Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Trust me, if they do it- it won’t be because of me. Blizzard are masters of bad ideas.

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I’ll make threads about it being your fault.

Yeah it was all still a bit of a stretch and felt pretty forced, I feel like they could have done it better if they went more heavilly on the Bloodelves being desperate mana-vampires that the High elves didn’t want to accociate with and the high elves pushed for them to not be aloud back into the alliance… would have made more sense narativly.
The desperate mana addicts aspect was what made them fit atleast a bit into the horde because they were desperate, trying to survive and seen as monsters by the alliance.
But most of the shadier aspects of bloodelves got retconed.

Still I don’t mind being on the Horde, Green sausage is bigger than pink sausage, and a bloodelf’s got to eat

Ogres and Gnolls would be extremely hard to add in. Especially considering rigging gear for them. Gnolls would be the worst.

Or they could just call them Limited Races and not let them wear most gear for transmogs and have customizers like they did in Dragonflight.

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Those humans are distinct cultures though. Sort of like US, canada, England and scotland. All English speaking but much different.

The belf/velf/helf are all high elves not too many years ago, same exact culture and homeland.

In fact, current members of those groups can all be blood related to each other. It would be unlikely that many gilneans are closely related to kul’tirans.

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If memory serves, it was actually the Night elves that pushed for blood elves not being allowed back into the Alliance back in Vanilla with them revealing their Highborne past and what they did during the War of the Ancients.

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Yes i do and i would love to be able to play High Elves. But since Blizzard is all about the Horde and always has been, i highly doubt it ever happens. To be honest i was surprised they allowed for normal colored skin options for Void Elves.


If all BLizzard is gonna do is copy and paste Blood Elves and give them a different name then I dont want it, but if they actually want to create a unique model and body type for High Elves then im all for it

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Looks at male dracthyr visage
Yea I don’t see that happening.


The reason it was a dealbreaker was because Kael and his men were sentenced to death and had to escape their death sentence. Most of the Alliance was then killed off the rest of the way by Sylvanas and the dreadlords.

Tyrande at the time was not with them just yet. Nelves were still their own faction.

The Alliance of Lordaeron was dissolved. We went with the Horde because it had changed at that point and then was being lead by Jaina’s bestie Thrall. Who was changing the Horde to be the opposite of what it use to be. And assured us we’d be protected should our lands be invaded again. That was after Sylvanas introduced us to the Horde. And the Forsaken began helping us protect Silvermoon after they had broken from the Scourge.

Shame on BLizzard, Shame on their cow.

This is correct because they were suspicious of our continuing to use mana.

Yeah, it was Staghelm’s druids doing it on Staghelm’s orders behind Tyrande’s back, she didn’t know about it. but at that time Staghelm was as much the Nightelf leader as she was. I kind of miss that Nightelf powerstruggle between those two was far more interesting than the story archs we’ve had lately.

People say this but starting with the start of this game, she never had a good thing to say to me. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I just want to point out that some people who complain about “too many elves” don’t know their wow lore or the game’s history.

The first humanoid races were trolls → early elves, then it was really trolls and night elves controlling the world for a long time, until the sundering. After which we do get the quel’dorei split off, founding quel’thalas.

At this point there are no orcs, space goats, the dwarves are not above ground, and the humans are tiny little tribes. In fact, it is the quel’dorei elves that teach humans magic in the first place, without which you don’t get dalaran.

Some of the biggest events in the lore are elf related: war of the ancients, Arthas & the scourge (he had to use the sunwell after all). It makes a lot of sense to have playable night elves, blood elves, and high elves - especially since the difference between blood/high elves is largely political (a bit magical). Void elves were retconned, but not in the worst way since Alleria going to outland is deep in the lote.

Looking back at the Warcraft RTS, Elves play center stage, and high elves get basically a whole expansion of WCIII. Probably the only reason we don’t have playable high elves is, lore wise there’s VERY few of them. But also, there should be VERY few space goats as well, and though slightly more, gilneans should also be scarce.

So… At least high elves make more sense than like, vulpera that just sprung out of nowhere (even if i do like them).



Did you play a different RTS?

They weren’t in the first one.
They were flavor for the archers and one type of ship in 2 (with Alleria being one of a group of heroes that showed up in the Expansion Pack) and in 3 we see the birth of the Blood Elves.

It’d have been good to do this. Since it never really made sense that the void is toxic to the Sunwell. Since we have Shadow Priests…

cough night elves
also the archers were ENTIRELY elves.

I’ll give you the Night Elves in 3, but those aren’t the elves being discussed here.

But the high elves? in 2 they were basically cosmetic flavor. In 3 it was the backstory for the Blood Elves.

No, no more elves. There’s too many as it is. Enough.

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