when they don’t really add anything worthwhile to the story.

and people whine and whine that they don’t have them even though there are two playable versions of them, but because they don’t have the right boring name that’s not good enough so we have to do enven more shoehorning in of elements that have been losing more and more of the little story relevance they once had.


And that is your subjective opinion. And that’s valid! but it’s not a fact, merely your feelings on the matter.


There’s imagination and then there’s delusion. You’re not hosting your own private D&D campaign here. It’s a mass market game. There’s a reason why heavy restrictions fell out of favor in the 90s and early 00s.


Mok’nathal as well. Why are they not playable yet? If we cannot get Ogres then at least give us the Mok’nathal.


I can’t say I agree, because that greatly depends on the thing in question and whether it’s part of a larger system or not. Yes, giving every ret paladin the Ashbringer created considerable dissonance, but that can be chalked up to a gameplay element because artifact weapons were at the core of Legion. I can’t group that sort of thing with what was done to Turalyon and Alleria, which was entirely for the light & shadow theme of the Argus campaign.

Let’s also not forget that Alleria’s situation was pretty unique. She studied the void, got jailed by X’era for it but ended going all in with the void because the army of light needed every advantage they could get after Illidan killed X’era. It was the story of someone dabbling with a dangerous power because the alternative was certain death. That’s not something that applies on a mass scale unless specifically written, which isn’t the case with Void Elves.

I would agree…if Lightforged Draenei had been introduced as a Draenei customization option instead of an Allied Race. For consistency’s sake, Lightforged Humans would have to be introduced as an Allied Race as well. Well, that or character creation would have to be overhauled.

Lightforged Draenei pretty much kills any argument against similar races already being playable. At the least the Mag’har Orcs already existed so they can be excused. Lightforged came out of nowhere with no build up.

They could have easily just used regular Draenei/Eredar for Argus arc, honestly.


Yes, when the characters in question are Warcraft Heroes, which BOTH Turalyon and Alleria are.

Eh, I would argue that. Pale purple and blue aren’t really even really part of the void aesthetic to begin with. Dark plum purple, black, and deep cosmic blue would have been much more appropriate options. Look at C’Thun- pale and fleshy with an orange eye. Yogg-Saron was green. The Black Empire was black and molten. While void magic is usually shown as a deep purple in game, pale fleshy skin and hair tones seem equally as valid for the void aesthetic. They don’t take away at all.

Definitely! That’s why it came off so maliciously.

While she was a one-off case, she’s also the lead up to the void elf concept and the only established character they have. Because of this, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for players to want to be like her. It’s like how players enjoy DKs with white hair because of Arthas, or how people genuinely like demon hunters who are all just Illidan rip-offs. It’s reasonable to want to share the coolness of your main representing hero. I think Void elves should have been given that courtesy at the start. If that’s wrong, then Alleria should have been made blue full time.

Completely agree! But alas, we’re dealing with Blizzard here.

assiimilated, mostly. the rest, death-by-dev


they do for fans of the fantasy genre.


You say that as if it’s just one big story


you talking to me?


Yes, because you seem to equate one type of story with the whole genre


Blood Elves already have High Elf customisation options, so there’s no reason to make them a separate race when they essentially already exist. They would literally look identical.


Lightforged Draenei and Draenei being on the same faction renders that argument void.


thats al thry do, theyre lives is deficated to come here end troll helf fans usin theyre discord server

i wonder y mods arnt doin anythin


hmm, what could be the important part of that


And I think Lightforged Draenei have no reason to exist either. But as pointless as they are, they still have SOME small differences, whereas High Elves are already IN the game as Blood Elves.