Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?


There’s plenty in Silvermoon, and a scattered handful of miscellaneous ones who aren’t worth this much attention.


speak for yourself. I personally would not enjoy a wasted alliance race slot.


I think mechagnomes and Kul’tiran are wasted Alliance slots. Like I said, to each their own.


Those are Blood Elves.


Right, high elves.


No, Blood. They prefer that you use the correct name.


Don’t care about your headcanon.


It’s the game lore.


Yes. That the high elves in this game are called Blood Elves now, is that game lore.


Yeah it’s almost like I feel the game has enough elves and that the game should add any of the dozen or so other races that have actual uniqueness and distinction to them instead.

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No, those are Blood Elves. The High Elves still exist as High Elves.


You’re still a Blood Elf. You could easily play any of the non elf races as your main if you want uniqueness that isn’t Elf.

Like Mechagnome.


You’re missing the point of this and it’s kind of sad how obvious it is.

Every playable race in the game should IMHO bring something new and unique to both the game and the faction that they are to be a part of; This could be an archetype, a philosophy or an appearance but it needs to be something that distinguishes them and makes them unique.

The blood elves brought a lot to the horde when TBC was unveiled in 2007; you had a race that would via conventional logic be “good” and that they should thus be part of the alliance with the other “good” races… but here they were in the horde, a group of “evil” races so people were forced to confront the idea that the elves weren’t as pure as they’d convince themselves, the horde wasn’t neccesarily “evil” and that being part of the horde was more nuanced then simply being a monster.

This simple decision elevated the game from both a depth and marketability stand point.

As to examples of races I’d have rather seen then Shaldorei and Rendorei:

  • Ethereals
  • Arakoa
  • Hozen
  • Jinyu
  • Ogres
  • Saurak
  • Dragonspawn
  • Gnolls
  • Murlocs

This isn’t even getting into the truly wild choices.


All those would take way more work and be less popular than High Elves.

Void Elves are the #1 most popular allied race and Lightforged and Void are way more popular than the other Legion allied races.

You may want these things but the fanbase is clear on what they will actually play as.


I like how you clearly didn’t read the point I made about the importance of distinction so let me state it flatly for you due to your goldfishesgue attention span:

The High elves are the second most boring and generic race in the game. The only thing that actually defines them in any real way is their need to be waifu material for horny writers. That’s the sum total of their existance and the fact that you tried to cite the siege of suramar as being a good example of them being important proves this point.

Like Baalbuddy summed up Wow’s high elves pretty succinctly in this video here:

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Players would go crazy for High Elves and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.


Objectively false if there is the desire to have a compelling narrative with any semblence of depth.

Players would go crazy for murlocs and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for ogres and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for dragonspawn and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for hozen and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for ethereals and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for gnolls and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for saurak and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for kobolds and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for grummels and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for quillboar and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for botani and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.

Players would go crazy for saberon and they wouldn’t take too much for Blizzard to add. It’s a massive pay off and pleases a lot of players.


This is what i’ve been saying for years too. The “Void Elves” if they really wanted to go that route would have been a way better fit if they had been Elves who were with Turalyon and Alleria this entire time. I have to say that it was kind of a let down when we got to Argus and saw there were apparently no other Alliance soldiers who survived along with them. Even if it was just a few random NPCs. But that would have been a good backstory. If that was their story and they had options like Normal hair and skin tones from the start, i think a lot of the backlash against Void Elves would have been nonexistent. If anything, if they went this route, it may have caused people to be more interested in this twist on High Elves and embrace it. Especially since there’s a lot of people who enjoy that “Darker” twist on elves which has some Warcraft 3 Shades to it. And especially having that on the Alliance side.

They really handled the Alliance’s Legion ARs poorly. I think it was quite backwards from what it should have been.

Lightforged should simply been a customization for Draenei. Along with giving them their racials. The Allied Race SHOULD have been Broken/Krokuul. The other races should have High/Void Elves.


No they wouldn’t. Players typically don’t play ugly races. Hence why the ugliest races are the least played while elves are the most.

And no. High Elves would take far less work than any of those races you spammed and would be far more popular.


The word “Players” does not mean only Xaxuu