Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Yeah, him getting his brothers body was in a book I believe so like most things done that way the playerbase never finds out about it. It’s why he suddenly got all fleshy looking and handsome.

Sylvanas wanted her boy-toy to look good for her and to function like when he was alive.


Thank you for saying this, I’ve always felt the dismissive tone used in some of the arguments above were childish. Purposely equating the high elves with blood elves just to be pretentious was never a good argument.

I couldn’t care less anymore for high elves… but always annoyed with some of the arguments against.

Give me more Kaldorei lore/stories/ themes and I’ll be a happy camper.


As long as it doesn’t involve Tyrande, malfurion or illidin.


lol so you think alliance high elves are placeholders, veressa is a murderous maniac who is nothing but a waifu, same for alleria, you dont like tyrande, illidan or malfurion, and presumably you dont like jaina, anduin or the other alliance leaders. is it safe to say you’re either not a fan of the game or your knee deep in tribalism.

for example, i play alliance primarily but like thrall, aggra, cried at their wedding lol, liked sylvannas till she burned down teldrassil, think lor’themar should be the leader of the horde, and find most horde leaders to be interesting.



Like I think Veressa is just an incredibly generic elf that was deigned to be a waifu for a writer, Alleria was also designed to be a waifu but got some build up with her void storyline so that’s something I wouldn’t mind see them explore further (and which would add more depth to the rendorei). Tyrande and Malfurion have been at the forefront of the writing for multiple expansions and so I just kind of want them to go away for a bit. Illidan is an annoying edgelord hot topic kiddy who’s single most interesting peice of plot development from Frozen throne (that he was Kil’jaeden’s stooge) was undermined by him having apparently fooled the guy who’s been doing corruption, conquest and subterfuge as a leader of Sargeras’ horde and somehow didn’t get murdered by the lightforged for what he did to the prime naaru. Jaina is fine. Anduin has a lot of potential if he ever turns up again.

No. We have enough elves, and void elves have been screwed hard enough for the people who actually enjoy the void theme. High elf crap needs to take a step back so people can actually get void customizations.


Vereesa has been a widow longer than she was a waifu in WoW. Ronin died many expansions ago.


That’ll never happen until High Elves are playable. If we already had High Elves then Blizzard could focus more on the Void theme. Instead they had to backtrack and put in non-Void options due to the outrage over Void Elves getting in despite suffering all the excuses to deny High Elves up to the 11.


True, but it’s still the genesis of her character: to be a writer’s waifu.

Beyond that she’s led the silver covenant which… exists.

You’re not getting high elves kid. The whole point of the expanded cosmetics options that they got was to fulfil the requests of helfers who asked if they could get them so they could at leas pretend to be high elves.

Also you need to readress your positon here: You are not entitled to anything in this games development. Blizzard owns the IP, the development teams, the writers and ultimtely what they say goes. This idea that you are owed them is only going to make you miserable since it’s not going to happen.


How so? She has shown no interest in anyone since Rhonin died.

The Silver Covenant was a main force in Mists, Legion, and in bfa.

Obviously everyone took a backseat in SL and DF has no need for armies.


They Existed in those expansions. That’s about as much as I can really say about them (though to be fair I’m mostly going on second hand knowledge of Mists due to the fact that I didn’t come back to the game until legion after having to take a break at the end of wrath).

More than existed. They were a major force. Saying they just existed is wrong, especially when they did just as much as the Blood Elves did in those expansions.


See you keep saying “Major force” but I played through legion and BFA on both horde and alliance characters and to describe them as a “Major force” is wildly blowing up the signifigance of their activities.

It’d be like me saying that the Vulpera are the greatest Mages in the entire cosmology of the setting because they can be mages.


They were a major force. In Mists who lead the assault against the Thunder King? The Silver Covenant and Kirin Tor under Jaina and Vereesa.

The Silver Covenant mobilized all their forces they could to save Suramar.

In bfa they were crucial against the Horde and helped siege Orgrimmar twice at that point.


So… 20 dudes?

How? Where? What did they actually do? Them simply being on the field doesn’t constitute them being critical!

Like step back and actually look at what they did in the context of the story as compared to every other race Like the Void elves were critical. The Kul Tiran’s were critical. The Gnomes were critical. The Draenei were critical. the Humans were critical. The Dwarves were critical.

The high elves were a participation trophy.

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Thet sent in just as much as the Blood Elves and Night Elves. Stop being daft.


That doesn’t make them a major force you twit

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Yes it does.

And in bfa you say Void Elves did more. No. It was Umberic that did the heavy lifting for his race with only a handful supporting him with portals and a few spies. The High Elves contributed more forces in bfa and helped fight on the frontlines. The Void Elves only did covert operations as they’re so few in number and all their operations were meant to open a way for the main forces.


No. It doesn’t.

They did.


Which is still more then the high elves did.

Citation required.

I don’t think you understand the importance of covert ops if this is the framing that you are going for.


Do we really need the ancestors of every race and then their ancestors too in the game?

I’m not against the idea but that is almost where all this is going.

There really is no point though, that will only confuse the lore even more.
“but wait they aren’t gone, back in this time line…”
I think we have had enough of that.