Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

It’s absurd to me that Void Elves were one of the few (and i think the ONLY) Legion Allied Race that launched with no tattoos. It would have been the perfect throwback to WC2 that again would have satisfied a lot of people from the start.

I think there’s a lot of potential for good Thalassian story on the Alliance side that doesn’t even have to deal with Blood Elves. I’d like to see something where there’s unification of the various High Elven groups and how they interact. The Silver Covenant Elves, Void Elves, Outland High Elves, Darkfallen and the Highvale Elves. The Highvale in particular would be interesting to see interacting with the others given their apparent abandonment of magic.


I appear to know more then you.


No, you said what you said. It wasn’t me. You cannot run away from this.

It’s nice to see that you agree that High Elves aren’t Blood Elves.


You seem to REALLY not want to answer the question there.


No, you honestly don’t as you don’t seem to have any idea what the facts are. Whenever you’re told of a fact that you didn’t know you say “not good enough” when High Elves contributed more than your ugly race.


No, I look at facts objectively as opposed to blowing them up to absurd levels to make them seem much more grandiose and important then they actually are.


Also, it’s pretty funny that you are that obviously liking your own posts


Only Veressa would put an arrow in you at sight as you’re a Blood Elf.


Is that so?

High Elves contributed just as much in the liberation of Suramar as the Blood Elves and Night Elves.

Your reply? I don’t recall that.

High Elves were more involved in Cataclysm and Mists than the Blood Elves and actually were given high command. Blood Elves meanwhile were forced to help with the Iris to nuke Theramore and were lackies to Garrosh in Mists such as stealing the bell and being his portal makers.

Your reply? I don’t recall that.

High Elves were a key force in BFA and Vereesa played a part in war planning and had the Silver Covenant commit fully into the Alliance War effort.

Your reply? I don’t recall that.

You don’t seem to have good memory at all.


That’s funny, because when Thalyssera talked about her options for allies in the broader world she didn’t mention the silver covenant at all. How curious.

I didn’t play cataclysm or mists. You would know this if you actually bothered to read my replies.

They really weren’t. Like I played through the Alliance side of the campaign in 8.3.5 and I can honestly say I didn’t see any evidence of the silver covenant being present at all. The rendorei got up to som stuff but the Queldorei? Not so much.

Conversely, given that you seem to think that the high elves are behind every tree and under every rock I think you’re projecting personal failings pretty hard.

You must not have played Legion. The army outside was full of High Elves, Blood Elves, Night Elves, and Nightborne. It’s okay, you just have bad eyes.


I remember that there were High elves there. I also clearly remember that they weren’t a “massive force”.


Then you are blind as the force was massive and included all 4 of the Elven races. It’s okay, I understand that you got confused,


Man the spin with you is something else.

You clearly stated earlier that Vereesa commanded a “massive force” of high elves (and got butthurt when I pointed out 20 isn’t massive) but are now trying to argue that the blood elves, nightborne and night elves were there as well and thus “massive force” which ignores that each of those groups would have been under the command of their own respective commander as opposed to all being under vereesa’s authority.

I would suggest that you spend less time upvoting yoursel and instead start digging up in order to get out of that hole.


That’s embarrassing. And just looked to see if true, and it is indeed true, and another example why battle tags or something similar of that nature should be implemented.


It’s not my fault that you have such bad eyes, skip all dialogue, and ignore what’s happening around you.


It is your fault that you are wildly overstating the importance of high elves.

Also you’ve been caught out as upvoting on alts you might as well stop doing so since it just makes you look desperate for approval.


I can’t help it if more people like what I’m saying compared to… Whatever delusions you seem to be under.

Though I do count it as a win that you finally acknowledged that High Elves are their own thing.


It’s a way to pretend there’s support for High Elves on Alliance when there’s really not, they got their Void Elves which is a lesser version of High Elves and Blood Elves as Lann said the forums need battletag so that people like that can’t do that.


They’ve done more than your race has for the Horde. Considering how your race had to be forced by Garrosh to help the Horde and your race tried to leave the Horde numerous times and had the audacity to complain when they faced consequences for helping nuke Theramore and steal the bell.