Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Hold your horses there!
You wouldn’t want to be accused of stealing ideas from the Blood Elves, would you?


gnomes need their own proper city with a flight point, etc. cant believe they did the work to make questing hub for ya, but stuffed it in a corner of that huge zone. lol omygosh the possibilities for steampunk city. oh well.

and you also need more classes.

Gnome is just my posting character since I played a lot of WoW Classic back when it first came out and that was the entire reason I started going by “Lore” on everything. Originally my forums character was the actual Gnome Warlock I played but there was some server changes that made me have to change to a level 10 to maintain my posts.

On retail though I play a mix of Dracthyr Evoker, Pandaren Monk, and Night Elf Druid.
Waiting to be able to race change my shelved Paladin from Human to Void Elf.

I agree though that Gnomes need some love, they have gotten a lot of unnecessary hate throughout the years.

oh. well i have a couple gnomes. remember the go-cart tracks in gob starting zone. something like that in instanced gnomer, pure gold. lil copters you can fly around in the city, no matter your level. ah darn.

High Elf proponents have universally only ever wanted 1 thing: playable Alliance-aligned, untainted High Elves. As this 1 thing still has not been given, it’s unsurprising that many are still unhappy.

Imagine if you wanted a basic vanilla cake from the only baker in town. You ask for one, only to be told no, because they’re making one for your neighbor instead.

You come back a month later. The baker has been putting pictures of vanilla cakes on social media, and they look really good. You ask for it again, only to be told that your order is too small and it’s not worth selling just one cake to you, so no.

Another month later, you see that the baker now advertises single serving orders. You go back and ask for a vanilla cake. The baker takes your money and gives you a blueberry cake instead.

You are angry and demand the vanilla cake that you wanted. Supporters of the baker start arguing with you for being ungrateful. They say that vanilla cake is boring and that you don’t deserve a vanilla cake because you just got a blueberry cake. Cake is cake. Just pretend it’s vanilla and eat it. NO MORE CAKES. You vanilla cake people keep making demands and will never be happy no matter what you’re given.

But you still just really want a vanilla cake. So you keep asking.


the vanilla cake you wanted but cant have because its boring and so no more vanilla cake, its dolled up in some horns, tats and batwings ANNND… immediately given to the original vanilla cake recipient. you’re like wait, i thought there was no more vanilla cake and its boring lol apparently not.

somewhere out there, some resourceful baker will bake a vanilla cake and decorate it with illidari tats and bat wings.


What are the Dracthyr cake-wise for the folk who keep saying they’re more elves?

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vanilla on the inside,sprinkles on the outside. hehe with wings and horns. hmm. sensing a pattern


My take would be something like a meat pie that is made in the shape of a vanilla cake. Sort of looks like a vanilla cake but is a completely different thing.

And props to Anderew for the comparison. I’ve been trying to come up with an analogy for this mess for a while, and he put it better than I ever could have.


[Citation needed]

Every canon source we have disagrees with you. Lor’themar and Halduron were decidedly kept in the dark. Rommath had his suspicions that something was afoot, but wasn’t clued in on the scheme either. I spent more time than I care to admit looking into this, and there is no ingame or novelized statement to the contrary.

Aethas, who is not a racial leader I must stress, may have turned a blind eye.

I say “may have”, because I went deep-diving a bit on wowpedia and wowhead. He was once supposed to confront the player-character in the act, scold them for going along with Garrosh’ plan and abusing Kirin Tor resources to do it - and then decide to let them go, crossing his fingers that a betrayed Jaina would be more forgiving than a disappointed Warchief.

We all know how that shook out for the Sunreavers.

That dialogue-content never made it into the game however, and the later moment of Aethas awkwardly shuffling on the Thunder Isle was meant to be a reference to that content - which then strangely did make it into the game, despite the reference having no context. Cue years and years of uncertainty of what that shuffle meant.

Aethas, personally, wants to salvage a friendship. He says so. It isn’t an agenda on behalf of Blood Elves as a whole.


I don’t think it will happen realistically.
They’re either going to continue adding customizations to Void Elves, or maybe they’ll make High Elf a neutral race (like Pandaren) and then you have to choose which faction out of some new starter zone.

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Turning a blind eye to a betrayal and not warning anyone about it is as much a betrayal as being directly involved. Aethas is guilty of betraying the Kirin Tor, and Jaina specifically since it was partly her word that got them into the city in the first place.


Assuming this is what happened, certainly. As I mentioned, the actual event of Aethas finding out never made it into the game, and hasn’t been elaborated upon since afaik. The recent Trading Post event does hint at his personal guilt weighing on him years later however, so it could well be that he did know more than he originally let on.

Regardless of what Aethas did or did not know had transpired, the “Blood Elven leadership” knew nothing - which was the claim I originally meant to refute.


He was the leader of that squad. And from what I was able to read, his underlings were arrested, not killed off. They were later released, and clearly the Horde ban in Dalaran didn’t stick for long, though the guards were notably replaced by Undead… who should really be seen as untrustworthy by everyone after everything that’s happened.

It’s a bit iffy, because while there was a single Sunreaver mage involved in the Divine Bell’s theft, he supposedly acted under orders from Garrosh Hellscream rather than Aethas. Then again, the argument could be made that he was acting through his position of Sunreaver, which ultimately meant that the responsibility lay with his superior - which was Aethas.

Aethas honestly isn’t my main gripe though. At his most infuential, his sphere of direct authority was the Sunreavers in Dalaran, not the Blood Elves as a people.


Really, the thing about high elves and those demanding them is that a lot of it just comes across as disingenuous when you strip away all the pablum: what they want is blood elves with a blue blue background. You might think I’m making that up but whenever you read what people write about with the idea of high elves it’s pretty much just stuff that only came about with the Sindorei.

The other end of it is that there are just so many other better choices for the alliance then a third kind of elf that is absolutely obsessed with humans to the point where that is apparently their only defining character trait.


I needed a good laugh this morning, thank you for that.

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Yes, High Elves should still happen. Void Elves ain’t it.


I think what they want is actual high elves. If they wanted Blood Elves, they would ask for them.

The Nightborne are basically Night Elves, yes? But they are a distinct culture with their own voice, abilities, and customization options. The same is what people want for Alliance High Elves.

Void Elves was closer to being “Blood Elves with a blue background” since immediately before becoming Void Elves, they were Blood Elves. Same culture and all. They’re different now, but High Elves would have been different far longer due to never buying into the whole Blood Elf thing.


The thing is, no one asked for Void Elves, as High Elves have been and still are heavily requested. Unfortunately (possibly fortunately for deniers) High Elves are very unlikely with the new customization for Void Elves, and Blizzard’s abandonment of Allied Races.