Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I think that idea comes into one big problem due to alts, we can have a ton of characters, and how many of us play all of the ones we have. So it seems a bit self-defeating to leave that kind of choice locked behind things were you could have someone who RPS a ton with 50 of a race on a server with none past level 30 or so, or someone like me who has a bunch of abandoned alts from when friends convinced me to roll on a server and then disappeared within a month locking out people. Among other issues.


this is very anti player, like if i were roleplaying i’d step my imagination up before advocating for people to lose the ability to play their desired class / race / faction

There should also be story for some returning to Quel’thalas and taking the Blood Elf name


There are no high elves, they’re all dead.

I do believe Shandris and other members could be elevated for NE story telling and narratives. I still see them using Tyrande for the seedling that was given in SL.

Personally I think they would be very few TBH -tho I agree they would exist- as the Alliance Expedition was compromised of those who chose to follow Alleria personally, and did so very likely under VERY anti Orc sentiments.

And during the questing in Allerian Stronghold we do see a lot of contempt towards the Blood Elves.

I think there is a very strong ideological divide between the elves of the Alliance Expedition and those who remained in Quel’thalas, as the former joined the expedition of their own volition because they had a grudge against the Orcs and the Horde, very similar to the distaste the BE acquired for the Alliance after Garithos, thing that the Alliance Expedition elves never went through.

So basically, most elves on the expedition would remain alliance, as most blood elves who suffered Garithos joined the Horde. But as with the case with Umbric having pro alliance sentiments while still being a Blood Elf, I do think there would be some Expedition elves that would choose to return to Quel’thalas, and join the Horde.


Just create a Blood Elf if you wanna be the true high elf.
You can join your alliance guild next patch anyway.


“Play Horde if you want an Alliance High Elf” will always be funny to me <3


Like sure, doing something with shandris would be fine but I’m pretty sure that the story of Tyrande and Malfurion has been covered so exhaustively at this point that there are tribesmen from the inner amazon rainforest who have never seen a white person that could tell you there story verbatim.

And honestly I want new stories with wow and it’s characters; I want Zappy boi and Geya’rah and that dude you help in the lightforge recruitment chain, fresh stories with new perspectives.

Just like “But this Horde race was stolen from the Alliance” is always funny to me.


Starting out neutral only to join a faction later would be par for the course, like the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne. Timing is everything, and in this case they would have to put any old hatreds aside because defeating the Legion is more important. That’s at least one lesson the writers learned from the mess that was the fallout of the Wrathgate.

I disagree. For one because of you’re watering down the concept by pulling them from the void aesthetic. For two because it can be used as an attempt to end the high elf requests by trying to give something that can be called closed enough if you dim the lights enough and inflict myopia upon the beholder, without doing any of the necessary narrative footwork.

Alleria was clearly meant to be a one-off case, just like Turalyon being a lightforged human is a one-off thing. So she can’t really be used as an example of anything that doesn’t involve writing incompetence.

And the way to address that middle finger would be implement the race proper, not give people a facsimile with the hopes that people will settle and the apologists/“daddy blizzard is never wrong” types will stomp down anyone still asking for high elves. It reeks of Blizzard half-assing a resolution to a problem they created.


And I am glad you can find joy in the little things. Now go tell that to someone that believes that.


There’s very little justification for one-off cases. If it CAN happen, it should.

That whole argument was dismantled the moment we went from “there’s only one Ashbringer so it’s be illogical to give everyone one” to “everyone has one but canonically only one person does”

So you can just give these one-off cases to people and claim that “technically only one hero REALLY achieved this”

And at least in this topic, there isn’t a justification. Any human could feasible go contact a Naaru and ask to be infused. Boom, light infused human customization like Turalyon.

This has already existed for a long time. Only one warlock canonically defeated Ebonlocke and got green fire. There’s canonically only one of various legendary weapons but anyone with enough time could get the ones from Vanilla-cata without limit.

Like acting like saying play the race on the faction it belongs to is funny?


The race belongs on both factions.
People need to stop subscribing to the tribalism Blizzards ancient words (from members not even associated with the narrative department) initiated and follow what’s actually expressed in game (from the narrative design team). Especially since Blizzard backtracked on the High Elf tribalism talk ages ago.


That’s one opinion.

Another one is that each faction deserves a unique flavor with their own stuff and not just copy cat races to fill out some imaginary fantasy trope quota.


WoW customers. Do you still want that thing that you had been asking for 20 years?
the answer is yes, same for the Nagas, Ogres, Vrykul and even the Sethrak, I don’t understand the people defending Bliz’s dessision of not adding what we had been asking for years.


That you can simply not accept that there are Alliance High Elves, will also always be funny to me.

You’re entitled to your opinion about their playability, but we’re well past the point we should entertain the notion that lorewise High Elves aren’t part of the alliance.

Lore is just not a reason why HE shouldn’t be playable, let’s not fall on the same recycled arguments.


Even though they gave it to us like 17 years ago.

There are some non-horde elves of that flavor, but the race was given to the Horde, it’s just kinda funny in a sad way that people have been wasting so much time asking for something that’s been in the game for years. Especially after the Alliance got their version.


And as it has been explained to you many a time, some of us are interested on the ideological and political divide of those who didn’t join the Horde. “The race was given to the Horde already” holds little weight beyond a gameplay conceit that really does not matter in terms of lore.

And some of us do care more about lore possibilities than the mere segregation of assets linked to an arbitrary gameplay dichotomy.


And thin lore excuses for a duplicate race don’t hold much water for me. There were better things that each faction could have gotten then copy cats, or botched copy cats of the other faction’s elves.

And I care about the lore more than retconning the situation to turn a bare handful of scattered survivors into a 3rd duplication of an already existing model. Yes there’s lore for it, but it’s nowehere near enough interesting to make a triplicate model just because some people can’t roleplay their character without Blizz holding their hands while they pedal along with their safety wheels on.