Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

There’s always been support for Alliance High Elves. If there wasn’t this whole thing wouldn’t be happening nor would Alliance have finally got them.


I mean, there are indeed people who supported it, and in another timeline it would have made sense for them to be added.

Thing is though, that isn’t the timeline we exist in; Blizzard made a decision over 15 years ago to add blood elves to the game and that pretty much ended the possibility of queldorei in the alliance since aside from political affiliation they’re functionally the same people.


Honestly it was just super weird VE didn’t have any tattoos, and that they didn’t take any inspiration from Alleria on their aesthetics, instead focusing on an ethereal inspired look, that although very cool, makes little in universe sense lmao.

That’s what I find particularly funny in contrast to those that keep saying “oh high elves have no story they are so bland”! We have so many thalassians on the alliance right now, with backgrounds and opinions that could bounce so well and interestingly from each other, and it’s such a bummer to see it not being used, even if just as a backdrop for Void Elves. That would be enough IMO.

The Highvale could be the most interesting contrast to VE, as they have stopped practicing magic and hold the light in high regard.

Besides the dunking on value, IDK why y’all are still engaging with them.


Ah, cute. You still can’t tell the difference yet a Nightborne could tell that they were different from just meeting them. No wonder the Horde took you in.


They cannot accept that they’re wrong. Facts and logic have always supported High Elf fans. That enrages them.

Ironic that the ones most against High Elves are Blood Elf players. It’s pathetic.


A wise man once said “all that is ever needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Now, while I don’t think Xannus and her multiboxing upvoters is evil the sentiment more or less holds true, that allowing these absurd claims to go unchallenged is a good way for them to be accepted as objective truth when in reality they are the hardest of spin.

Elysande was a master of condescension I’ll give her that.


No, she used her own two eyes and can taste the Fel in the air when around ugly Blood Elves.


You wish you could enrage people. At best it’s minor annoyance.

It’s almost like we understand a decision was made a long, long time ago and are fine with it while a bunch of alliance players have been tantruming the whole time.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with how everyone had distinct livery, mannerisms, arms or leaders.


No, you’re just jealous. The Horde never wanted Blood Elves and would cheer if Blizzard just deleted them out of the Horde. Meanwhile the Alliance has always wanted High Elves and Blizzard has made it a point to have High Elves lead the vanguard and alliance forces in nearly every expansion. Then they made the Windrunners one of the most important families in Warcraft Lore with each being High Elves. Sylvanas even preferred her High Elven body over looking like her fellow Forsaken.


Of what exactly? Your histrionics over a decision that was made before puberty started for you?

Putting aside how some folks might feel about blood elves, the overarching oppinion on them was that adding them was a clever move that both stabilized the populations (at the time allliance was dominating for various reasons) and that it added depth to the identiities of both the alliance and the horde.

Perhaps you are projecting your own feelings with this?

This isn’t really true and you know it. While there are certainly people who wanted high elves (and blizzard almost assuredly originally planned for them to be an alliance race) to suggest that they were at the forefront of (nearly) every expansion is wildly overstating their importance to the narrative.

Because three different writers each decided they wanted an elf waifu. Some of them expanded their roles beyond that but each one has the stink of daikamura on them.

Sylvanas was a sociopath so I’m not sure why your that concerned about her thoughts.

Also you really need to stop upvoting yourself.


Agreed. Which again is really weird because they could have merged both themes from the start and it would have been great.

Imagine first encountering Void Elves on Argus who have the WC2 Ranger tattoos but they’re purple. They have Voidish Purple/Blue eyes and have parts of their body wrapped in Ethereal wrappings. Maybe even having some other body tattoos that were a cosmic twist on other elven markings.


First, gross. Second, gross. Third, how would that even work? Does embalming fluid work like blood?

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Hmmm… Void Elves would have had better lore if they were the Elves that stayed behind since WC2 (and traveled with Alleria) and had them already working alongside the Lightforged despite the Lightforged not trusting the Void. Could have had the Lightforged act like the caretakers/handlers of the Void Elves who will act as their executioners if they get out of line or go crazy.

Sorta like how Mages are treated in Dragon Age.

Alleria should have already been a Void Elf when we meet her or had her become one when she’s rescued and joins onto the Argus. Her husband vouching for her could be why the Lightforged tolerate these new Void Elves since he’s Lightforged and one of the greatest champions of the Naaru. The Lightforged accepting could also be due to them being the best equipped to keep the Void Elves in check as a dangerous ally.


Honestly, If I was going to redo the void elves I’d have set them up as a shadowy cabal of elves who had managed to achieve a sort of equilbrium with the void so that it didn’t drive them pathologically insane or mutate them beyond recognition. You could even do a whole story with how they diverged ages ago due to an inability coexist with the sun well and chose to simply go into seclusion somewhere just outside of reality as we know it.

Alleria, with a little help from locus walker and her new found void powers is able to find them and with the Hero are able to convince them to rejoin the world and assist the alliance.

The insanity is the fun part though.

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Having the void elves be high elves that followed alleria gives them 1000 years in their conflict with the legion to play with.

They could have developed their very own culture and identity in that time.


Which might be too hard for Blizzard. So they went the easy route and made them Exiled Blood Elves so they have a reason to hate the Horde. I believe if the Void Elves already existed then they would have been Neutral race as they would understand both the High Elves and Blood Elves on why they chose their paths. That and Void is much more dangerous than Fel or eating Naaru energy so they wouldn’t judge the Blood Elves.

Though in that case Blizzard would have to, gasp, make at least the Nightborne neutral to even it out.


Come off it, the first alt you liked it with is named Vaxuu, not exactly subtle there.

Still don’t see you answering my question though. What of your favorite elves, other than Sylv’s sisters were in BFA?


They have been raging about it since 2005-2006 when Blood Elves were announced for the Horde and we are in 2023 now so that says it all.