Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

If I was the king of blizzard I would first and foremost hire on better writers and just have the high elves be either flat out neutral or mass converted to void elves.

Because the High elves are the most boring, generic group in this entire game outside of troggs.


Bold words when the Blackrock clan exists. But you see boring, I see an interesting diaspora angle… Especially because at this point, it’s voluntary.



There are like, 4 different versions of the black rock clan. By comparison the high elves are just… elves that like humans. And by all accounts they’re perfectly happy just living in human cities and liking humans.

Ah, yes, the entire clan of “We’re the jerk orcs”. Full of interesting stories such as “We’re angry now and make bad choices in friends.”

Like I said, opinions vary.


Your made up numbers are very compelling.


and this is why void elves biggest problem is that they are elves. it’s split the fanbase of the race because one half doesn’t want to actually play a void race and the other does. Void is never really shown to be stereotypically “pretty” its a bad race in general to portray the void aesthetic.

Wiki section about High Elves

The high elven kingdom was brought to the brink of annihilation when Prince Arthas Menethil launched the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas and decimated the high elves.[9] Rallied by Lor’themar Theron, second-in-command of the fallen Sylvanas Windrunner, the high elves rejoined with Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, and renamed themselves “blood elves”, in honor of their perished brethren.[11] The blood elves then sought to unite and restore their people to the glory they enjoyed at the height of high elf civilization,[12] and have retaken much of their land from the Scourge.[11]

However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves. High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political.[13] When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.[10] Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War.[14] Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.[2] Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[15][16] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.[2]

As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race.[17] Though without any official leader, Vereesa Windrunner leads one of the few organized high elf collaborations, the Silver Covenant, as its self-styled Ranger General. Auric Sunchaser, a captain of the remnants of Alleria’s ranger cadre found in Terokkar Forest, serves as the high elven representative at the restored Sunwell in modern Quel’Thalas.

So I took this from the wiki, and it does say the difference between High and Blood Elves is political and it even mentions that High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. That they cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret…

So that’s the lore it says in the wiki… unless the WoW dev team re-cons the lore or create a game lore reason like they did the Void Elves, I really don’t see High Elves becoming playable (IMO unless there is new lore I’m not aware of?)

Specially if they have “identical” physiologically and their difference is just political to the Blood Elves… I think the best compromise might be a Tittle that changes the Race name tag… for just the RPG even if it dosen’t mean anything in game or lore.

lol I bet they be a few devs who would roll their eyes out to the point of seeing their brain… if this was even mention again… :sweat_smile:
:dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_nod::person_shrugging:

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Actually, they are the clan which has produced 4 of the most storied orcs in the setting (Orgrim (who quite possibly saved azeroth by usurping control of the horde from gul’dan and his warlocks), Varroc (a legendary orcish general who led the combined forces of the alliance and the horde against An’quiraj as well as giving his life to defeat the banshee queen and end the 4th war), Broxigar (Who created a litteral hill of dead demons to challenge sargeras from and who is the only mortal to have drawn blood from the mad titan) and Eitrigg (who wile less presigous still served as an ambassador, advisor and legitimate champion to no less then 5 war chiefs).

Further, the black rock clan split at some point in the past, with a chunk of their membership refusing to acknowledge Thrall’s legitimacy as war chief (likely due to his decision to go into exodus as opposed to fighting another war with the alliance) and instead chose to follow rend blackhand (who was reliant on the Black dragon flight for support).

Beyond that, there is also the AU timeline version, who displayed an innate grasp of engineering that would have been comparable to anything that the dwarves of irnoforge could have put together.

So no, not just goons.

By comparison, the high elves of the alliance are like… they’re basically just the most generic elves you could imagine.

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So they have a few heroes?

So do high elves. The Blackrock clan, by and large, has all the depth and nuance of a puddle on a concrete floor.


The high elves have (checks notes)
3 sisters who were archers and fell in love with humans.

Not exactly the same.


Interesting perspective.

Tell me more about your feelings and how a clan who’s regulated entirely to cardboard background material, who I’m not even sure you could rep for the BIG ORC PARTY (though I went Dragonmaw so what do I know), is actually super interesting and detailed.


LOL this actually crack me up… I’m sure its not meant to be funny but for some reason it actually is, now that you put it THAT way! :rofl:

You forget how the 3 sisters, indirectly I’m sure the story is not intended to be like that… basically created more division with the Thalassian in general more than any racial leader… of their time! Not counting Blood Elves we have 3 splintered group if you count the Darkfallen Skinned elves, with the Void and High Elves!

We are soooo ready for a civil war if we ever get into any side story of old faction conflicts!
Knowing blizzard writing conflicts it will happened as soon as Blood and Nightborn get their new capital united city! All elves in general in WoW, never get their happy endings or peace for long! :rofl:

I mean, I could have included how they all fell for the writer’s self insert characters but I think people get the point.


Don’t think you get the point since you’re incapable of squaring with the other narratives of high elves…

You also, if memory serves, can’t deal with Thalassian being both the people from Quel’thalas and a language of those people.


High elves are already in the ranks of the rendorei, not just cosmetically but they are walking around and learning in the rift.


I was being a bit subtle.

Well, for me.

Anyway, my point is basically just that interesting for one person isn’t the same as another person.

Though come to think of it, I’m like 76% sure the Blackrock didn’t show up to the Giant Orc Fiesta, so nuts to them. Unsalted, bland nuts.


Oh and btw, I will die on this hill alone but I still think that Darkfallen skin should have been an body option for forsaken too.

I would say all races but then again we only saw elves and Nathanos as Darkfallen skinned undead.

Hmmm, Forsaken female would look really good with that Darkfallen skin now that I think about it (IMO) :thinking:

EDIT: Sorry, side track again… carry on!

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Void Elves would have made more sense when we get to the Void War expansion they teased in Legion.

They were added too early so Blizzard hasn’t really done much with them other than Umberic devasting the Horde left and right in BFA.


I mean, people have made references to diaspora which is just…

By all appearances the High elves have completely integrated into human society, to the point where their is nothing that really differentiates them from humans hence why I argue that there isn’t any real reason to look into it as a plot angle particularly when Lorthemar has made it clear that high elves are welcome to return at any time as long as they aren’t acting as agents of the alliance.

It’s a dead storyline.

You can really get quite close now that they have the red glowing eyes…

And they have almost the same skin tone as the Dark Ranger skin.