Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Hey, hey, hey!! Don’t make it personal, your accidently showing the age of the people posting about this in the forums!
That’s rude!!
Devs are already pulling their hairs out trying to bring new players with races being more edgy (Void Elves) or anthropomorphic (Drakthir) looks to the game to see if the old player fade away!
I’m joking please don’t be offended (I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit) I just could not resist carry on with the 2005 to 2023 and beyond discussions (if these people live as long as High elves do! :laughing:)


Its always been weird to me that Blizzard had the opportunity to make the void elves form high elves instead of blood elves and literally nothing would need to have changed.

Even better if it was entirely just an accident or a trap without them having been involved in learning the void prior.

Even even better if it had been just a bunch of Alleria’s rangers who had gone with her and Turalyon and learned similarly to her… Plus I feel like this option would have had the practical upshot of making it so Turalyon/Xe’ra imprisoning Alleria for awhile just didn’t happen…

I used to feel similarly so I understand the desire to feel like its because of them or we’re against them.

But ultimately its just people who want to play what appeals to them. I cannot fault them for desiring to play high elves, I still want to play them, and I find it hard to fault those who feel as though they didn’t get the customizations they wanted to see either.

Both can get what they need from where we are now.

But to believe that we didn’t get those options because of high elves seems silly to me. We didn’t get them because Blizzard didn’t make them. They could have. Could have done both and added plenty for Blood Elves too. Could have taken customizations seriously and none of this would have had to be a problem.

I can’t blame players who just want to play what they want to play.

Making a new Allied Race for High Elves seems redundant to me now. If they DO make one though they had better make god damn Wildhammer their own thing too. grumbles

Void Elves can easily stand in after so much work has been done and I personally am fine with it as is. (Still want tattoos for my high elf toons though… though I also want that for my void elves…lol)

I actually really love this idea.

Not sure how old her kids are now… But I would absolutely love to see something like this occur and have them become a recurring character showing us the path of new void elves. I’d rather they end up becoming an Umbrician one or at least a mix but I’ll take Allerian if need be. lol

This would be neat to see as well. A contingent of the old rangers who followed her coming to join, even if they themselves don’t become void elves, but teaching the new generation of void elven Umbral Rangers.

Part of this might be bias… my first void elf is a former Farstrider who became a void elf during the whole trap bit. But I made her because of my love of Alleria as a character.

This would be cool for story but I want to see the Void Elves gain these classes on their own terms as well.

I’d love to see this lead to them learning things like Shaman for instance, but I want the Paladins to be Void Knights.

I think I fall into an odd…middle? I want the void elves to get their own lore and their own stories and to move towards their theming.

But I also want the high elven story to not be forgotten and seeing it mixed in would be very good I think.

High Elves shouldn’t and can’t erase the identity of void elves, but void elves shouldn’t be used as a bludgeon to just remove high elves either.

I think with proper blending and work Blizzard could do both. But they need to go into this with both eyes open.

The Doors are open before us. We need only walk through them.



This is why we need btags on the forums. :roll_eyes:


They are also the OP of the thread


Oh wow, yikes… its like Twitter but in WoW! Now that is… I really have no words. lol

I’m still so naïve when it comes to these pros in social media making me believe that there are more people wanting “something” than they already are… Luckily the GM have tools to identify such things to give proper feed back to the Devs! :sweat_smile:

Now I understand that old article talking about the “new tools” to identify the owners of multiple accounts incase the Social Platform need to press charges or the Authorities came investing!
Crazy world we live in lol! :grimacing:

I’m not offended but yeah I have found it to be silly to be going for that long, even I didn’t join in on this conversation until the last few years, lol.


And its not like they need to do that… there are plenty of folk who like high elves.

Likes don’t really effectively convey the popularity of a topic either beyond the FIRST post.

Everything else is mostly just tribalism or the occasional group that agrees. No benefit to try to pretend. lol

Doubt anyones gonna press charges over sockpuppeting or multi-liking. lol


How have void elves been screwed over at all? People act as if the light golden skin/hair options are exclusive to high elves and that they somehow ‘ruined’ void elves. Ignoring the high elf topic altogether, this is a customization that should have been available to void elves since the beginning.

Our best known and most established void elf is Alleria, who has light skin and hair. When in void form, she changes to dark blue/purple. With EE and the light skin tones, we can now look like Alleria- the way void elves were first established to appear. What could be more purely “void elven” than that?

