Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Void Elves live in actual cities so they take care of themselves.

Blood Elves cannot even fly in Silvermoon so are forced into Mud Huts in Orgrimmar as the Horde doesn’t let them rent high class houses.

We… live on a rock…


i will give u that bc i too wish to have a bath once in a silvermoon lol but mud opens the pores or cleanse or something so eh. i take what i can get

Better than my pumpkin patch.


That connects to Stormwind.

Living it up.

ha ha I suppose that’s true. Lore aside. I didn’t get to do any of the alliance stuff. I only made a night borne.

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No need to sling mud now. We still have half a city.

Maybe one day that’ll get fixed.

Probably when they make an expansion to unite all of the elves back together in one giant capital. I’m talking night borne, night elves, blood elves, high elves, and void elves. Then then they will craft a large central location for them. I expect the Sunwell will still be used.

That’s not happening. There’s too much hatred between the Elves.

High Elves and Blood Elves hate each other and the Void Elves will never forgive the Blood Elves for their exile.


I believe the void elves don’t hate the blood elves at like all, as a matter of fact it’s the rest of the horde they don’t like.


Even Blood Elves and High Elves have been, outside a very brief period in Outland during which ends-over-means ideology was prominent, basically the same culture. They’re just under different leadership (in the High Elves case, not necessarily any leadership).

Which… is the same difference that lies between a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.

The term High Elf doesn’t assume any particular allegiance, except in that they’re not part of the Sin’dorei government and probably aren’t within Alleria’s cohort (unless from before her Void infusion / an old friend or subordinate from the Army of the Light).

As such, a “High Elf” would simply continue on much as before, technically neutral (as their formal membership in the Alliance was short-lived and such formalities depend on government decree) with pragmatic and traditional ties to many member-cultures of the Alliance that a given High Elf may or may not hold to.

  • If they were there when Garithos decided to upgrade from racist xenophobe to attempted race-culler, they’d probably be at least formerly Blood Elves (perhaps dropping out before others stepped up to split the faction and replace Kael’thas as its leaders). And if not, they’d probably still have a pretty strong fellowship with many of the peoples and groups in the Alliance.

Important news.



No, they do hate Blood Elves.

Blood Elves exiled them. The rest of the Horde had no idea what happened until after the fact.

Well, I mean they exiled one group who ate a dodgy artifact and turned into zombies


We don’t talk about the zombies. No side wants to claim them.

Well, then the exile problem is settled


Source this please.

Here’s what Umbric has to say about the topic

"We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.

We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold."



Where did that come from? Because it has my interest.