Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Void Elves aren’t the zombies.

They’re into tentacles.

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The quest with baine that just got added (totems are tauren (either flavor) only. But there is a caber toss toy too


But the only elves we know who got exiled are now wretched


There’s a lot this minipatch that is RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS.

Is it something my tauren shaman (or death knight) can use? Looks like a yes.

It’s a nice quest, I feel like it makes up a bit for the heritage quest being kinda generic


Umbric and his followers were exiled for their void research. It talks about this during the recruitment quest.

The tauren totem pole is really neat. I hope they add more race unique weapons/armor pieces as “secret” rewards.

All I can think of is verdant sphere for belves, shadow hunter glaives for trolls and maybe a replica of that new gorehowl for orcs.

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that would be cool

grats on the totem!

No one wants to claim the Wretched. Not even the Nightborne will do it.

I’ll take the wretched if they come in a package deal with the fel blood.

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It’s a pity that I can’t post pictures because the Inigo Montoya “that word does not mean what you think it means” picture would be apropos right about now.

As I’ve pointed out in the past, high elves have been accessories and have world presence, but have not developed in-world. The most Blizzard bothered to do with them after they appeared out of nowhere in Wrath was just reminders that they existed.

Development would be some decision or in-world event that changes the race as a whole. Kael’thas’ edict, as ridiculous as the idea behind it was (it’d be like the prime minister of Denmark announcing that the people of that country are no longer Danish, but Repli-Vikings) is a race-wide development. The Silver Covenant in Wrath was basically a reminder that high elves still existed, and that’s been pretty much it for them in terms of development. Cata again only told us they’re still around and did little of significance with them. MoP made them an accessory to Jaina’s time of craziness. Legion only had them there to get called out by Elisande.

If you want other examples of development, you need look no further than the night elves. They were setup for something that had actual potential when they sacrificed their immortality at the end of Warcraft III. That had many stories that could branch out and change them as a people (the low hanging fruits being a schism in night elf society and NElves being forced to reevaluate how they see and interact with the world now that they’re mortal).

Need I even mention the winners of the development lottery, AKA the dwarves? They started WoW going hard into archeology and managed to get their answers by the time Ulduar was discovered. Even now they’re still an authority when it comes to geology and archeology.

High elves have no development that comes even close to what I’ve mentioned, as they’ve been used as accessories to other stories (window dressing during Wrath, help Jaina during her crazy time). And this isn’t because they inherently suck as a race, but simply because nothing of worth has been written for them. You’d think they would have done, discovered or changed in some way since their reintroduction in Wrath, but instead they’ve remained static.

Their development was in mists and legion that dealt with the fallout of major events and served to push them even further away from their Bloodkin. They have a great base to build off of as the High Elves loyal to the Alliance cannot go home. They also left Dalaran as a major force so that they could more openly support the Alliance. At this point they’ve lost nearly everything.

I’m sure High Elves are even more bitter towards the Horde nowadays too due to the Nightborne betrayal, as High Elves died to help them in Legion. Then High Elves took in the Void Elves, to teach and watch over, as they can relate to being exiled from their home.

Vereesa even came to the aid of her homeland, despite exile, then was promptly told to leave Blood Elven lands after the crisis was averted. Barely any gratitude. Not that she would have stayed due to her hatred of Blood Elven leadership and decisions


This isn’t happening.

Some high elves are joining the void elves to learn how to use the void (along with some blood elves) and assumedly are becoming new void elves themselves.

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How did the Nightborne betray anyone by being told they weren’t welcome in the Alliance?


My point about hypocrisy related to how you are trying to have it both ways; that the high elves are omnipresent in the lore but that they have no actual distinction or development and that this could be resolved by them having more dedicated writing but that somehow doesn’t apply to the rendorei.

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Question is will they ever make high elves ?i doubt it. Which is sad. They gave void elves the option to look like them . But deep down its not the same. When Ion was asked if they would ever put high elves into the game he was always against it. So Probably never going to happen sadly. I wish I was wrong


Thankfully ion did go back on his word and explain that both Void Elves and Blood Elves are already equally High Elves.

Will we get the option to play void elf paladins though? Highelf paladin is what im assuming most people really want to play as

We will, they already said they are slowly working on removing class restrictions. Paladins are just one of them which will take longer since new assets need to be made.

I wonder how void elf paladins will work