Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I bet you are sucking up all of those arcane crystals.

sunwell is in working order, why would i need crystals?

I think this would do a lot to further satisfy what people want in terms of High Elves. I’d even settle if the EE effect as it stands now was less visible or looked something similar to how the Orc and Troll racials do when activated. By i’d support an arcane toggle to it.


We will never be satisfied until we actually get to be untainted high elves who never betrayed the Alliance.


“But there’s too few of them to be significant :rage::rage::rage:

Looks at the initial group of void elves
Looks at the wandering isles pandaren
Looks at the super rare and special dracthyr evoker


There’s still only like a couple dozen, if that, or Void Elves that exist too. It’s not easy making more of them.

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You can always make more through writing of new groups that we haven’t seen.

Imagine a lost faction of High Elves that reside in Avalon.


I’m all for adding more elves, but I have one extremely important requirement.

They need to round out the new female elf’s booty a bit more.

The night elf female booty is so scrawny.


There’s already plenty of High Elves.

Many still live in Lodges, Dalaran, and Stormwind. They’re so significant in numbers that they were a main alliance force in past expansions like Mists and Legion.


All the playable pandaren for both factions fit in one (1) balloon.

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Huh, that would be interesting. Although i don’t believe anyone has travled to the otherside of Azeroth in a very long time. If there are elves there it’s going to be a new kind.

Population was always the dumbest excuse not to make anything…

Did anyone mention the Darkspear being one tibe getting half murdered before they even left their home to go the the island Thrall finds them on where they are again being half murdered before then participating in a massive war alongside the Orcs and Tauren against the Legion with the help of the Night Elves and the Alliance?

Population was never a real excuse for anything.


I’m not denying that matter, although there’s unfortunately some who do.

I wish more people understand that.


Weren’t the Tauren going extinct too in WC3? Had Thrall not shown up they would have been wiped out by the Quilboars and Centaurs.


Yeah they were. Though technically at that time only the Bloodhoof Clan was included in any lore.

Also mostly just the Centaur. The Quillboar were kinda just around.


Like, the Darkspear were a very small and insignificant troll tribe.

They get booted around by all the other trolls until they leave. Then they get mass murdered and saved by Thrall in 3. And they’ve been through every single apocalypse that’s hit the factions since. But man do they keep on ticking

I mean, other than the dwarves, haven’t all the original races basically come close to extinction?


Then there are the Gnomes who lost over 85% of their population when their home got infected and invaded. Then lost more afterward yet somehow fill 2 race spots on the same faction.


Humans. Humans haven’t come terribly close. I mean…mauled by curses and undeath sure… but.