Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?


Though I decided I liked the darker skin.

Which is why it’s a crying shame that A) nightborne can’t use the option as well since they’re also elves and B) the skin is tied to the eyes instead of being able to play some mix and match with colors.

They did. I chose them for my orc. Eitrigg is their representative.

You won’t die alone.

I also feel it should have been applied to the Nightborne as well.

Only if you don’t think at all about it.


Wow that actually looks really good!

OH OMG! If Nightborn got the red eyes with red glowing details in their cosmetic option I race change my Horde Warlock in a heartbeat!
Also yeah red eyes is tied to the skin sadly… it great if it was separated but I guess they want you to stick to the Lore reason for now as to why you are Darkfallen.

Maybe in the future! One can dream! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Also, I want them for death knights. It’s silly they’re not a choice.


most mmos have a huge amount of customizations, particularly for skin, eye and hair colors, but also variants in muscle/thicc/thin, large to small bossoms, and on and on. heck back at same time wow was releasing, star wars galaxies mmo also released and it had a ridiculously large selection of customizations.

Death knights should have them.

Death knights should also just have red, green, ember, purple, white and black versions of their lichy eyes.


dont forget pink. hehe

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Not an elf fan but yes. Void elves are a lame idea and should never have been made.



… no, but literally. The wonderbread toast without butter of orc clans.


Only if you are overthinking it.

Like for diaspora to work you’d have to retcon so much of the lore not just for the high elves as they’ve been presented in the game but also how other races have treated them in the ensuing time period; it’d make the introduction of the rendorei look brilliant by comparison.

If you’ve already decided you find 'em boring and you don’t see any potential in 'em, that’s fine. It’s not a universal perspective, but I can’t argue your feelings or your interpretation of the lore that is there.

I’ve kvetched on it before, in this thread even, but a leading problem is that things are so vague that you can pretty much fill in the blanks. Great for RP, a little less great when trying to align two perspectives.


you start from the position that the other team should be removed from the game, cuz tribalism. alliance players also are horde players and vice-a-versa. look at it this way, you can be a high elf on either side of the imaginary line.


Honestly they’re kinda just… Normal orc.

Them and the Warsong are really the meat and potatoes of what everyone thinks of when they think orc.

Which makes sense. They’re the most populous clans from what I remember.

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I like the Warsong. Most of my orcs are Warsongs. They’re a little spicy, though. They’re the flaming hot cheeto orcs.

Again; not really.

Like there are no signs that the high elves have done anything other then blend seemlessly into human society; there are no signs of prejudice or elven districts in cities, no itinerant groups of workers being all Romani as they wander the wider world, nothing here supports that kind of story for the high elves.

Meanwhile, the Nightborne introduction makes it clear that Lorthemar is trying to offer olive branches to the queldorei who chose not to become blood elves by allowing them to return on pilgrimages to the sun well.

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Oh, that right there is something interesting… to me.

How have the high elves responded? Why didn’t they all return? Character hooks. THE GOOD STUFF.


It’s also a bit of a case of the Orcs having largely lost distinction between the various clans; by and large they became more of a vague notion then a real identity for most orcs outside of the older generations due to the camps; the point of the orcish heritage quest line is to reconnect with that past.

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Warsong is good.

My Orcs are all their own minor clan. But they were subservient to the Blackrock during the first and second wars.

So in most matters they kinda just say Blackrock anyways.

See, all this only drives home that Blackrocks are the most boring of orcs and even their heroes are only known for being bland milquetoasts. Generic orcs. The store brand of Draenor.

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If I had to guess, some chose to stay and some chose to go since lorthermar didn’t seem to hold a grudge unless said elves posed a threat to Quelthalas, which is pretty much the reason the Rendorei and Alleria are pretty much banished in perpetuity.

Also, it does dove tail nicely into how blood elves gained access to our lovely blue eyes; queldorei coming home and choosing to stand with the horde.

As to those who don’t? They go home and continue to be the same old generic elves they always were.

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