Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Elf fans want everything all the time no matter what, even more if they’re alliance elf fans, they are absolutely never satisfied, literally the most annoying crowd in all of wow.
Elves were a mistake.

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alleria windrunner WAS NOT COSMETIC FLAVOR!


just one of a group of hero npcs in the expansion pack. Not a central pillar of the game.

Meh. I never really cared for high elves. I want my void elves to be more voidy. I wish I could use the blood elf faces that were copy/pasted to void elves with blueberry skin tones. The blood elf faces are there teasing me in the barber shop, but I can’t use them because I won’t use natural skin tones. I’d rather have void elves remain more unique visually compared to blood elves, but the copy/paste of blood elf faces and skin tones is done, so might as well integrate them properly to use any face with any skin tone.

I’m stuck with a blood elf visage form for my evoker, which feels weird on alliance. I wish I could have a night elf or a blueberry-skinned void elf visage form instead.

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not to me she wasn’t. she was THE HERO.

That’s nice

I find myself content with the current options. Only thing I still really want for high elves is tattoos which I expect will work for void elves just as well.

So… go make one. I did.


Unless you consider genocide tainted.

You can use this macro on a few of your common abilities and remove the EE, and you can also just not use tentacles.


#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cancelaura Entropic Embrace
/cast Arcane Shot

More lore maybe… I don’t find it as engaging personally. Its still good lore though and I do hope for more lore for Void Elves. Its why I push for what I push for.

I also don’t think Blizzard will give us a separate high elf allied race at this point either so I feel less inclined to push for it when most of what I, personally, want is already here.

This. Like I said they should have been purged in BFA. Their entire existence is just to serve as the antagonist to Blood Elves and they have zero redeemable qualities aside from the superficial.


We need more and more elves in the game.


The High Elves supported it and were very happy to kick the Blood Elves out of Dalaran and also wanted to kill them in Panda Land on the Isle of Thunder.

There’s bad blood between them that doesn’t just go away overnight. Especially when the leader of the Silver Covenant will never forgive the Horde or the Blood Elves for the death of Rhonin.


I want to point out the irony here in that blood elves have sided with Kael’thas (who tried to give them over to the Legion), with Garrosh (who used them as fodder in Pandaria), with Sylvanas (who used them as fodder against the Scourge, and later the Alliance), and that the Horde as an entity tried to wipe them out in the Second War (and that the Zandalari tried to wipe them out via the Amani in Cata, and are now their allies).

The high elves, meanwhile, saw the writing on the wall and went to go hang out with their actual allies who don’t actively treat them like dirt, and are regarded as traitors. The irony is thick.


At this point we were fighting against Kael’thas. We ended up fighting our own people who were corrupted by the Legion.

We were notably so against Garrosh that Lorthemar entertained the idea of leaving the Horde.

None of us nor our leader voiced support of what she was doing. And it lead to a schism in the Horde.

None of that makes us traitors. It made Kael, Garrosh and Sylvanas traitors though.

Really? So when was the last time the Alliance made anything Helves do a priority or even a focus in your faction? Anasterian left because elf issues were always handled last. And even Tyrande got frustrated with that when Nelves needed the help of the Alliance.



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Half elves, sure.

high elves. at this point nah.

I saw at least one thread during BfA of someone pitching the Alliance getting dark trolls, who suffer the glaring issue of being extinct.

People were already begging for vulpera to be Alliance-only or neutral long before they or mechagnomes were announced. Plus the threads when Mag’har were datamined and people unironically believed that they’d join the Alliance, the occasional Alliance goblin thread, the bizarre obsession with Alliance tauren, and Alliance posters and sympathizers being violently insistent that the Horde-leaning sethrak would join the Alliance for the sake of parity. I’m convinced a lot of them just don’t want the Horde to have anything unique to them, not even the races that the average Alliance player would have no interest in playing, it all has to belong to the Alliance for some reason.

Well put. They’re a race that exists to be in a constant spat with the blood elves, yet they receive the constant praise of “They’re so cool” (they’re extremely milquetoast and any perceived coolness is fanon), “They’ve done more than some playable Alliance races” (objectively wrong), “They could restore the game/the Alliance population” (objectively wrong and grossly hyperbolic), etc. What real impact would it have on the playerbase or the Alliance if the Horde exterminated all or most of the Silver Covenant at some point?


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Nelf for life!
Best race


To be fair, I do love nightelves. Probably my favorite elf race overall. But I like a lot of races in this game.


#blood elves best race
#blood elves master race.


Please, no more elves. There’s already too much!!! I say if we get more elves then we should get more trolls to balance it out, there’s so many different and cool trolls and we only have 2. Infinitely better than Elves.

The mess with Alleria aside, the issue with void elves is lack of set up. It would have been one thing to have an entire zone storyline to introduce and develop them like Suramar was for the Nightborn. On that note, I would have gladly sacrificed Stormheim as currently written and turned it into an expedition led by the Silver Covenant. So no Vrykul that retcon the ones seen in Northrend (since in Wrath vrykul were all viking vampires that worshipped the Lich King), no Sylvannas or Genn, just Silver Covenant stuff (forced to interact with Horde players because fighting the Legion is more important) and an incident that begins turning them into void elves. In fact, if Alleria had met a void-touched Varessa on Argus, that could be used to push her into accepting Locus Walker’s offer in addition to the death of X’era.

This, of course, assumes that void elves were always in the cards and had been planned early in Legion’s development instead of pulled out of the devs’ rear ends because Allied race hype.

This is blatantly false, as the high elf threads would have disappeared if they had been introduced as an allied race during Legion. The complains come because this is something that has been asked for since vanilla WoW, but Blizzard instead of giving people what they wanted or ensuring they never create a demand for high elves opted to yank Alliance players’ chain. Repeatedly. That sort of thing creates an understandable level of resentment.

Mind that even I see this and I’m far from an elf fan (the closest thing to an Elf I have is my troll priest).