Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

no you said youd give up on your pink hair crusade, if i gave up on having the title, high elf.

Void Elves and Blood Elves are equally High Elves as stated by Blizzard.
One is no more “bargain bin” than the other.


What most of them want is to play what Blizzard put before them. Be that the Silver Covenant (war criminals or not), Highvale Elves, Dalaran Denizens or just some random high elf who stuck with the Alliance on principle. (my brother plays the last one).

Can they do that by just rping a blood elf as that? Eh moderately. Can they do it with void elves? Very much so.

Like I don’t personally get the need to change the name tag or removing EE but I also get why some folk want to.

Just to be clear I’m not seeking another AR named high elf. I think since they’re doing the same thing they did to Wildhammer that it’s pretty much set with void elves. I expect only more customizations in that regard.

As far as good ARs for the Alliance…

Sethrak (remnants of the Faithless seeking asylum specifically.)

I can think of plenty I’d like… And many more.

More of a “were rare”. I generated new soldiers two weeks ago in my paladins order hall and half were high elves. Lol

Plus blizzard has consistently added them to paladin groups for years and they had their own trainer suggesting there is someone to train.

That said void elves should get void paladins lore wise.

Careful… The whispers can be dangerous…

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shes right tho. void elves have less than half of what blood elves have except skin colors.

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Which should be fixed.
Every race should have the level of customization as Dracthyr.


Every. :clap: Race. :clap: Should. :clap: Have. :clap: Dracthyr. :clap: Level. :clap: Customization. :clap:


I don’t really have a crusade, I also don’t do it to harm others or ruin races for other people, I legit have asked for it for every race but if I don’t get it, it’s not something I’m going to act like is hurting me because like anything else I’ll pick another color.

I mean I don’t see why any of you that claim you want our race, our options, etc. can’t play Horde it’s not going to kill you and as I said a bit ago with the whole faction stuff being chipped away you can and will be able to still play with friends so again it’s a non-issue literally.

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i’d like halflings and half elves. saberons would be cool too if they used the female worgen model for the fem version, especially if they used the wod skins


i’m not trying to ruin wow for blood elf players. i took my thalassian model seriously, prior to void elves. first, i made draenei and got the two orbs - orb of sindorei and orb of deception. then i got ai’li’s skymirror. then i got image swap potions. i could look like a high elf all day. got a bit tiresome keeping track of cooldowns but i was a woman on a mission. haha


Void Elves/High Elves don’t even ruin Blood Elves in the first place.
One is an Alliance High Elf, the other is a Horde High Elf.
Neither touches/interferes with the other.


having and using those orbs, certainly didnt make a difference. dunno how this is any different, other than its just the principle of the thing

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Much as I’d love them, I don’t think they’re likely. So I didn’t add them to my list.

I actually want these guys for the Horde myself.

dryads and naga.

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You must not read many comments from a lot of people because a lot of Blood Elf players and Horde players feel as though Blood Elves have been ruined due to the existence of Void Elves and them getting our stuff, further than that some Void Elf players and Alliance players feel the same way so whether you personally are trying to do that or not, it’s happened and happening so again it is what it is but it’s still how it is.

As for the rest of your post why don’t you just actually play the race full time like other people instead of trying to pretend like you are, I mean you could legit look the same all day every day while playing if you was playing the race, you wouldn’t need anything to make you look that way, you wouldn’t have to try to track cooldowns and you wouldn’t have to deal with the bleeding blue, glowing blue, sounding weird or bad hairstyles.

i do play it, just not full time. as i have proven. those are not my only blood elves either. some i have deleted over the years. some i have recreated on classic tbc/wrath, just so i can play thru their lowbie zones. so much ambiance and nostalgia.


see? wow classic blood elf, level 35, which is equivalent to level 500 on retail lol time spent.

Again, if you want the race, the look, whatever full time why wouldn’t you play it full time, that was my whole point and question I don’t see why you’d complain about having to do this or that to pretend when you can just go to character screen make one and be like bam new main.

i did that. even made a guild (on retail). then found out i had breast cancer and had to be off game for surgery and chemo. came back and one of my officers had taken over the guild, locked everybody out of the guild bank, de-ranked all of us, then stopped playing. so i wasnt able to apply to get it back even if he never came back, since i was no longer an officer. one of the rules, apparently. blizz said, sorry outta luck. i was so disgusted, i went back to alliance and just didnt make another guild.

Tuskarr are the most wanted race to be playable not high elfs. You can essentially still play one on the horde or alliance side.

With cross faction guilds you can now play as a blood elf “high elf” on alliance side.

We don’t have any substitutions for Tuskarr. So we should get Tuskarr and blizz shouldn’t listen to high elf fanatics.

Also we need troll beards more than high elfs.

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Ohh that would be neat. Kind of like night elf height but with belf and velf features.