Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

They basically are; when you listen to the things that people talk about with what they’d want with high elves one of the first things that comes up is invariably that they need paladins which isn’t something that would have been a thing for them since the first elven paladins (to the best of my knowledge outside of weird anomalies) was when the blood elves captured a Naaru and basically parasitized it to get that infusion of light.

The Nightborne are for all intents and purposes a time capsule of the kaldorei; they are what the night elves were at the time of the legion invasion and spent more or less 10,000 years in cultural stasis and when they came out I’d argue they were more in line with the Queldorei then they were with their hippy cousins.

The issue here is that high elves don’t actually have anything that really distinguishes them from Sindorei aside from their weebery for humans. That’s literally the only thing that stands out about them other then some nebulous “purity” claims that anyone has been able to articulate to me about them.

And honestly, as botched as the Rendorei may have been with their implementation, they’re still way deeper and possessed of more potential then the high elves.


referencing the ones who didnt return to quel’thalas following the scourge invasion because they didnt want to be anywhere near the massive fel crystals planted all over that zone. these were primarily the plaguelands high elves, who tried to go cold turkey on magic during the events of the pre-ignited sunwell. ion had them killed off anyway via a magic artifact, a sort of ironically sad end to people who’s only big sin was trying to get control over their own magic addiction


High Elf Paladins are rare, but they exist. Mehlar Dawnblade was a Paladin before he was a Blood Elf. Arator is a half elf, but was never a Blood Elf, though he does use the model because that’s what existed. There are others as well.


High elf paladins have been a thing since Wrath. They’re not as numerous but we’ve seen them during the Argent Tournament. It’s not an unreasonable request, nor does it constitute “wanting blood elves”.

High elves have been effectively static as a race since Wrath. Writing and lore can fill in the gaps, as several suggestions in the past have done. All it would take is Blizzard deciding to bother to write something for them that would make sense (void elves don’t make sense, by the way).

Being born of terrible writing does not equate to potential. If anything, the terrible foundation weakens any potential they might have because you’re going to have to spend time addressing the foundation first before you can try to develop them.

Even then, Void Elves are limited as a concept unless you start changing the rules and precedent that surround the void. As is, they’re bound to go insane and are ticking time bombs. This isn’t helped by the fact that alleviating any of the burdens linked to the void would weaken the void as a concept because you’re showing it’s something that can be easily dealt with. That’s not something you want to do with a supposedly cosmic force. In trying to be different for the sake of being different, Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner.


As you are typing do you take any time to make sure you aren’t engaging in hypocrisy?


As a player race, Void Elves don’t make sense. There simply shouldn’t be enough of them to warrant it.

Aleria had to devour the essence of a fallen Na’aru to become the first.

A small group was subjected to a ritual in the middle of a cosmic void.

Where did the, I’m guessing thousands of others come from to make up the numbers for all of the players that have one? There should be a waiting list, psych evaluation, and training period before any new elves are even considered to be brought in given that they are actively courting insanity by inviting the whispers in.


I do but i would be mostly satisfied with just a few more changes for Void Elves. Give them some decent hair options and an option to change the look of Entropic Embrace. This next part is probably unlikely but honestly i think they should just change the name of the race. Either to “High Elf” or some new title that better includes all the different Thalassian groups under that banner. High Elves, Void Elves, Darkfallen, etc. Give them a questline to get a High Elf transmog ensemble and maybe a mount. Similar to what Blood Elves got a while back with that paladin set.

A bonus would be tweaking some of their animations and their idle stance to make them stand out a bit compared to Blood Elves.


I mean, they make about as much sense as anything else.

Given that they come into existance via mutation it stands to reason that as long as their are thalassian elves they can keep replicating the process to create more of them and this would explain how they got access to more appearances down the road; they’re literally converting blood elves and high elves.

This is somewhat disingenuous since their is a clear implication that Aleria was something adjacent to Velves due to the circumstances related to her conversion (including parasitic infection by a void infected being, training by locus walker and finally her encounter with the fallen Naaru).

The hallmark of R&D isn’t actually creating something that is new, but rather the process of making things work better; smaller, faster, less resources and safer for the end user.

It stands to reason that between what they learned in the void, their previous research and Alleria’s insights they could therefore find ways to make the process work more efficiently.

How are you so sure that this didn’t happen?

They don’t show it happening, talk about it happening, hint that it happened, or even have a therapist’s office in the void. What is it the kids say? Screenshot or it didn’t happen?

Aethas was in a bad situation. If he told Jaina what he knew, he worried what Garrosh would do to his people. He kept his mouth shut and bet on Jaina being the more reasonable and least homicidal of the two.


There are no toilets in WoW so does this mean that no one poops?

in these environs, if it makes sense and nothing is available to contradict, then its the best answer. sadly, such answers are also called head canon because the written in stone facts are unknown. a logical answer is not necessarily the answer. we can base it on observation, rationale, history/lore, trends, but let us not forget the devs pen is mightier than any of that.

I mean, don’t get me wrong: the writing in this game has serious, inescapable problems with it’s penchant for retconning established lore in order to try and tell more stories (The Draenei for example have been subject to a ridiculous number of retcons and originally Azeroth was the name of a human kingdom and not the whole damn planet).

woo, following lovecraftian theory, azeroth is azathoth:

–wow wiki–

Azathoth, sometimes called “The Blind Idiot God”, the “Nuclear Chaos”, the “Daemon Sultan”, “The Deep Dark”, and “The Cold One”, is a fictional deity in the Cthulhu Mythos–portrayed as an Outer God and a supreme omnipotent being.


Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of writer H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. He is the ruler of the Outer Gods,[1] and may be seen as a symbol for primordial chaos.[2]

continues reading…
oh this stuff is fascinating

That’s because that’s all it’s ever been, legit they want a 1/1 copy/paste of the race with all customization options on Alliance because they figure they shouldn’t have to play Horde faction to play the race they supposedly want to play, it’s annoying given everyone else has to play whatever faction they have to play in order to play what they want to play but for some reason that crowd thinks they are special or something and shouldn’t have to like the rest of us.


The part that gets to me about this is that it feels like something that should have been resolved a decade ago.


Realistically it was when Blood Elves were added to Horde in BC, they just refuse to accept it, it’s why they still get bothered they didn’t actually get the race but an off shoot version because we already had it, legit I’ve seen it time after time and it’s like if Blizzard wanted to give them that race they would of they had two chances and instead they chose Horde and to give them the weird void corrupted version.


but the devs thought family feud fit the warcraft ethos. apparently.


There is way more to High Elves than wanting “Blood Elves with a blue background”

Setting aside the lore differences, there’s the matter of people not wanting to split away from their friends. I exclusively play Alliance, and all the friends I’ve ever made in-game do as well. So it makes sense to desire a race that is consistently shown to Alliance players, that would allow someone to look like a Thalassian elf without needing to be on the opposite faction away from those friends.

Before Void Elves, there was nothing like that available to Alliance players. Then we got Void Elves which was only half of what people had been requesting for years and years. Then we got more clearly “High Elf” customization which was a big step forward.

Cross faction guilds don’t solve the problem either, as you still run into the issue of faction barriers. Swapping to Blood Elf doesn’t let you TRULY play with your friends. Especially since a big group of the Alliance High Elf fan-base are RPers, there’s still faction barriers in the way like being unable to visit each others territory.


There are several. You can even use one if you do the Garrison thing.

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