Personally, I think the light blue skin tones were an afterthought tacked on to justify why playable void-blood elves somehow look different from playable horde blood elves. It was unnecessary and served only as a way to block Alliance players from having something that looked similar to a high elf/blood elf. It came off as a big middle finger to alliance players, and that’s why they later added the additional skin/hair tones. It was an attempt to bring back players who had enough of that seemingly malicious behavior.

Regardless, the light skin tones allow void elves to be authentic void elves. Blue skin tones are also there for anyone that wants some further visual distinction. Nothing exclusively high elven has ever screwed void elves, because nothing exclusively high elven has come close to void elves yet.

As such, the requests that so many of us have to add in some high elven options should be unsurprising.


Facts and logic are not what I am getting from your posts. Give it a rest.

IDK, in times like these the “don’t feed the trolls” adage feels more apt. They keep parroting the same thing over and over without any evidence so there’s no much purpose in debunking someone like that.

They could have done so much by melding Alleria and Locus Walker aesthetics, having them as the source of identity of Void Elves! The VE Heritage Armor slaps, but it really lacks any strong context within the setting.

Right? it’s literally there. Like IMO a post Argus development for her rangers could have worked, but you also had the possibility of Alleria contacting them through space and time while they were in Terokkar. It could have been so neat if her rangers came to her aid during the Argus campaign, having been following her, listening to their mistress through the silence of the void.

Would have been a far cooler way to explain the silver tipped arrow we search in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds during WoD.

Exactly. To me it gets pretty sussy when it’s people that ostensibly never talk about VE’s on their own who push this.

Regardless of the BE options that VE’s have gotten -and many of them were incredibly needed for the VE aesthetic regardless of how they work for HE fantasy- VE’s do need their own pass like the other AR’s got. Things like new hairstyles, jewelry and other details made with their fantasy in mind, regardless of how they can work for HE.

They should be around 17 years old, as they were born somewhere between War3 and WoW!

IMO since we don’t know how new VE would be made, I can’t make a difference between Umbrician or Allerian beyond their initial creation. I guess any new Void Elves could look like Alleria or Umbric in a spectrum, but around a same method of creation.

Personally I would go with the idea that new Void Elves would to a degree choose how much their outward appearance changes, with Alleria choosing to mantain her HE appareance, but if she wanted she could look just like Umbric and his generation.

Maybe even now Umbric’s generation have tapped into this ability with study and can choose to look less voidy.

IMO I think several of her rangers would follow her in this new path. Her “ride or die” gang! And indeed, even the ones that don’t start using void could also remain as teachers. That’s one of the aspects of HE integration that I like, the idea that many HE that would work alongside VE can choose not to delve on the void, much like non afflicted Gilneans are part of the Worgen story while not being technically playable.

Oh I mean that the Highvale could take their light studies and and merge them with the void, hence the Discipline aspect. Of course VE can develop a Void Knight on their own, I just like the concept of the Highvale offering their own knowledge and background to help the VE unlock new mysteries -specially since I don’t think the Highvale have Paladins of their own- So these would be VE developed “void knights”, just with some Highvale cultural input.

Indeed. The thing about Void Elves is that they ARE Elves, thalassian elves, with all the corresponding cultural heritage. You can’t just erase that so they are different from BE. Any race could have been “voided”, but is the fact that they do have a thalassian background what makes them Void Elves, and to try to strip either aspect is kind of a disservice to their potential.


The Horde still doesn’t want you.

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The population numbers don’t agree.


Oh, they do. The Horde hate that they’re infected by you Elves.

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I’ve yet to utter a lie and all that I have said is backed by what happens within the game.

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About the only thing that annoys people is the sheer number of them, which is funny because the alliance was in the same situation way back in classic with Nelves :stuck_out_tongue:

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Druids should have been made open for more races already. There’s enough lore to support Druids for other races. Like Humans.


I’ve legitimately supported mechagnome druids; you could easily explain it as their understanding of technology and fascination with nature allowed them to create an analogue to druids in the same way that the Zandalari got paladins.

Blizzard are too lazy to that. Making Mecha forms and the such for the least played race doesn’t seem like a good investment in their eyes. A shame as MechaDruids would be pretty popular.

They need more customization options too. Go full mecha.

I’d have preferred that concept for Mechagnome Paladin.

I don’t agree with them getting druid, although I accept Blizzards choice of opening all combinations.

Paladins might be hard for them as MechaGnomes are all about technology and aren’t religious.

I guess they could make a logical explanation that Light is just an energy source and they make mecha prayers to it like those crazy mecha people in Warhammer 40k lore.

Let me put on my gamer hat and file a class action law suit over it!