Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I think the part that gets to me the most with the high elves is that they (ironically) don’t actually add anything to the alliance since they’re so homgenized with humans that I’ve suggested in the past that the peak High elf expierience would be rolling a human and claiming that you’ve perfected your cosplay.

No, I’d rather the alliance get actually original races added to their ranks that give fresh perspective and nuance rather then a 5th elf.

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Alternatively, you can look at BfA and see that Blizzard is perfectly capable of making several races in a single expansion. Thus, it’s possible to both satisfy the High Elf fans with what they’d like while also satisfying others with completely new races.


I’m given to understand people’s response to the ARs was decidedly mixed; Lot of complaining on both sides of the aisle so to say they can handle several is… debatable.

Really I think the only ones that weren’t met with negative feedback by their respective factions were the lightforged and the vulpera.

Meh, elves are lame. Night Elves have rubber dongs for ears. All the others twirl when they jump.

I mean, what else can they give to high elves that wont work for void elves?

Some of the main remaining requests are things like hairstyles or tattoos. Both of which would work just fine for void elves.

I think at this point the high elf stuff is mostly done. I’d expect when we do see void elves get customization again we’ll mostly see void themes finally. (Actually I expect it will be something small until they do another big customization pass. Like we’ve been seeing some hair colors, eye colors and eye options but nothing monumental for customization at this time. Maybe during the prepatch? I can dream.)

With luck the paladin class will be added with void elves in mind and be a void based thing in lore.


If Blizzard caves on high elves I can guarantee you that velves are going to be dead ended.


I’m looking at Sardorim, and other Void High Elf like folks who are Legolases.

Not if we finally get to see Thalassian like Void Elven Building and content. Stuff that should have happened since the beginning.

Exactly, and it would have managed to do all that while also keeping the War2 Ranger aesthetic with Alleria. It’s just crazy how her journey on Argus pretty much sets up perfectly the concept of bringing that War2 vibe, but with a twist, but then flubs it so tremendously.

Indeed. With the gift of hindsight. it’s just so easy to see how LFD could have been Shadowlands level customization options (same for HMT)

Alleria was right there, as a High Elf that became Void Infused. We could have had practically the same narrative than we do now by adding a void aspect to High Elves, instead of creating a whole new set of elves limited to a single aspect.

Personally, I am very suspicious of people that try to pit VE and HE requests against each other, specially pointing the finger to HE’s for Void Elves not getting their due.

As much as I am a High Elf fan, I don’t think they need to be a new Allied Race -a re-structuring of how Allied Races are implemented non-withstanding- but I would really like if any of the current hooks of High Elven lore could be addressed through their relationship with the Void Elves. Things like:

-One of Vereesa’s children wanting to follow Alleria’s path, which gives us a framework of SC High Elves joining the VE ranks.

-Same for Alleria’s rangers in Outland, which also opens the door for that Farstrider aesthetic.

-The contrast between the Void Elves and more light focused groups, such as the Highvale. There’s so much potential for a Discipline Priest focus through them, as well as Shaman and maybe even Paladins.

IMO so much of the current High Elf hooks can be used to add texture and depth to the Void Elf lore, despite what people that would like the VE to move farther and farther away from any elven identity would want you to believe.


The issue is that if blizzard caves on this you aren’t going to get void elf content because there is only so much time and money that they can be directed towards any race or culture so if blizz puts it into high elves that means void elves get pushed further back.


We don’t know that. Vrykuls didn’t get a huge update since Wrath and we got legion after 6 years/3 expansions in a row, Warsong and Arathi Basin didn’t get a huge update until finally in BFA they did, same can be said with Dragons after so long since I say atleast cata to legion and BFA if you count small questchains. So since High Elves show up in DF as npcs and such along with the Void Elves I highly doubt that Void Elves will be pushed further because how can they be further if in Dragonflight we see them as Quest Npcs, and showing up in general.

Pretty much in the Future Expansion I could see High Elves like the Silver Covenant be convinced with the Ren’dorei and the Ren’dorei can be mix of everything in like I say a Void or Next World Revamp where Allied Races could finally have a new starting zone with capitals without the Pro Level up to 10 stuff that cheapens the game even to this very day.


I feel this is why they got the stuff shared from us after asking for it instead of anything that was actually new like new or that could of been cool and unique to them and now they complain about how they haven’t gotten anything new like new and it’s like you asked for what you got from us, you got it, now you complain about it, good lord.

It’s sad when you think about how cool Void Elves could of been for Alliance because now they are just bargain bin Blood Elves with bad hair.


I’ll continue to ask for all things from blood elves to be shared with void elves minus the golden eyes and future light themed options.

Give both void elves and blood elves new high elf options that are shared between the two (tattoos, scars, etc.)

Give blood elves light themed options (halos, glowing light markings, etc)
It’s only a matter of time before they end up completely renaming themselves to “belore’dorei” (children of the sun) anyways since they already use it on a small scale and it’s growing in relevance.

Give void elves void themed options (dark Naaru wings, etc)

Give both more shared subrace options (more darkfallen options, felblood, etc)

Eventually both would be on par with dracthyr in the level of customization. I don’t care if it takes years.


What high elves showed up other than Sylv’s sisters?


You really don’t know much about the High Elves, do you?


Oh? So now you acknowledge that High Elves exist and are separate from Blood Elves.

This is what character development looks like.


They’re still the same thing. But I’m just curious where you think you saw your very specific variety of elf in that expansion.


Ah, now you’re backtracking after being caught. You admitted they High Elves aren’t Blood Elves with your words.


I’m acknowledging that you think they are something VERY specific. And I’m curious where you claim that they showed up in BFA.


Maybe they seen normal Blood Elf players as High Elves because that’s what we are, I mean I once realized that I could make myself look like any High Elf NPC in the game as well as twin with Veressa, last time I checked Void Elves can’t do that.